ruggbean / More-Candles

Use wax, soy, and lard to make candles.
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[1.1.4 Test] Dyed waxblock output swap #3

Open ruggbean opened 8 months ago

ruggbean commented 8 months ago

Mod Version



ACulinaryArtillery 1.0.15 CarryOn-1.18_v1.3.0 CommonLib_v1.18.3_v2.1.1 Craftables_v1.1.1 ExpandedFoods 1.6.6 GuiCompositeSettingsEx hudclock-3.2.1 moredoor_v1.0.0 moremolds_v1420 PrimitiveSurvival3.2.8 Stackables_v2.0.5 StepUp-v1.2.0 StoneQuarry_v1.18.6_v3.0.2 VanillaCrateCompatibility-v1.0.0 WildcraftTrees (1.2.4) workbench-expansion-1.6.0 ZoomButton1.4.0




Attempted to fix issue with dyeing blocks; used beeswax as the test asset.

Dried beeswax is dyeable, with assistance from NiclAss, however the output swaps the dyed wax with the colored dye in the barrel.

The colored dye is interactable as though it was an item that could be put in the inventory and the dried wax can only be retrieved by breaking the barrel.

Current waxblock asset has been coded as an item instead of a block, however both block and item attempts have been made.

How to Reproduce

1. Take the dried waxblocks and dye them as per the barrel recipe. 
2. Wait the one test hour for the assets to dye.
3. Go to the barrel and the HUD should make it apparent that the assets have been flipped - the dyed liquid will show that there are several thousand portions but only 9L.



4.11.2023 16:16:32 [Notification] Game Version: v1.18.15 (Stable)
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Event] Launching server...
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Event] Server v1.18.15, network v1.18.7, api v1.7.0
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Entering runphase Initialization
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Event] Loading configuration...
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Entering runphase Configuration
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Loading savegame
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Loaded existing save game data. Playstyle: surviveandbuild, Playstyle Lang code: preset-surviveandbuild, WorldType: preset-surviveandbuild
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Savegame C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Saves\candle workshop.vcdbs loaded
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] World size = 5120 256 5120
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Start discovering assets
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 1 base assets in category blocktypes
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category itemtypes
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 23 base assets in category lang
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category patches
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 22 base assets in category config
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldproperties
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 46 base assets in category sounds
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 97 base assets in category shapes
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 131 base assets in category textures
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category recipes
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldgen
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 2 base assets in category entities
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category compatibility
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 322 base assets in total
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Event] Building assets...
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadAssets
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 21 mods (0 disabled)
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: aculinaryartillery, craftables, moremolds, primitivesurvival, stackables, game, wildcrafttrees, zoombuttonreborn, carryon, commonlib, expandedfoods, guicompositesettingsex, hudclock, moredoor, stepup, vanillacratecompatibility, creative, survival, workbenchexpansion, morecandles, stonequarry
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] [morecandles] Successfully compiled 2 source files
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Instantiated 119 mod systems from 17 enabled mods
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] [commonlib] Config StoneQuarry.Config, StoneQuarry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null loaded successfully
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Event] started 'CarryOn' mod
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] External Origins in load order: modorigin@C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\creative\, modorigin@C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\survival\, mod@ACulinaryArtillery,,,,,,, mod@ExpandedFoods,,,,, mod@MCTest
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 596 external assets in category blocktypes
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 407 external assets in category itemtypes
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 39 external assets in category lang
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 574 external assets in category patches
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 70 external assets in category config
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 26 external assets in category worldproperties
4.11.2023 16:16:33 [Notification] Found 366 external assets in category sounds
4.11.2023 16:16:34 [Notification] Found 4688 external assets in category shapes
4.11.2023 16:16:34 [Notification] Found 7307 external assets in category textures
4.11.2023 16:16:34 [Notification] Found 722 external assets in category recipes
4.11.2023 16:16:34 [Notification] Found 455 external assets in category worldgen
4.11.2023 16:16:34 [Notification] Found 75 external assets in category entities
4.11.2023 16:16:34 [Notification] Found 7 external assets in category compatibility
4.11.2023 16:16:34 [Notification] Reloaded lang file with mod assets
4.11.2023 16:16:34 [Notification] Mod Config successfully loaded.
4.11.2023 16:16:34 [Event] started 'Vanilla Crate Compatibility' mod
4.11.2023 16:16:34 [Event] Workbench Expansion Mod v1.6.0 loading
4.11.2023 16:16:34 [Notification] Start called, registering tree class
4.11.2023 16:16:34 [Notification] Compatibility lib: 4 assets added, 0 assets replaced.
4.11.2023 16:16:38 [Notification] JsonPatch Loader: 2114 patches total, successfully applied 1897 patches, missing files on 219 patches, unmet conditions on 1634 patches, no issues
4.11.2023 16:16:38 [Notification] VanillaCrateCompatibility: JsonPatch Loader: , successfully applied 32 patches
4.11.2023 16:16:46 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-plain not found
4.11.2023 16:16:46 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-black not found
4.11.2023 16:16:46 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-blue not found
4.11.2023 16:16:46 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-gray not found
4.11.2023 16:16:46 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-green not found
4.11.2023 16:16:46 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-orange not found
4.11.2023 16:16:46 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-pink not found
4.11.2023 16:16:46 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-purple not found
4.11.2023 16:16:46 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-red not found
4.11.2023 16:16:46 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-white not found
4.11.2023 16:16:46 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-yellow not found
4.11.2023 16:16:46 [Notification] Loaded 5854 unique items
4.11.2023 16:17:08 [Notification] Loaded 35214 unique blocks
4.11.2023 16:17:08 [Notification] Loaded 426 unique entities
4.11.2023 16:17:08 [Notification] BlockLoader: Entities, Blocks and Items loaded
4.11.2023 16:17:08 [Event] Remapping blocks and items...
4.11.2023 16:18:15 [Event] 12 cooking recipes loaded
4.11.2023 16:18:17 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:echochamber-north in Grid recipe
4.11.2023 16:18:17 [Error] Grid Recipe 'craftables:recipes/grid/echochamber.json': Output Block code game:echochamber-north cannot be resolved
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code bunnydoor:fullscreendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left in Grid recipe
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Error] Grid Recipe 'bunnydoor:recipes/grid/fullscreendoor.json': Output Block code bunnydoor:fullscreendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left cannot be resolved
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code bunnydoor:screendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left in Grid recipe
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Error] Grid Recipe 'bunnydoor:recipes/grid/screendoor.json': Output Block code bunnydoor:screendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left cannot be resolved
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code bunnydoor:bunnydoor-aged-north-down-closed-left in Grid recipe
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Error] Grid Recipe 'bunnydoor:recipes/grid/wooddoorrecipe.json': Output Block code bunnydoor:bunnydoor-aged-north-down-closed-left cannot be resolved
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Event] 1176 crafting recipes loaded from 352 files
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Event] 9 metal alloys loaded
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Event] 321 smithing recipes loaded
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Event] 102 clay forming recipes loaded
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Event] 42 knapping recipes loaded
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] barrel recipe file game:recipes/barrel/wildcraft/fruitvinegar.json make uses of wildcards, but no blocks or item matching those wildcards were found.
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-blue in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-red in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-yellow in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-purple in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-green in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-orange in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-black in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-gray in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-pink in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-white in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Event] 353 barrel recipes loaded (10 could not be resolved)
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle1
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle2
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle3
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle4
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle5
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle6
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle7
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle8
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in Dry Transition stack of Item morecandles:wax
4.11.2023 16:18:18 [Notification] Entering runphase AssetsFinalize
4.11.2023 16:18:21 [Event] 3 mixing recipes loaded
4.11.2023 16:18:21 [Event] 1513 kneading recipes loaded
4.11.2023 16:18:21 [Event] 632 simmering recipes loaded
4.11.2023 16:18:21 [Event] Server assets loaded, parsed, registered and finalized
4.11.2023 16:18:21 [Event] Initialising systems...
4.11.2023 16:18:21 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadGamePre
4.11.2023 16:18:21 [Notification] Reloaded 19 weather patterns, 5 wind patterns and 5 weather events
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification] Started 106 systems on Server:
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]     Mod 'VSEssentials.dll' (game):
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityPartitioning
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ErrorReporter
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModCompatiblityUtil
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.Essentials.PathfindSystem
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.Essentials.PathFindDebug
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.Essentials.PathfindingAsync
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.JsonExport
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModBasicBlocksLoader
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemDormancyStateChecker
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEmotes
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.LeafBlockDecay
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RoomRegistry
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemCommands
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemServer
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WorldMapManager
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModRegistryObjectTypeLoader
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.LoadColorMaps
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ClothManager
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GridRecipeLoader
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]     Mod 'VSSurvivalMod.dll' (survival):
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenTerra
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenSnowLayer
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemControlPoints
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SurvivalCoreSystem
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenTerraPostProcess
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.DebugSystem
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.UpgradeTasks
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ChiselBlockBulkSetMaterial
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemDetailModeSync
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.NpcControl
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemTiledDungeonGenerator
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenFromHeightmap
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenMaps
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRockStrataNew
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenHotSprings
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenCreatures
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.WgenCommands
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MyceliumSystem
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSupportBeamPlacer
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModsystemButterflySpawnCondsExtra
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCatchCreature
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemGliding
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ClutterBookshelfUtil
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ScreenshakeToClientModSystem
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemResoArchiveCommands
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ResoArchivesSpawnConditions
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemAuction
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBlockReinforcement
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Core
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterSystem
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.DialogueSystem
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.FruitingSystem
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemTutorial
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCorpseReturnTeleporter
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemNightVision
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModJournal
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.LiquidItemStackRenderer
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemStructureLocator
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModLootRandomizer
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRifts
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRiftWeather
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSleeping
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TeleporterManager
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModTemperature
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SystemTemporalStability
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TemporalStabilityEffects
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemWearableStats
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEditableBook
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Mechanics.MechanicalPowerMod
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDungeons
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDeposits
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.GenStoryStructures
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenCaves
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenStructures
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenBlockLayers
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenPonds
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenStructuresPosPass
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenVegetationAndPatches
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RecipeRegistrySystem
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRivulets
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightSurvival
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.RecipeLoader
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TraderOutfits
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]     Mod '' (commonlib):
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         CommonLib.Config.ConfigManager
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         CommonLib.Core
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]     Mod 'VSCreativeMod.dll' (creative):
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.WorldEdit.WorldEdit
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenBlockLayersFlat
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightCreative
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]     Mod '' (vanillacratecompatibility):
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.JsonPatches
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.AdvancedPatches
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.Core
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]     Mod 'ACulinaryArtillery' (aculinaryartillery):
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         ACulinaryArtillery.ACulinaryArtillery
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         ACulinaryArtillery.RecipeUploadSystem
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         ACulinaryArtillery.acaRecipeLoader
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]     Mod '' (primitivesurvival):
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         PrimitiveSurvival.ModSystem.PrimitiveSurvivalSystem
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         PrimitiveSurvival.ModSystem.TreeHollows
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]     Mod '' (carryon):
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         CarryOn.CarrySystem
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]     Mod 'ExpandedFoods' (expandedfoods):
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         EFRecipes.EFRecipes
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]     Mod '' (workbenchexpansion):
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         workbenchexpansion.src.WorkbenchExpansionMod
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]     Mod '' (stonequarry):
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         StoneQuarry.Core
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         StoneQuarry.RockManager
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]     Mod 'MCTest' (morecandles):
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         MoreCandles.MoreCandlesSystem
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]     Mod '' (wildcrafttrees):
4.11.2023 16:18:22 [Notification]         WildcraftFruitTrees.WildcraftFruitTreeSystem
4.11.2023 16:18:24 [Notification] Server map set
4.11.2023 16:18:24 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadGame
4.11.2023 16:18:24 [Event] Starting world generators...
4.11.2023 16:18:24 [Notification] Entering runphase WorldReady
4.11.2023 16:18:25 [Notification] Sending server identification with remap False.  Server control privilege is True
4.11.2023 16:18:26 [Notification] Reloaded 67 tree generators
4.11.2023 16:18:26 [Event] Loading 7x7x8 spawn chunks...
4.11.2023 16:18:26 [Event] 0% (49 in queue)
4.11.2023 16:18:27 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 2560, 107, 2560
4.11.2023 16:18:27 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 2555, 108, 2536
4.11.2023 16:18:27 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 2552, 107, 2497
4.11.2023 16:18:27 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 2544, 108, 2473
4.11.2023 16:18:27 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 2534, 107, 2468
4.11.2023 16:18:27 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 2555, 107, 2491
4.11.2023 16:18:27 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 2552, 108, 2472
4.11.2023 16:18:27 [Event] Begin game ticking...
4.11.2023 16:18:27 [Notification] Entering runphase RunGame
4.11.2023 16:18:27 [Notification] Successfully loaded 0 waypoints
4.11.2023 16:18:27 [Notification] Starting server threads
4.11.2023 16:18:27 [Event] Singleplayer Server now running!
4.11.2023 16:18:27 [Notification] All clients disconnected, pausing game calendar.
4.11.2023 16:18:38 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 5573ms to complete.
4.11.2023 16:18:49 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 8240ms to complete.
4.11.2023 16:18:55 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 5419ms to complete.
4.11.2023 16:19:01 [Notification] A Client attempts connecting via Dummy connection, assigning client id 1
4.11.2023 16:19:03 [Notification] Client uid WKfVQskbG8dPsZ6wwGjywDvD attempting identification. Name: Teppich
4.11.2023 16:19:30 [Notification] Upped server view distance because player is locally connected
4.11.2023 16:19:30 [Notification] Delayed join, need to load one spawn chunk first.
4.11.2023 16:19:30 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 27033ms to complete.
4.11.2023 16:19:30 [Notification] Placing player at 2716.9528013671875 120 3204.46763515625
4.11.2023 16:20:14 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 13244ms to complete.
4.11.2023 16:20:26 [Event] Teppich joins.
4.11.2023 16:20:26 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-plain not found
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-black not found
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-blue not found
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-gray not found
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-green not found
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-orange not found
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-pink not found
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-purple not found
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-red not found
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-white not found
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Collectible behavior Unplaceable for item morecandles:waxblock-yellow not found
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:echochamber-north in Grid recipe
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Error] Grid Recipe 'craftables:recipes/grid/echochamber.json': Output Block code game:echochamber-north cannot be resolved
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code bunnydoor:fullscreendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left in Grid recipe
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Error] Grid Recipe 'bunnydoor:recipes/grid/fullscreendoor.json': Output Block code bunnydoor:fullscreendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left cannot be resolved
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code bunnydoor:screendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left in Grid recipe
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Error] Grid Recipe 'bunnydoor:recipes/grid/screendoor.json': Output Block code bunnydoor:screendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left cannot be resolved
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code bunnydoor:bunnydoor-aged-north-down-closed-left in Grid recipe
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Error] Grid Recipe 'bunnydoor:recipes/grid/wooddoorrecipe.json': Output Block code bunnydoor:bunnydoor-aged-north-down-closed-left cannot be resolved
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] barrel recipe file game:recipes/barrel/wildcraft/fruitvinegar.json make uses of wildcards, but no blocks or item matching those wildcards were found.
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-blue in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-red in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-yellow in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-purple in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-green in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-orange in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-black in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-gray in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-pink in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-white in barrel recipe morecandles:recipes/barrel/dyedwaxblock.json
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle1
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle2
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle3
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle4
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle5
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle6
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle7
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:lardcandle-plain in Block morecandles:chandelierlardcandle-plain-candle8
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock-plain in Dry Transition stack of Item morecandles:wax
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 5573ms to complete.
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 8240ms to complete.
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 5419ms to complete.
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 27033ms to complete.
4.11.2023 16:20:27 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 13244ms to complete.
4.11.2023 16:21:47 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 75347ms to complete.
4.11.2023 16:21:58 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
4.11.2023 16:21:58 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save...
4.11.2023 16:21:58 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
4.11.2023 16:21:58 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
4.11.2023 16:21:58 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving...
4.11.2023 16:21:58 [Event] Saved player world data...
4.11.2023 16:21:59 [Event] Saved map regions...
4.11.2023 16:21:59 [Event] Saved map chunks...
4.11.2023 16:21:59 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 20 mapregions.
4.11.2023 16:21:59 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
4.11.2023 16:21:59 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed
4.11.2023 16:21:59 [Event] Offthread save of 9 chunks done.
4.11.2023 16:21:59 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done.
4.11.2023 16:21:59 [Event] Offthread save of 0 map chunks done.
4.11.2023 16:22:00 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 12683ms to complete.
4.11.2023 16:22:00 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done.
4.11.2023 16:22:00 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 884ms to complete.
4.11.2023 16:23:56 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 28908ms to complete.
4.11.2023 16:24:26 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
4.11.2023 16:24:27 [Notification] Last player disconnected, compacting large object heap...
4.11.2023 16:24:41 [Event] Player Teppich got removed. Reason: Server shutting down - Exit request by client
4.11.2023 16:24:41 [Notification] Server stop requested, begin shutdown sequence. Stop reason: Exit request by client
4.11.2023 16:24:41 [Notification] Entering runphase Shutdown
4.11.2023 16:24:42 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
4.11.2023 16:24:42 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
4.11.2023 16:24:42 [Event] Saved player world data...
4.11.2023 16:24:42 [Event] Saved map regions...
4.11.2023 16:24:42 [Event] Saved map chunks...
4.11.2023 16:24:42 [Event] Saved loaded chunks...
4.11.2023 16:24:42 [Event] Saved generating chunks...
4.11.2023 16:24:42 [Event] Saved savegamedata...2
4.11.2023 16:24:42 [Event] World saved! Saved 58 chunks, 174 mapchunks, 6 mapregions.
4.11.2023 16:24:42 [Event] Shutting down 7 server threads... 
4.11.2023 16:24:42 [Event] Killed console thread
4.11.2023 16:24:43 [Event] All threads gracefully shut down
4.11.2023 16:24:43 [Event] Doing last tick...
4.11.2023 16:24:43 [Event] Stopped the server!
ruggbean commented 8 months ago
  1. Attempting to correct barrel recipe

[ { code: "dyedwaxblock", sealHours: 1, ingredients: [ { type: "item", code: "game:dye-*", name: "color", litres: 1, consumelitres: 1, allowedVariants: [ "black", "blue", "gray", "green", "orange", "pink", "purple", "red", "white", "yellow" ] }, { type: "block", code: "morecandles:waxblock-plain", litres: 1 } ], output: { type: "block", code: "morecandles:waxblock-{color}", stackSize: 1 } } ]

ruggbean commented 8 months ago
  1. Attempting to correct barrel recipe

[ { code: "dyedwaxblock", sealHours: 1, ingredients: [ { type: "item", code: "game:dye-*", name: "color", litres: 1, consumelitres: 1, allowedVariants: [ "black", "blue", "gray", "green", "orange", "pink", "purple", "red", "white", "yellow" ] }, { type: "block", code: "morecandles:waxblock-plain", litres: 1 } ], output: { type: "block", code: "morecandles:waxblock-{color}", stackSize: 1 } } ]


ruggbean commented 8 months ago
  1. Duplicated the waxcandlecolor file and replaced waxcandle with waxblock image_2023-11-12_133529170
ruggbean commented 8 months ago
  1. Duplicated the waxcandlecolor file and replaced waxcandle with waxblock image_2023-11-12_133529170

I've got 332K problems but this fix is not the solution. image_2023-11-12_135402920

ruggbean commented 8 months ago
  1. Added litres to the waxblockcolor file image_2023-11-12_135600240
ruggbean commented 8 months ago
  1. Added litres to the waxblockcolor file image_2023-11-12_135600240

The change in code is still throwing up the same swap error, however, neither the client-main or server-main files are showing any errors related to the issue, which at least shows signs of improvement. 2023-11-12_14-10-10

12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Game Version: v1.18.15 (Stable)
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Event] Launching server...
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Event] Server v1.18.15, network v1.18.7, api v1.7.0
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Entering runphase Initialization
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Event] Loading configuration...
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Entering runphase Configuration
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Loading savegame
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Loaded existing save game data. Playstyle: surviveandbuild, Playstyle Lang code: preset-surviveandbuild, WorldType: preset-surviveandbuild
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Savegame C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Saves\candle workshop.vcdbs loaded
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] World size = 5120 256 5120
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Start discovering assets
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Found 1 base assets in category blocktypes
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category itemtypes
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Found 23 base assets in category lang
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category patches
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Found 22 base assets in category config
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldproperties
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Found 46 base assets in category sounds
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Found 97 base assets in category shapes
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Found 131 base assets in category textures
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category recipes
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldgen
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Found 2 base assets in category entities
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Found 322 base assets in total
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Event] Building assets...
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadAssets
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
12.11.2023 14:12:55 [Notification] Found 21 mods (0 disabled)
12.11.2023 14:12:55 [Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: aculinaryartillery, craftables, moremolds, primitivesurvival, stackables, game, wildcrafttrees, zoombuttonreborn, carryon, commonlib, expandedfoods, guicompositesettingsex, hudclock, moredoor, stepup, vanillacratecompatibility, creative, survival, workbenchexpansion, morecandles, stonequarry
12.11.2023 14:12:55 [Notification] [morecandles] Successfully compiled 2 source files
12.11.2023 14:12:55 [Notification] Instantiated 119 mod systems from 17 enabled mods
12.11.2023 14:12:55 [Notification] [commonlib] Config StoneQuarry.Config, StoneQuarry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null loaded successfully
12.11.2023 14:12:55 [Event] started 'CarryOn' mod
12.11.2023 14:12:55 [Notification] External Origins in load order: modorigin@C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\creative\, modorigin@C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\survival\, mod@ACulinaryArtillery,,,,,,, mod@ExpandedFoods,,,,, mod@MCTest
12.11.2023 14:12:55 [Notification] Found 597 external assets in category blocktypes
12.11.2023 14:12:55 [Notification] Found 406 external assets in category itemtypes
12.11.2023 14:12:55 [Notification] Found 40 external assets in category lang
12.11.2023 14:12:55 [Notification] Found 574 external assets in category patches
12.11.2023 14:12:55 [Notification] Found 70 external assets in category config
12.11.2023 14:12:55 [Notification] Found 26 external assets in category worldproperties
12.11.2023 14:12:55 [Notification] Found 366 external assets in category sounds
12.11.2023 14:12:56 [Notification] Found 4688 external assets in category shapes
12.11.2023 14:12:56 [Notification] Found 7307 external assets in category textures
12.11.2023 14:12:56 [Notification] Found 722 external assets in category recipes
12.11.2023 14:12:56 [Notification] Found 455 external assets in category worldgen
12.11.2023 14:12:56 [Notification] Found 75 external assets in category entities
12.11.2023 14:12:56 [Notification] Found 7 external assets in category compatibility
12.11.2023 14:12:56 [Notification] Reloaded lang file with mod assets
12.11.2023 14:12:56 [Notification] Mod Config successfully loaded.
12.11.2023 14:12:56 [Event] started 'Vanilla Crate Compatibility' mod
12.11.2023 14:12:56 [Event] Workbench Expansion Mod v1.6.0 loading
12.11.2023 14:12:56 [Notification] Start called, registering tree class
12.11.2023 14:12:56 [Notification] Compatibility lib: 4 assets added, 0 assets replaced.
12.11.2023 14:12:59 [Notification] JsonPatch Loader: 2114 patches total, successfully applied 1897 patches, missing files on 219 patches, unmet conditions on 1634 patches, no issues
12.11.2023 14:12:59 [Notification] VanillaCrateCompatibility: JsonPatch Loader: , successfully applied 32 patches
12.11.2023 14:13:06 [Notification] Loaded 5843 unique items
12.11.2023 14:13:21 [Notification] Loaded 35217 unique blocks
12.11.2023 14:13:21 [Notification] Loaded 426 unique entities
12.11.2023 14:13:21 [Notification] BlockLoader: Entities, Blocks and Items loaded
12.11.2023 14:13:21 [Event] Remapping blocks and items...
12.11.2023 14:13:36 [Event] 12 cooking recipes loaded
12.11.2023 14:13:38 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:echochamber-north in Grid recipe
12.11.2023 14:13:38 [Error] Grid Recipe 'craftables:recipes/grid/echochamber.json': Output Block code game:echochamber-north cannot be resolved
12.11.2023 14:13:38 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code bunnydoor:fullscreendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left in Grid recipe
12.11.2023 14:13:38 [Error] Grid Recipe 'bunnydoor:recipes/grid/fullscreendoor.json': Output Block code bunnydoor:fullscreendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left cannot be resolved
12.11.2023 14:13:38 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code bunnydoor:screendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left in Grid recipe
12.11.2023 14:13:38 [Error] Grid Recipe 'bunnydoor:recipes/grid/screendoor.json': Output Block code bunnydoor:screendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left cannot be resolved
12.11.2023 14:13:38 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code bunnydoor:bunnydoor-aged-north-down-closed-left in Grid recipe
12.11.2023 14:13:38 [Error] Grid Recipe 'bunnydoor:recipes/grid/wooddoorrecipe.json': Output Block code bunnydoor:bunnydoor-aged-north-down-closed-left cannot be resolved
12.11.2023 14:13:38 [Event] 1176 crafting recipes loaded from 352 files
12.11.2023 14:13:38 [Event] 9 metal alloys loaded
12.11.2023 14:13:38 [Event] 321 smithing recipes loaded
12.11.2023 14:13:38 [Event] 102 clay forming recipes loaded
12.11.2023 14:13:38 [Event] 42 knapping recipes loaded
12.11.2023 14:13:38 [Warning] barrel recipe file game:recipes/barrel/wildcraft/fruitvinegar.json make uses of wildcards, but no blocks or item matching those wildcards were found.
12.11.2023 14:13:39 [Event] 363 barrel recipes loaded
12.11.2023 14:13:39 [Notification] Entering runphase AssetsFinalize
12.11.2023 14:13:41 [Event] 3 mixing recipes loaded
12.11.2023 14:13:41 [Event] 1513 kneading recipes loaded
12.11.2023 14:13:41 [Event] 632 simmering recipes loaded
12.11.2023 14:13:41 [Event] Server assets loaded, parsed, registered and finalized
12.11.2023 14:13:41 [Event] Initialising systems...
12.11.2023 14:13:41 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadGamePre
12.11.2023 14:13:41 [Notification] Reloaded 19 weather patterns, 5 wind patterns and 5 weather events
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification] Started 106 systems on Server:
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]     Mod 'VSEssentials.dll' (game):
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityPartitioning
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ErrorReporter
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModCompatiblityUtil
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.Essentials.PathfindSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.Essentials.PathFindDebug
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.Essentials.PathfindingAsync
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.JsonExport
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModBasicBlocksLoader
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemDormancyStateChecker
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEmotes
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.LeafBlockDecay
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RoomRegistry
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemCommands
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemServer
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WorldMapManager
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModRegistryObjectTypeLoader
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.LoadColorMaps
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ClothManager
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GridRecipeLoader
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]     Mod 'VSSurvivalMod.dll' (survival):
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenTerra
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenSnowLayer
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemControlPoints
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SurvivalCoreSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenTerraPostProcess
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.DebugSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.UpgradeTasks
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ChiselBlockBulkSetMaterial
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemDetailModeSync
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.NpcControl
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemTiledDungeonGenerator
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenFromHeightmap
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenMaps
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRockStrataNew
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenHotSprings
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenCreatures
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.WgenCommands
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MyceliumSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSupportBeamPlacer
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModsystemButterflySpawnCondsExtra
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCatchCreature
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemGliding
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ClutterBookshelfUtil
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ScreenshakeToClientModSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemResoArchiveCommands
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ResoArchivesSpawnConditions
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemAuction
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBlockReinforcement
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.DialogueSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.FruitingSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemTutorial
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCorpseReturnTeleporter
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemNightVision
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModJournal
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.LiquidItemStackRenderer
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemStructureLocator
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModLootRandomizer
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRifts
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRiftWeather
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSleeping
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TeleporterManager
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModTemperature
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SystemTemporalStability
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TemporalStabilityEffects
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemWearableStats
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEditableBook
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Mechanics.MechanicalPowerMod
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDungeons
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDeposits
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.GenStoryStructures
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenCaves
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenStructures
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenBlockLayers
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenPonds
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenStructuresPosPass
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenVegetationAndPatches
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RecipeRegistrySystem
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRivulets
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightSurvival
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.RecipeLoader
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TraderOutfits
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]     Mod '' (commonlib):
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         CommonLib.Config.ConfigManager
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         CommonLib.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]     Mod 'VSCreativeMod.dll' (creative):
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.WorldEdit.WorldEdit
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenBlockLayersFlat
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightCreative
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]     Mod '' (vanillacratecompatibility):
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.JsonPatches
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.AdvancedPatches
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]     Mod 'ACulinaryArtillery' (aculinaryartillery):
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         ACulinaryArtillery.ACulinaryArtillery
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         ACulinaryArtillery.RecipeUploadSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         ACulinaryArtillery.acaRecipeLoader
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]     Mod '' (primitivesurvival):
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         PrimitiveSurvival.ModSystem.PrimitiveSurvivalSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         PrimitiveSurvival.ModSystem.TreeHollows
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]     Mod '' (carryon):
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         CarryOn.CarrySystem
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]     Mod 'ExpandedFoods' (expandedfoods):
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         EFRecipes.EFRecipes
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]     Mod '' (workbenchexpansion):
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         workbenchexpansion.src.WorkbenchExpansionMod
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]     Mod '' (stonequarry):
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         StoneQuarry.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         StoneQuarry.RockManager
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]     Mod 'MCTest' (morecandles):
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         MoreCandles.MoreCandlesSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]     Mod '' (wildcrafttrees):
12.11.2023 14:13:42 [Notification]         WildcraftFruitTrees.WildcraftFruitTreeSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Sending server identification with remap False.  Server control privilege is True
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Server map set
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadGame
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Event] Starting world generators...
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Entering runphase WorldReady
12.11.2023 14:13:46 [Notification] Reloaded 67 tree generators
12.11.2023 14:13:46 [Event] Loading 7x7x8 spawn chunks...
12.11.2023 14:13:46 [Event] 0% (49 in queue)
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 2560, 107, 2560
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 2555, 108, 2536
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 2552, 107, 2497
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 2544, 108, 2473
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 2534, 107, 2468
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 2555, 107, 2491
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Notification] Spawn pos blocked at 2552, 108, 2472
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Event] Begin game ticking...
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Notification] Entering runphase RunGame
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Notification] Successfully loaded 0 waypoints
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Notification] Starting server threads
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Event] Singleplayer Server now running!
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Notification] All clients disconnected, pausing game calendar.
12.11.2023 14:13:54 [Notification] A Client attempts connecting via Dummy connection, assigning client id 1
12.11.2023 14:13:55 [Notification] Client uid WKfVQskbG8dPsZ6wwGjywDvD attempting identification. Name: Teppich
12.11.2023 14:13:55 [Notification] Upped server view distance because player is locally connected
12.11.2023 14:13:55 [Notification] Delayed join, need to load one spawn chunk first.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Placing player at 2717.071043359375 120 3205.382124609375
12.11.2023 14:14:06 [Event] Teppich joins.
12.11.2023 14:14:06 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:echochamber-north in Grid recipe
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Error] Grid Recipe 'craftables:recipes/grid/echochamber.json': Output Block code game:echochamber-north cannot be resolved
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code bunnydoor:fullscreendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left in Grid recipe
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Error] Grid Recipe 'bunnydoor:recipes/grid/fullscreendoor.json': Output Block code bunnydoor:fullscreendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left cannot be resolved
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code bunnydoor:screendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left in Grid recipe
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Error] Grid Recipe 'bunnydoor:recipes/grid/screendoor.json': Output Block code bunnydoor:screendoor-aged-north-down-closed-left cannot be resolved
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code bunnydoor:bunnydoor-aged-north-down-closed-left in Grid recipe
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Error] Grid Recipe 'bunnydoor:recipes/grid/wooddoorrecipe.json': Output Block code bunnydoor:bunnydoor-aged-north-down-closed-left cannot be resolved
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] barrel recipe file game:recipes/barrel/wildcraft/fruitvinegar.json make uses of wildcards, but no blocks or item matching those wildcards were found.
12.11.2023 14:14:14 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 3957ms to complete.
12.11.2023 14:14:18 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
12.11.2023 14:14:19 [Notification] Last player disconnected, compacting large object heap...
12.11.2023 14:14:22 [Event] Player Teppich got removed. Reason: Server shutting down - Exit request by client
12.11.2023 14:14:22 [Notification] Server stop requested, begin shutdown sequence. Stop reason: Exit request by client
12.11.2023 14:14:22 [Notification] Entering runphase Shutdown
12.11.2023 14:14:22 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists
12.11.2023 14:14:22 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything...
12.11.2023 14:14:22 [Event] Saved player world data...
12.11.2023 14:14:23 [Event] Saved map regions...
12.11.2023 14:14:23 [Event] Saved map chunks...
12.11.2023 14:14:23 [Event] Saved loaded chunks...
12.11.2023 14:14:23 [Event] Saved generating chunks...
12.11.2023 14:14:23 [Event] Saved savegamedata...2
12.11.2023 14:14:23 [Event] World saved! Saved 14 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 20 mapregions.
12.11.2023 14:14:23 [Event] Shutting down 7 server threads... 
12.11.2023 14:14:23 [Event] Killed console thread
12.11.2023 14:14:23 [Event] All threads gracefully shut down
12.11.2023 14:14:23 [Event] Doing last tick...
12.11.2023 14:14:23 [Event] Stopped the server!
12.11.2023 14:12:40 [Notification] Game Version: v1.18.15 (Stable)
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] OpenAL Initialized. Available Mono/Stereo Sources: 255/1
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Process path: C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Vintagestory.exe
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Operating System: Windows 10.0.19045.0
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] CPU Cores: 8
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Available RAM: 8123 MB
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Graphics Card Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 536.23
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Graphics Card Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Graphics Card ShadingLanguageVersion: 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] GL.MaxVertexUniformComponents: 4096
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] GL.MaxUniformBlockSize: 65536
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Cairo Graphics Version: 1.17.3
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] OpenAL Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.23.0
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] C# Framework: .net 7.0.10
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] OpenTK Version: 3.3.2 (A set of fast, low-level C# bindings for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and OpenAL.)
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Zstd Version: 1.5.5
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Start discovering assets
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 23 base assets in category lang
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category patches
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 22 base assets in category config
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldproperties
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 46 base assets in category sounds
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 97 base assets in category shapes
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 72 base assets in category shaders
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 16 base assets in category shaderincludes
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 131 base assets in category textures
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 4 base assets in category music
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category dialog
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 411 base assets in total
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Loading sounds
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Sounds loaded
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass .
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Begin loading shaders
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Load shaders now
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Loading shaders...
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass standard.
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlescube.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sky.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass nightsky.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass woittest.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass transparentcompose.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass debugdepthbuffer.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass helditem.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkopaque.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkliquid.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass decals.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass final.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass gui.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blur.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktransparent.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass findbright.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktopsoil.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass godrays.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass autocamera.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blockhighlights.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass wireframe.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass luma.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blit.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad2d.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapentityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapgeneric.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass texture2texture.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass celestialobject.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guitopsoil.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass colorgrade.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guigear.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass ssao.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass bilateralblur.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Cached session key is valid, validating with server
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Server validation response: Good
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
12.11.2023 14:12:45 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
12.11.2023 14:12:52 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
12.11.2023 14:12:52 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
12.11.2023 14:12:52 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
12.11.2023 14:12:52 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Initialized GUI Manager
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Initialized Server Connection
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Server args parsed
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Server main instantiated
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Processed server identification
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Map initialized
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Received server assets
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Loading and pre-starting client side mods...
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Found 21 mods (0 disabled)
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: aculinaryartillery, craftables, moremolds, primitivesurvival, stackables, game, wildcrafttrees, zoombuttonreborn, carryon, commonlib, expandedfoods, guicompositesettingsex, hudclock, moredoor, stepup, vanillacratecompatibility, creative, survival, workbenchexpansion, morecandles, stonequarry
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] [morecandles] Successfully compiled 2 source files
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Instantiated 123 mod systems from 21 enabled mods
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] [commonlib] Config StoneQuarry.Config, StoneQuarry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null loaded successfully
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Event] started 'CarryOn' mod
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Done loading and pre-starting client side mods.
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Mod Config successfully loaded.
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Event] started 'Vanilla Crate Compatibility' mod
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Event] Workbench Expansion Mod v1.6.0 loading
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Start called, registering tree class
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] External Origins in load order: modorigin@C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\creative\, modorigin@C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\survival\, mod@ACulinaryArtillery,,,,,,, mod@ExpandedFoods,,,,,, mod@MCTest
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Found 46 external assets in category lang
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Found 574 external assets in category patches
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Found 70 external assets in category config
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Found 26 external assets in category worldproperties
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Found 366 external assets in category sounds
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Found 4688 external assets in category shapes
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Found 19 external assets in category shaders
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category shaderincludes
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Found 7316 external assets in category textures
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Found 66 external assets in category music
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Found 18 external assets in category dialog
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Found 7 external assets in category compatibility
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Reloaded lang file now with mod assets
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Compatibility lib: 4 assets added, 0 assets replaced.
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Notification] Server launched
12.11.2023 14:13:48 [Notification] JsonPatch Loader: 2114 patches total, successfully applied 109 patches, missing files on 409 patches, unmet conditions on 1634 patches, no issues
12.11.2023 14:13:48 [Notification] 
12.11.2023 14:13:48 [Notification] Reloaded sounds, now with mod assets
12.11.2023 14:13:49 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 entities texture atlases from 440 textures
12.11.2023 14:13:50 [Notification] Received 6585 item types from server
12.11.2023 14:13:50 [Notification] Loaded 100366 block types from server
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Warning] Texture asset 'exper:textures/item/wand.png' not found (defined in Item exper:wand).
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/iron.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/wood.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/block/metal/ingot/blackbronze.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/puck).
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 items texture atlases from 2649 textures
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Warning] Failed parsing shape model wildcrafttrees:shapes/block/wattle/snow-empty.json
After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'textures.willow2', line 13, position 2.
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Warning] Did not find required shape game:shapes/block/wood/door/plank/inventory.json anywhere. (defined in Inventory shape for block bunnydoor:bunnydoor-birch-north-down-closed-left)
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Warning] Did not find required shape bunnydoorfull:shapes/fullscreen/down_closed_right.json anywhere. (defined in Shape for block bunnydoor:fullscreendoor-birch-west-down-closed-right)
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Notification] Collected 2611 shapes to tesselate.
12.11.2023 14:13:52 [Warning] Texture asset 'exper:textures/item/wand.png' not found (defined in Item code exper:wand).
12.11.2023 14:13:54 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/iron.png' not found (defined in Shape code moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:13:54 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/wood.png' not found (defined in Shape code moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
                                                                                                                                                             12.11.2023 14:13:54 [Warning] Texture asset 'game:textures/block/plant/palm/greenbanana.png' not found (defined in Baked variant of block game:coconuttree-banana-trunktopflowers).
12.11.2023 14:13:54 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 blocks texture atlases from 5124 textures
12.11.2023 14:13:55 [Notification] Server assets loaded
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Error] [guicompositesettingsex] An exception was thrown when trying to start the mod:
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Vintagestory.API.Common.Action' from assembly 'VintagestoryAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
   at GuiExtensions.SystemGuiCompositeSettingsEx.StartClientSide(ICoreClientAPI api)
   at Vintagestory.Common.ModLoader.TryRunModPhase(Mod mod, ModSystem system, ICoreAPI api, ModRunPhase phase) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ModLoader.cs:line 651
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Error] Failed to start system GuiExtensions.SystemGuiCompositeSettingsEx
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass anvilworkitem.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass lines.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass aurora.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Event] Hello from ZoomButton!
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass squintoverlay.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] HUD Clock Mod v3.2.1 loading
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass rift.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sleepoverlay.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass machinegear.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Started 83 systems on Client:
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod 'VSEssentials.dll' (game):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityPartitioning
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ErrorReporter
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModCompatiblityUtil
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemDormancyStateChecker
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemItemRendererOptimizer
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.FallingBlockParticlesModSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterExtraDialogs
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityNameTagRendererRegistry
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RoomRegistry
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemCommands
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemClient
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WorldMapManager
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.LoadColorMaps
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ClothManager
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod 'VSSurvivalMod.dll' (survival):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemControlPoints
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SurvivalCoreSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ModSystemBossHealthBars
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.DebugSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.UpgradeTasks
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemDetailModeSync
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemTiledDungeonGenerator
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenFromHeightmap
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenMaps
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MyceliumSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSupportBeamPlacer
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCatchCreature
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemGliding
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemMeasuringRope
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ScreenshakeToClientModSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ResoArchivesSpawnConditions
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemAuction
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBlockReinforcement
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBoatingSound
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MealMeshCache
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.DialogueSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.FruitingSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemHandbook
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemTutorial
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemNightVision
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModJournal
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.LiquidItemStackRenderer
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemStructureLocator
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModLootRandomizer
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MicroBlockModelCache
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRifts
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRiftWeather
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSleeping
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TeleporterManager
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModTemperature
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SystemTemporalStability
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TemporalStabilityEffects
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemWearableStats
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEditableBook
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Mechanics.MechanicalPowerMod
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TradeHandbookInfo
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RecipeRegistrySystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TraderOutfits
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (commonlib):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         CommonLib.Config.ConfigManager
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         CommonLib.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod 'VSCreativeMod.dll' (creative):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.WorldEdit.WorldEdit
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (vanillacratecompatibility):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.JsonPatches
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.AdvancedPatches
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod 'ACulinaryArtillery' (aculinaryartillery):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         ACulinaryArtillery.ACulinaryArtillery
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         ACulinaryArtillery.RecipeUploadSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (primitivesurvival):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         PrimitiveSurvival.ModSystem.PrimitiveSurvivalSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (zoombuttonreborn):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         ZoomButton.ZoomButton
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (carryon):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         CarryOn.CarrySystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod 'ExpandedFoods' (expandedfoods):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         EFRecipes.EFRecipes
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (hudclock):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         hudlock.src.HUDClockMod
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (workbenchexpansion):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         workbenchexpansion.src.WorkbenchExpansionMod
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (stonequarry):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         StoneQuarry.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         StoneQuarry.StoneSlabMeshCache
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         StoneQuarry.RockManager
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod 'StepUp-v1.2.0.cs' (stepup):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         StepUp.StepUpSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod 'MCTest' (morecandles):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         MoreCandles.MoreCandlesSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (wildcrafttrees):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         WildcraftFruitTrees.WildcraftFruitTreeSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loading shaders...
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass standard.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlescube.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sky.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass nightsky.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass woittest.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass transparentcompose.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass debugdepthbuffer.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass helditem.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkopaque.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkliquid.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass decals.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass final.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass gui.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blur.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktransparent.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass findbright.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktopsoil.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass godrays.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass autocamera.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blockhighlights.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass wireframe.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass luma.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blit.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad2d.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapentityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapgeneric.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass texture2texture.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass celestialobject.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guitopsoil.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass colorgrade.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guigear.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass ssao.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass bilateralblur.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass anvilworkitem.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass poison.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass lines.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass aurora.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass squintoverlay.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass rift.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sleepoverlay.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass machinegear.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Reloaded shaders now with mod assets
12.11.2023 14:13:57 [Notification] Received level init
12.11.2023 14:13:57 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass instanced.
12.11.2023 14:13:57 [Notification] Loading world map cache db...
12.11.2023 14:13:57 [Notification] Initialized Music Engine
12.11.2023 14:13:57 [Notification] Texture size is 32 so decal atlas size of 128x128 should suffice
12.11.2023 14:14:01 [Notification] Blocks tesselated
12.11.2023 14:14:05 [Notification] [commonlib] Received config StoneQuarry.Config, StoneQuarry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null from server
12.11.2023 14:14:06 [Notification] Rift weather not available
12.11.2023 14:14:06 [Notification] Received level finalize
12.11.2023 14:14:06 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass clouds.
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock in tradehandbookinfo Agriculture trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soyblock in tradehandbookinfo Agriculture trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock in tradehandbookinfo Artisan trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soyblock in tradehandbookinfo Artisan trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock in tradehandbookinfo Commodities trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soyblock in tradehandbookinfo Commodities trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxcandle in tradehandbookinfo Treasure hunter trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soycandle in tradehandbookinfo Treasure hunter trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] ===============================================================
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] (x_x) Captured 30 issues during startup:
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'exper:textures/item/wand.png' not found (defined in Item exper:wand).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/iron.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/wood.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/block/metal/ingot/blackbronze.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/puck).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed parsing shape model wildcrafttrees:shapes/block/wattle/snow-empty.json
After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'textures.willow2', line 13, position 2.
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Did not find required shape game:shapes/block/wood/door/plank/inventory.json anywhere. (defined in Inventory shape for block bunnydoor:bunnydoor-birch-north-down-closed-left)
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Did not find required shape bunnydoorfull:shapes/fullscreen/down_closed_right.json anywhere. (defined in Shape for block bunnydoor:fullscreendoor-birch-west-down-closed-right)
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'exper:textures/item/wand.png' not found (defined in Item code exper:wand).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/wood.png' not found (defined in Shape code moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/iron.png' not found (defined in Shape code moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'game:textures/block/plant/palm/greenbanana.png' not found (defined in Baked variant of block game:coconuttree-banana-trunktopflowers).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Error] [guicompositesettingsex] An exception was thrown when trying to start the mod:
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Vintagestory.API.Common.Action' from assembly 'VintagestoryAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
   at GuiExtensions.SystemGuiCompositeSettingsEx.StartClientSide(ICoreClientAPI api)
   at Vintagestory.Common.ModLoader.TryRunModPhase(Mod mod, ModSystem system, ICoreAPI api, ModRunPhase phase) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ModLoader.cs:line 651
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Error] Failed to start system GuiExtensions.SystemGuiCompositeSettingsEx
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock in tradehandbookinfo Agriculture trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soyblock in tradehandbookinfo Agriculture trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock in tradehandbookinfo Artisan trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soyblock in tradehandbookinfo Artisan trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock in tradehandbookinfo Commodities trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soyblock in tradehandbookinfo Commodities trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxcandle in tradehandbookinfo Treasure hunter trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soycandle in tradehandbookinfo Treasure hunter trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] ===============================================================
12.11.2023 14:14:10 [Notification] Finished fully loading sounds (async)
12.11.2023 14:14:18 [Notification] Client pause state is now on
12.11.2023 14:14:19 [Notification] Destroying game session, waiting up to 200ms for client threads to exit
12.11.2023 14:14:19 [Notification] Stopping single player server
12.11.2023 14:14:23 [Notification] Exiting current game to main menu, reason: leave world button pressed