ruffle-rs / ruffle

A Flash Player emulator written in Rust
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Reporting malfunction of "The Rosefinch Curse" ("泞之翼" in Chinese) and "The Cube Hotel" ("泞之翼2") #16585

Open donmor opened 6 months ago

donmor commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug

This game is now almost playable, but some objects is in wrong place, not only rendered object, but also clicking events. 微信图片_20240604142944 微信图片_20240604143339 微信图片_20240604143648 微信图片_20240604144054 I'll continue on gameplay so here may be more screenshots.

Expected behavior

Everything goes well of course.

Content Location

Game: A tool to rip the swf from projector: This game is donation-ware. SWF attached:

Affected platform

Desktop app

Operating system

Windows 10


No response

Additional information

The online demo failed to start game play, the green "GAME START" is not clickable.

donmor commented 6 months ago

Route D clear. Here's the glitches: 微信图片_20240604155214 微信图片_20240604155341 微信图片_20240604155929 微信图片_20240604161502 微信图片_20240604161541 微信图片_20240604164428 微信图片_20240604165308 微信图片_20240604172523 One more thing is that game became extremely slow as time elapses. This affects in-game timer, and generates inaccurate results

Edit: One more pic during Ending C: 微信图片_20240604215902

donmor commented 6 months ago

New glitches in route C: 微信图片_20240604183608 微信图片_20240604183938

donmor commented 6 months ago

New glitches in route B (Route A has same accessible areas, skipping): 微信图片_20240604191013 微信图片_20240604193012 微信图片_20240604193752 微信图片_20240604193854 微信图片_20240604195441 微信图片_20240604200716 微信图片_20240604200739 微信图片_20240604203039 微信图片_20240604203108 Edit: +1 微信图片_20240605111200

donmor commented 6 months ago

Route E currently not playable, because some clickable objects go out of the screen: 微信图片_20240605111843 微信图片_20240605112436 微信图片_20240605112911 微信图片_20240605114315

Edit: Continue testing by replacing save files: 微信图片_20240606202031 微信图片_20240606205929 微信图片_20240606211639 (Another object-out-of-screen bug)

donmor commented 6 months ago

Testing "The Cube Hotel" ("泞之翼2") -> It is a sequel to "The Rosefinch Curse" Ending A/B playable, with glitches: 微信图片_20240605160043 微信图片_20240605160209 微信图片_20240605160444 微信图片_20240605160732 微信图片_20240605162920 微信图片_20240605163213 微信图片_20240605163704 微信图片_20240605163817 微信图片_20240605163927 微信图片_20240605163957 微信图片_20240605164433 微信图片_20240605165838 微信图片_20240606091656 微信图片_20240606092330 微信图片_20240606093817 微信图片_20240606093948 微信图片_20240606094953 微信图片_20240606095403 微信图片_20240606101209 微信图片_20240606101558 微信图片_20240606101806 微信图片_20240606101902 Saving system is extremely unstable, dropping total records and auto save every time on reset.

donmor commented 6 months ago

Ending C in progress completed 微信图片_20240606113514 微信图片_20240606115411 微信图片_20240606121442 微信图片_20240606122027 (A bug making moon block not consumed to get the torch, making K5 accessible) 微信图片_20240606125548 微信图片_20240606130731 微信图片_20240606132942 微信图片_20240606150302 微信图片_20240606160004 微信图片_20240606165356 微信图片_20240606170209 微信图片_20240606171149

donmor commented 6 months ago

Uploading two save files that may access all rooms in this game:

donmor commented 6 months ago

Hidden ending D: 微信图片_20240606181656 微信图片_20240606182017 微信图片_20240606182829 微信图片_20240606182851 微信图片_20240606182905 微信图片_20240606191551 微信图片_20240606193048 Currently this ending is not playable without modifying save files, because one of the portraits cannot be clicked.