ruffle-rs / ruffle

A Flash Player emulator written in Rust
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[Xeno Tactic] Game Stuck after first Level #5386

Open wankoelias opened 2 years ago

wankoelias commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

After finishing the first Level of Xeno Tactic the game is stuck and doesn't exit the Level. Therefore it is not possible to play other levels than Level 1.


Expected behavior

There should be a transition into the level selection menu as seen here:

Affected platform

Browser's extension

Operating system

Ubuntu 18.04


Firefox 92.0

Additional information

Tried both with online demo and browser extension. Tried also with Chrome (94.0.4606.54) and demo.

desertking commented 2 years ago

Still open with the current version. Just tested it again. Any update on this one?

vitexikora commented 2 years ago

Issue still persists. Should be also noted that in every wave, after all creeps are killed, it is not possible to click the "Send next wave" button. You have to wait till the time runs out. It is likely related - the game simply cannot tell when the wave is finished.

Toad06 commented 2 years ago

This will work once #5492 gets merged.

djanz commented 2 years ago

Still nothing changed on this one I see? The issue still persists.

wlcina commented 2 years ago

Issue persist - Level 1, after 20th wave timer is zero (0) and game wont continue. Send next wave button disappears after 1st wave and there is just empty space (not recognizing mouse buttons)

sacred157 commented 2 years ago

hello , j'ai trouvé le moyen de jouer avec send next wave et tous les niveaux sans blocage . il faut télécharger le jeu sur extraire le zip sur le bureau dans un dossier et cliquer sur l'icone"f xenotactic 11" dans le dossier.

mon record sur ce jeu en flash level 93 :

j'ai vu des joueurs finir ce jeu "la zone rouge" il y a très longtemps . C'était possible uniquement sur la borne d'arcade , une fois arrivés aux niveaux 90.91.92 ou 93 du jeu . Ils redonnaient un francs et le gars qui s'occupait des machines , l'ouvrait et cliquait sur un bouton à l'intérieur , cela redonnait 20 vies , et l'on pouvait aller au niveau cent sur le level rouge et finir le jeu , la dernière vague est épique , magnifique animation avec un xénos qui prend la moitié de l'écran .

lolok88 commented 1 year ago

Hey - if anyone is interested how to get it to work properly, here is a way that worked for me:

sacred157 commented 1 year ago

lolok88 génial ta soluce félicitation ,
le niveau 6 sur cette version ce n'est pas le niveau cauchemard mais le niveau enfer avec black out d'une partie de l'écran et vol de gold autant dire impossible .