ruffle-rs / ruffle

A Flash Player emulator written in Rust
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player_flv_mini.swf - not working and wrong color #15394

Open Benman2785 opened 9 months ago

Benman2785 commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug works fine with flash (also its the correct black color) - while ruffle renders the player differently and it is not playing the flv

Expected behavior

player is "black" not white player can show flv file

Content Location

Affected platform

Desktop app

Operating system

Win11 latest


Firefox & Chrome

Additional information

actually it would be nice if we add flv with h264, h265 and AV1 support into ruffle.

also: make it possible for the swf to read the rtmp://.// stream directly - so that we can livestream to our own servers :)

Benman2785 commented 9 months ago

about the rtmp part - if i use "jwplayer" it works fine with x264 (but not with AMD AMF - as its not FLV 1.1 standard)

also jwplayer doesnt work with "ruffle and rtmp" yet

Toad06 commented 3 weeks ago

The issue is here:

class ATemplate {
// ...
var video = _root.video_mc; // undefined in Ruffle
function ATemplate() {
// ...

This code is executed within a DoInitAction tag, which means it runs before any PlaceObject2 tags are processed. However, video_mc is an instance created by a PlaceObject2 tag... This causes the video variable to hold an undefined value and leads to the issues described in the bug report. I don't know how Flash handles this.

A workaround for this file is to set = _root.video_mc; directly within the ATemplate function.

torokati44 commented 3 weeks ago

Can confirm that the actual video decoding part is working fine. To test easily in Flash Player: ./flashplayer ''

torokati44 commented 3 weeks ago

The audio part will be fixed by #16526.