ruflin / Elastica

Elastica is a PHP client for elasticsearch
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error bulk request #101

Closed zapatista closed 12 years ago

zapatista commented 13 years ago

when I try it, i receive this error

Message: Error in one or more bulk request actions

ruflin commented 13 years ago

This means adding some of your documents in your bulk requests is failing. There are different reasons for that.

You should make a try catch block around the bulk request call and catch Elastica_Exception_BulkResponse. Than you can use getFailures on the exception object to get more information on which documents failed, which probably gives you more details to find the "invalid" documents.

babour commented 13 years ago


I am having the same error when I try lo initialize elastica bundle using: php app/console foq:elastica:populate

After a thousand or so, I get: [Elastica_Exception_BulkResponse]
Error in one or more bulk request actions

Should I do the same? If so, where is the bulk request? in elasEtica source code?


ruflin commented 13 years ago


I assume you are using addDocuments somewhere. You should create a try / catch block around it (as described above).

ruflin commented 12 years ago

I closed this as I didn't get any message back in the last two days. So I assume it worked. If not, please reopen the issue.

thujeevan commented 11 years ago


I'm facing the same problem while i'm adding parent mapping I'm using

  1. FOQElastica bundle master,
  2. Elastica master branch
  3. elasticsearch 0.20.1

php Stack trace is

#0 /dir/to/src/vendor/elastica/lib/Elastica/Client.php(212): Elastica_Client->bulk(Array)
#1  /dir/to/src/vendor/elastica/lib/Elastica/Index.php(114): Elastica_Client->addDocuments(Array)
#2 /dir/to/src/vendor/elastica/lib/Elastica/Type.php(115): Elastica_Index->addDocuments(Array)
#3  /dir/to/src/vendor/bundles/FOQ/ElasticaBundle/Persister/ObjectPersister.php(94): Elastica_Type->addDocuments(Array)
#4 /dir/to/src/vendor/bundles/FOQ/ElasticaBundle/Doctrine/AbstractProvider.php(45): FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Persister\ObjectPersister->insertMany(Array)
#5 /dir/to/src/vendor/bundles/FOQ/ElasticaBundle/Command/PopulateCommand.php(105): FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Doctrine\AbstractProvider->populate(Object(Closure))
#6 /dir/to/src/vendor/bundles/FOQ/ElasticaBundle/Command/PopulateCommand.php(79): FOQ\ElasticaBundle\Command\PopulateCommand->populateIndex(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput), 'doctors_index', true)

java stack trace is

[2012-12-16 11:24:06,272][DEBUG][action.bulk              ] [Aardwolf] [doctors_index][2] failed to execute bulk item (index) index {[doctors_index][instituteServices][96], source[_na_]}
org.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchParseException: Failed to derive xcontent from (offset=483, length=2): [99, 116, 111, 114, 115, 95, 105, 110, 100, 101, 120, 34, 44, 34, 95, 112, 97, 114, 101, 110, 116, 34, 58, 53, 55, 125, 125, 10, 91, 93, 10, 123, 34, 105, 110, 100, 101....

@ruflin Can you help me on this?

ruflin commented 11 years ago

This seems to be a problem of elasticsearch or the way you add the content. Elasticsearch does not seem to be able to define the content type:

Can you please post the code you use to add content?

@kimchy Perhaps you can help here?

This was also posted here. @thujeevan Please do not double post in the future.!topic/elastica-php-client/UBncytAS3mM

thujeevan commented 11 years ago

Thanks @ruflin for your consideration, Actually i'm using foqelastica bundle to configure indexes in the config.yml. I tried to configure the parent type mapping, the code is

        institution: { _parent: { type: "institutions" } }
        driver: orm
        model: My\Bundle\entity\class

Here the model class is a joining table of two different entities. This may be the reason for the problem since the elasticsearch does not support many to many cardinality, but i'm not sure. The actual mapping i supposed to configure was

        institution: { _parent: { type: "institutions" } }
        staff: { _parent: { type: "staffs" } }

Can you point out me a way to break out M:M other than denormalizing the tables?

ruflin commented 11 years ago

As elasticsearch is in a way a document store, I would not think too much of denormalization. The goal of a search engine is to find your data as fast and as simple as possible. So it can also happen, that you store the same data twice in a different (preprocessed) format optimized for retrieval.

What are your queries going to look like? This is going to define, how you store the data. One option is to store all data twice.