rufuspollock / ideas

Ideas for (tech) stuff to research, build or work on.
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Data News - like Hacker News but for data #59

Open rufuspollock opened 11 years ago

rufuspollock commented 11 years ago

At e.g.

Research on existing services and tech

Features wanted

Hacker News:

Reddit: -

Telescope -

padolsey commented 11 years ago

Could create a subreddit for this. I'll be surprised if one doesn't already exist.

maxious commented 11 years ago (+ in the URL allows you to view multiple subreddits combined)

rufuspollock commented 11 years ago

@padolsey @maxious thanks for the links and suggestions - very useful.

joehand commented 10 years ago

@rgrp this is a great idea! It also sounded like a fun project, so I decided to try it out. is what I have so far. I would love your (and anyone's) thoughts on it.

I like Reddit as much as the next person, but I also really like the kind of community that has blossomed on Hacker News. It would be great to see the same for the data and visualization community. There are a lot of resources and knowledge to be shared!

rufuspollock commented 10 years ago

@joehand amazing! (What did you use to build this by the way?). This looks really nice. (Aside: your slum database project at SFI also looks really interesting!)

Following others suggestion I'd actually started to use the subreddit opendata a bit but something dedicated like this could be even better.

The key question / issue here is about building the community (i.e. getting a good core community using the site). Do we think that's likely / feasible / valuable vs what already exists?

I'd be interested in others thoughts e.g. @maxious and @padolsey.

joehand commented 10 years ago

Thanks! It is built using Python/Flask. I will probably open source the code at some point. Have a few things to clean up first... =)

The question you bring up is definitely key. I am not as connected to the community as I'd like to be, so cannot quite get a handle on it.

I look forward to the thoughts of others.

rufuspollock commented 10 years ago

@joehand python/flask - love it! (one of our favourites!).

Let's get this up and stable and see what we can do here - definitely think folks will be interested!

joehand commented 10 years ago

@rgrp, The code is now posted here:

I have put in a basic readme and cleaned up the code a bit. There are lots of TODOs within the code that could be extracted to issues.

This is my first big flask app - so I am happy to have some other eyes/fingers on it to learn how I can improve.

I'll work on fleshing out the documentation in the next few days.

rufuspollock commented 10 years ago

@joehand sounds good. I'd originally been planning to deploy this at e.g. (cf news.ycombinator etc). What do you think of that versus (All that would be needed is for you to add a sitename in your site config and us to fix up a cname in the dns ...)

joehand commented 10 years ago

@rgrp that would be great (or maybe just I can redirect there too.

Do you have a recommended host for flask apps? Right now I have it on Heroku which probably isn't the most economical solution long-term.

rufuspollock commented 9 years ago

@joehand i'm terribly sorry for the huge delay - I somehow missed your response at the time ;-)

I think Heroku is probably fine to get started with and one can always migrate from there once one gets larger.

My sense at present is that simply using a subreddit as suggested by @maxious may be the most economical thing near-term or using a thread on but it is definitely interesting to trial a dedicated app.