ruffle-rs / ruffle

A Flash Player emulator written in Rust
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Socket connection not working in game Thorvarium #17277

Open MuriloucoLouco opened 1 month ago

MuriloucoLouco commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

When attempting to connect to a XMLsocket server, the game shows the error The _socket.connect() method call returned false... No errors where reported on the console log. The game was ran with ruffle --tcp-connections allow --socket-allow "", and just ruffle (no prompt showed up).

Expected behavior

The game should start a socket connection to a server (a local server, This error does not occur in Adobe Flash Player 7, nor Newgounds player. It connects perfectly (in my private server, or just running nc -lvp 9000).

Content Location

Affected platform

Desktop app

Operating system



No response

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No response

Lord-McSweeney commented 1 month ago

This is failing even before it enters any socket code. The game uses a weird custom socket class:

FFDK.Socket = function(session)
    this._session = session;
    this._status = "closed";
FFDK.Socket.valueOf = function()
    return "[FFDK.Socket Constructor]";
FFDK.Socket.prototype.toString = function()
    return "[FFDK.Socket (status=" + this._status + ")]";
FFDK.Socket.prototype._type = "FFDK.Socket";
FFDK.Socket.prototype.__proto__ = XMLSocket.prototype;
FFDK.Socket.prototype.connectXMLSocket = XMLSocket.prototype.connect;
FFDK.Socket.prototype.closeXMLSocket = XMLSocket.prototype.close;
FFDK.Socket.prototype.getStatus = function()
    return this._status;
FFDK.Socket.prototype.getSession = function()
    return this._session;
FFDK.Socket.prototype.connect = function(host, port)
    this._status = "opening";
    var r = this.connectXMLSocket(host,port);
        this._status = "closed";
    return r;

Despite XmlSocket using NativeObject, it seems that with this type of fiddling it fails to properly fill out the native data.