rufuspollock-okfn / bibserver

BibServer is open-source software what makes it easy to publish, manage and find bibliographies. BibServer is RESTful and web-friendly.
MIT License
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Write AMF to bibjson parser #158

Open markmacgillivray opened 12 years ago

markmacgillivray commented 12 years ago

REPEC runs on AMF, which came out of REDIF, and which has a lot of the same principles as bibjson. Will be a useful comparison.

pitman commented 12 years ago

An AMF -> BibJSON parser would open up all of RePEc as an exercise set for BibServer tools. But question is who would care to maintain it. RePEc has a strong tech community dedicated to their existing toolset,. Not clear what it would take to gain interest from the Econ community. Best consult with Thomas Krichel.