ruffle-rs / ruffle

A Flash Player emulator written in Rust
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Issue with running a .swf produced by converting a .sb2 file using Ruffle and on MSPFA #15915

Open illusoryMechanist opened 2 months ago

illusoryMechanist commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

First, I should probably preface that I think this plausibly could be one of three things:

  1. An issue with Ruffle
  2. An issue with MSPFA
  3. An issue with the converter tool (which is unmaintained)

I'm not sure which one exactly this is, so I'm going to also post this error to MSPFA as well.

As for the bug itself: image Instead of automatically running (specified in the converter settings)- as it did when run on the ruffle desktop- the .swf displays the scratch flag and does not run.

Expected behavior

Upon ruffle being activated, the .swf file should load and automatically run. This was a simple test swf, so I placed 3 "Scratch Cats" on the stage area- one in the upper left, one in the center, and one in the lower right- and set them to immediately "say" "Hello!"

Here is what it looks like on the desktop: image

The desktop version being used is the Linux nightly build of ruffle. Here is the specific "about" info:

Version 0.1.0 Channel nightly Build Time Sat Apr 6 00:08:15 2024 Commit Ref 4c8d0704dbf1975e61edb180a80d75ad06d0eca7 Commit Time Sat Apr 6 00:50:33 2024 Build Features default, ruffle_video_software, software_video

Content Location - The file itself ( - Where the swf is located - the .sb2 file that was converted into the flash file

Affected platform

Self-hosted version

Operating system

Linux Mint 21.1 x86_64


Waterfox G6.0.11 (64-bit)

Additional information

Player Info

Allows script access: false Renderer: wgpu Adapter Backend: Gl Adapter Name: "Intel(R) HD Graphics 400" Adapter Device Type: IntegratedGpu Adapter Driver Name: "" Adapter Driver Info: "" Enabled features: Features(FLOAT32_FILTERABLE | TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_BC | TEXTURE_ADAPTER_SPECIFIC_FORMAT_FEATURES | SHADER_UNUSED_VERTEX_OUTPUT) Available features: Features(TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_ETC2 | TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_ASTC | PUSH_CONSTANTS | CLEAR_TEXTURE) Current limits: Limits { max_texture_dimension_1d: 8192, max_texture_dimension_2d: 8192, max_texture_dimension_3d: 2048, max_texture_array_layers: 256, max_bind_groups: 4, max_bindings_per_bind_group: 1000, max_dynamic_uniform_buffers_per_pipeline_layout: 8, max_dynamic_storage_buffers_per_pipeline_layout: 0, max_sampled_textures_per_shader_stage: 16, max_samplers_per_shader_stage: 16, max_storage_buffers_per_shader_stage: 0, max_storage_textures_per_shader_stage: 0, max_uniform_buffers_per_shader_stage: 11, max_uniform_buffer_binding_size: 65536, max_storage_buffer_binding_size: 0, max_vertex_buffers: 8, max_buffer_size: 268435456, max_vertex_attributes: 16, max_vertex_buffer_array_stride: 255, min_uniform_buffer_offset_alignment: 32, min_storage_buffer_offset_alignment: 256, max_inter_stage_shader_components: 128, max_compute_workgroup_storage_size: 0, max_compute_invocations_per_workgroup: 0, max_compute_workgroup_size_x: 0, max_compute_workgroup_size_y: 0, max_compute_workgroup_size_z: 0, max_compute_workgroups_per_dimension: 0, max_push_constant_size: 0, max_non_sampler_bindings: 1000000 } Surface quality: high Surface samples: 4 Surface size: (550, 400, 1) Player type: Object SWF URL: Attribute 0: undefined Attribute 1: undefined Attribute 2: undefined Attribute 3: undefined Attribute 4: undefined

Page Info


Browser Info

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0 Platform: Linux x86_64 Has touch support: false

Ruffle Info

Version: 0.1.0 Name: nightly 2024-04-06 Channel: nightly Built: 2024-04-06T00:05:21.603Z Commit: 4c8d0704dbf1975e61edb180a80d75ad06d0eca7 Is extension: false


width: 650 height: 450 frameRate: 24 numFrames: 1 swfVersion: 14 backgroundColor: undefined isActionScript3: true uncompressedLength: 6606646

Lord-McSweeney commented 2 months ago

This runs fine for me (on Firefox 124)- are there any ERROR logs in the browser console?

illusoryMechanist commented 2 months ago

Per a comment by a discord member on the discord - this flash is evidently working as intended for some users, just not on my end. Will try running it on a different device and/or different broswers

illusoryMechanist commented 2 months ago

This runs fine for me (on Firefox 124)- are there any ERROR logs in the browser console?

This is the browser console log:

Some cookies are misusing the recommended “SameSite“ attribute 12 This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “<!DOCTYPE html>”. top.njs This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “<!DOCTYPE html>”. bottom.njs This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “<!DOCTYPE html>”. side.njs InstallTrigger is deprecated and will be removed in the future. bootstrap:2 onmozfullscreenchange is deprecated. bootstrap:2 onmozfullscreenerror is deprecated. bootstrap:2 This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “<!DOCTYPE html>”. matched.njs This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “<!DOCTYPE html>”. ads This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “<!DOCTYPE html>”. ads Request to access cookie or storage on “” was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled.

Request to access cookie or storage on “” was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled.

Request to access cookie or storage on “” was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled. 8 This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “<!DOCTYPE html>”. ads Request to access cookie or storage on “” was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled.

Request to access cookie or storage on “” was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled. 9 Request to access cookie or storage on “” was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled. 10 Feature Policy: Skipping unsupported feature name “attribution-reporting”. 2 ads Request to access cookie or storage on “” was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled.

Partitioned cookie or storage access was provided to “” because it is loaded in the third-party context and dynamic state partitioning is enabled.

Partitioned cookie or storage access was provided to “” because it is loaded in the third-party context and dynamic state partitioning is enabled.

Partitioned cookie or storage access was provided to “” because it is loaded in the third-party context and dynamic state partitioning is enabled.

This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “<!DOCTYPE html>”. ads Request to access cookie or storage on “” was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled.

Partitioned cookie or storage access was provided to “” because it is loaded in the third-party context and dynamic state partitioning is enabled.

Request to access cookie or storage on “” was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled.

WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER. core.ruffle.e74796a9f7eaa248cb19.js:1:38288 Source map error: Error: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. Resource URL: Source Map URL:

One additional note though is that it takes several seconds to load- it noticeably slows down the webpage and only displays a white screen, before eventually displaying the green flash

illusoryMechanist commented 2 months ago

Per a comment by a discord member on the discord - this flash is evidently working as intended for some users, just not on my end. Will try running it on a different device and/or different browsers

This is working on Kiwi browser on my android phone- it does display the flag for a split second, which it does not on the desktop version, but this may be a quirk of the conversion process rather than an actual bug with ruffle. It might be good to try converting the .sb2 file to .swf using the tool via an official Adobe Flash distribution if possible, to confirm what the intended behavior was - the only things I set to use in the editor was a 650x450 aspect ratio and automatically playing, for reference. (It does still take a second to load though)

(I have been unsuccessful in getting flash to work on my setup, hence my use of ruffle, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that myself.)

illusoryMechanist commented 2 months ago

Tried running it on my computer on Edge flatpak, I saw the same behavior as on Waterfox. Here is the console log:

Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'attribution-reporting'. Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'run-ad-auction'. Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'join-ad-interest-group'. Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'browsing-topics'. Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'attribution-reporting'. Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'run-ad-auction'. Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'join-ad-interest-group'. Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'browsing-topics'. ruffle:2 New Ruffle instance created (Version: nightly 2024-04-06 | WebAssembly extensions: ON | Used renderer: wgpu-webgl) ruffle:2 Loading SWF file ruffle_web-wasm_extensions.js:932 ERROR core/src/display_object/ Got "RustError("A script in this movie has taken too long to execute and has been terminated.")" when constructing AVM2 side of movie clip of type Loader::SB2Loader /locale/lang_list.txt:1

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
alexsoddlife commented 4 days ago

I have some projects that I've converted from Scratch 2.0 to SWF years ago, and I recently tested them with Ruffle. The projects seem to run, though they still have issues. I know it's already been confirmed that Scratch projects run on some browsers, (I'm using Google Chrome) however I'm here to add additional information. One major issue is that there's no sound; so scripts that rely on sound to properly execute (mainly playing a sound until it is done) will hang. In the game B!T for example, it's relying on a "collect" sound to finish playing before it can summon the coin again; and since sound isn't being properly emulated, the script fails to run and the coin never reappears. Another big (though slightly less major) issue is that text will display improperly; it seems like only half of each letter is actually displayed.

Below I have attached links to the original SWF files that I have tested with Ruffle. Screenshots of both SWFs running under Ruffle are also displayed. (B!T) (Character Showcase: Alex Parr) B!T CSAP