ruggbean / More-Candles

Use wax, soy, and lard to make candles.
0 stars 0 forks source link

[1.1.4 Test] Waxblock/soyblock trader entries #5

Closed ruggbean closed 9 months ago

ruggbean commented 9 months ago

Mod Version



ACulinaryArtillery 1.0.15 CarryOn-1.18_v1.3.0 CommonLib_v1.18.3_v2.1.1 Craftables_v1.1.1 ExpandedFoods 1.6.6 GuiCompositeSettingsEx hudclock-3.2.1 moredoor_v1.0.0 moremolds_v1420 PrimitiveSurvival3.2.8 Stackables_v2.0.5 StepUp-v1.2.0 StoneQuarry_v1.18.6_v3.0.2 VanillaCrateCompatibility-v1.0.0 WildcraftTrees (1.2.4) workbench-expansion-1.6.0 ZoomButton1.4.0




The client main log has flagged an issue with the soyblock and waxblock assets, being unable to resolve an item drop for morecandles:waxblock, morecandles:soyblock, morecandles:waxcandle, and morecandles:soycandle.

Possible lang issue in the trader files - may need to add -plain and/or -[color] to the code.

How to Reproduce





12.11.2023 14:12:40 [Notification] Game Version: v1.18.15 (Stable)
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] OpenAL Initialized. Available Mono/Stereo Sources: 255/1
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Process path: C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Vintagestory.exe
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Operating System: Windows 10.0.19045.0
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] CPU Cores: 8
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Available RAM: 8123 MB
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Graphics Card Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 536.23
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Graphics Card Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Graphics Card ShadingLanguageVersion: 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] GL.MaxVertexUniformComponents: 4096
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] GL.MaxUniformBlockSize: 65536
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Cairo Graphics Version: 1.17.3
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] OpenAL Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.23.0
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] C# Framework: .net 7.0.10
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] OpenTK Version: 3.3.2 (A set of fast, low-level C# bindings for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and OpenAL.)
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Zstd Version: 1.5.5
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Start discovering assets
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 23 base assets in category lang
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category patches
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 22 base assets in category config
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldproperties
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 46 base assets in category sounds
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 97 base assets in category shapes
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 72 base assets in category shaders
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 16 base assets in category shaderincludes
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 131 base assets in category textures
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 4 base assets in category music
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category dialog
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Found 411 base assets in total
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Loading sounds
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Sounds loaded
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass .
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Begin loading shaders
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Load shaders now
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Loading shaders...
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass standard.
12.11.2023 14:12:41 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlescube.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sky.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass nightsky.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass woittest.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass transparentcompose.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass debugdepthbuffer.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass helditem.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkopaque.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkliquid.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass decals.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass final.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass gui.
12.11.2023 14:12:42 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blur.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktransparent.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass findbright.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktopsoil.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass godrays.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass autocamera.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blockhighlights.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass wireframe.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass luma.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blit.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad2d.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapentityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapgeneric.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass texture2texture.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass celestialobject.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guitopsoil.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass colorgrade.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guigear.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass ssao.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass bilateralblur.
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Cached session key is valid, validating with server
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Server validation response: Good
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
12.11.2023 14:12:43 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
12.11.2023 14:12:45 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
12.11.2023 14:12:52 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
12.11.2023 14:12:52 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
12.11.2023 14:12:52 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
12.11.2023 14:12:52 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Initialized GUI Manager
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Initialized Server Connection
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Server args parsed
12.11.2023 14:12:54 [Notification] Server main instantiated
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Processed server identification
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Map initialized
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Received server assets
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Loading and pre-starting client side mods...
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Found 21 mods (0 disabled)
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: aculinaryartillery, craftables, moremolds, primitivesurvival, stackables, game, wildcrafttrees, zoombuttonreborn, carryon, commonlib, expandedfoods, guicompositesettingsex, hudclock, moredoor, stepup, vanillacratecompatibility, creative, survival, workbenchexpansion, morecandles, stonequarry
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] [morecandles] Successfully compiled 2 source files
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Instantiated 123 mod systems from 21 enabled mods
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] [commonlib] Config StoneQuarry.Config, StoneQuarry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null loaded successfully
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Event] started 'CarryOn' mod
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Done loading and pre-starting client side mods.
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Mod Config successfully loaded.
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Event] started 'Vanilla Crate Compatibility' mod
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Event] Workbench Expansion Mod v1.6.0 loading
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Start called, registering tree class
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] External Origins in load order: modorigin@C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\creative\, modorigin@C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\survival\, mod@ACulinaryArtillery,,,,,,, mod@ExpandedFoods,,,,,, mod@MCTest
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Found 46 external assets in category lang
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Found 574 external assets in category patches
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Found 70 external assets in category config
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Found 26 external assets in category worldproperties
12.11.2023 14:13:44 [Notification] Found 366 external assets in category sounds
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Found 4688 external assets in category shapes
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Found 19 external assets in category shaders
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category shaderincludes
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Found 7316 external assets in category textures
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Found 66 external assets in category music
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Found 18 external assets in category dialog
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Found 7 external assets in category compatibility
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Reloaded lang file now with mod assets
12.11.2023 14:13:45 [Notification] Compatibility lib: 4 assets added, 0 assets replaced.
12.11.2023 14:13:47 [Notification] Server launched
12.11.2023 14:13:48 [Notification] JsonPatch Loader: 2114 patches total, successfully applied 109 patches, missing files on 409 patches, unmet conditions on 1634 patches, no issues
12.11.2023 14:13:48 [Notification] 
12.11.2023 14:13:48 [Notification] Reloaded sounds, now with mod assets
12.11.2023 14:13:49 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 entities texture atlases from 440 textures
12.11.2023 14:13:50 [Notification] Received 6585 item types from server
12.11.2023 14:13:50 [Notification] Loaded 100366 block types from server
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Warning] Texture asset 'exper:textures/item/wand.png' not found (defined in Item exper:wand).
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/iron.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/wood.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/block/metal/ingot/blackbronze.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/puck).
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 items texture atlases from 2649 textures
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Warning] Failed parsing shape model wildcrafttrees:shapes/block/wattle/snow-empty.json
After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'textures.willow2', line 13, position 2.
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Warning] Did not find required shape game:shapes/block/wood/door/plank/inventory.json anywhere. (defined in Inventory shape for block bunnydoor:bunnydoor-birch-north-down-closed-left)
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Warning] Did not find required shape bunnydoorfull:shapes/fullscreen/down_closed_right.json anywhere. (defined in Shape for block bunnydoor:fullscreendoor-birch-west-down-closed-right)
12.11.2023 14:13:51 [Notification] Collected 2611 shapes to tesselate.
12.11.2023 14:13:52 [Warning] Texture asset 'exper:textures/item/wand.png' not found (defined in Item code exper:wand).
12.11.2023 14:13:54 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/iron.png' not found (defined in Shape code moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:13:54 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/wood.png' not found (defined in Shape code moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
                                                                                                                                                             12.11.2023 14:13:54 [Warning] Texture asset 'game:textures/block/plant/palm/greenbanana.png' not found (defined in Baked variant of block game:coconuttree-banana-trunktopflowers).
12.11.2023 14:13:54 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 blocks texture atlases from 5124 textures
12.11.2023 14:13:55 [Notification] Server assets loaded
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Error] [guicompositesettingsex] An exception was thrown when trying to start the mod:
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Vintagestory.API.Common.Action' from assembly 'VintagestoryAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
   at GuiExtensions.SystemGuiCompositeSettingsEx.StartClientSide(ICoreClientAPI api)
   at Vintagestory.Common.ModLoader.TryRunModPhase(Mod mod, ModSystem system, ICoreAPI api, ModRunPhase phase) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ModLoader.cs:line 651
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Error] Failed to start system GuiExtensions.SystemGuiCompositeSettingsEx
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass anvilworkitem.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass lines.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass aurora.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Event] Hello from ZoomButton!
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass squintoverlay.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] HUD Clock Mod v3.2.1 loading
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass rift.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sleepoverlay.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass machinegear.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Started 83 systems on Client:
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod 'VSEssentials.dll' (game):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityPartitioning
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ErrorReporter
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModCompatiblityUtil
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemDormancyStateChecker
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemItemRendererOptimizer
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.FallingBlockParticlesModSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterExtraDialogs
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityNameTagRendererRegistry
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RoomRegistry
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemCommands
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemClient
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WorldMapManager
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.LoadColorMaps
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ClothManager
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod 'VSSurvivalMod.dll' (survival):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemControlPoints
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SurvivalCoreSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ModSystemBossHealthBars
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.DebugSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.UpgradeTasks
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemDetailModeSync
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemTiledDungeonGenerator
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenFromHeightmap
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenMaps
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MyceliumSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSupportBeamPlacer
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCatchCreature
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemGliding
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemMeasuringRope
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ScreenshakeToClientModSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ResoArchivesSpawnConditions
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemAuction
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBlockReinforcement
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBoatingSound
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MealMeshCache
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.DialogueSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.FruitingSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemHandbook
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemTutorial
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemNightVision
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModJournal
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.LiquidItemStackRenderer
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemStructureLocator
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModLootRandomizer
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MicroBlockModelCache
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRifts
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRiftWeather
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSleeping
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TeleporterManager
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModTemperature
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SystemTemporalStability
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TemporalStabilityEffects
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemWearableStats
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEditableBook
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Mechanics.MechanicalPowerMod
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TradeHandbookInfo
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RecipeRegistrySystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TraderOutfits
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (commonlib):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         CommonLib.Config.ConfigManager
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         CommonLib.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod 'VSCreativeMod.dll' (creative):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.WorldEdit.WorldEdit
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (vanillacratecompatibility):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.JsonPatches
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.AdvancedPatches
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod 'ACulinaryArtillery' (aculinaryartillery):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         ACulinaryArtillery.ACulinaryArtillery
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         ACulinaryArtillery.RecipeUploadSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (primitivesurvival):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         PrimitiveSurvival.ModSystem.PrimitiveSurvivalSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (zoombuttonreborn):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         ZoomButton.ZoomButton
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (carryon):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         CarryOn.CarrySystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod 'ExpandedFoods' (expandedfoods):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         EFRecipes.EFRecipes
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (hudclock):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         hudlock.src.HUDClockMod
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (workbenchexpansion):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         workbenchexpansion.src.WorkbenchExpansionMod
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (stonequarry):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         StoneQuarry.Core
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         StoneQuarry.StoneSlabMeshCache
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         StoneQuarry.RockManager
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod 'StepUp-v1.2.0.cs' (stepup):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         StepUp.StepUpSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod 'MCTest' (morecandles):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         MoreCandles.MoreCandlesSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]     Mod '' (wildcrafttrees):
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification]         WildcraftFruitTrees.WildcraftFruitTreeSystem
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loading shaders...
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass standard.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlescube.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sky.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass nightsky.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass woittest.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass transparentcompose.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass debugdepthbuffer.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass helditem.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkopaque.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkliquid.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass decals.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass final.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass gui.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blur.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktransparent.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass findbright.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktopsoil.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass godrays.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass autocamera.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blockhighlights.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass wireframe.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass luma.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blit.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad2d.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapentityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapgeneric.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass texture2texture.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass celestialobject.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guitopsoil.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass colorgrade.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guigear.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass ssao.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass bilateralblur.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass anvilworkitem.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass poison.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass lines.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass aurora.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass squintoverlay.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass rift.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sleepoverlay.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass machinegear.
12.11.2023 14:13:56 [Notification] Reloaded shaders now with mod assets
12.11.2023 14:13:57 [Notification] Received level init
12.11.2023 14:13:57 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass instanced.
12.11.2023 14:13:57 [Notification] Loading world map cache db...
12.11.2023 14:13:57 [Notification] Initialized Music Engine
12.11.2023 14:13:57 [Notification] Texture size is 32 so decal atlas size of 128x128 should suffice
12.11.2023 14:14:01 [Notification] Blocks tesselated
12.11.2023 14:14:05 [Notification] [commonlib] Received config StoneQuarry.Config, StoneQuarry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null from server
12.11.2023 14:14:06 [Notification] Rift weather not available
12.11.2023 14:14:06 [Notification] Received level finalize
12.11.2023 14:14:06 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass clouds.
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock in tradehandbookinfo Agriculture trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soyblock in tradehandbookinfo Agriculture trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock in tradehandbookinfo Artisan trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soyblock in tradehandbookinfo Artisan trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock in tradehandbookinfo Commodities trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soyblock in tradehandbookinfo Commodities trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxcandle in tradehandbookinfo Treasure hunter trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soycandle in tradehandbookinfo Treasure hunter trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] ===============================================================
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] (x_x) Captured 30 issues during startup:
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'exper:textures/item/wand.png' not found (defined in Item exper:wand).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/iron.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/wood.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/block/metal/ingot/blackbronze.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/puck).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed parsing shape model wildcrafttrees:shapes/block/wattle/snow-empty.json
After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'textures.willow2', line 13, position 2.
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Did not find required shape game:shapes/block/wood/door/plank/inventory.json anywhere. (defined in Inventory shape for block bunnydoor:bunnydoor-birch-north-down-closed-left)
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Did not find required shape bunnydoorfull:shapes/fullscreen/down_closed_right.json anywhere. (defined in Shape for block bunnydoor:fullscreendoor-birch-west-down-closed-right)
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'exper:textures/item/wand.png' not found (defined in Item code exper:wand).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/wood.png' not found (defined in Shape code moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/iron.png' not found (defined in Shape code moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Texture asset 'game:textures/block/plant/palm/greenbanana.png' not found (defined in Baked variant of block game:coconuttree-banana-trunktopflowers).
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Error] [guicompositesettingsex] An exception was thrown when trying to start the mod:
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Vintagestory.API.Common.Action' from assembly 'VintagestoryAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
   at GuiExtensions.SystemGuiCompositeSettingsEx.StartClientSide(ICoreClientAPI api)
   at Vintagestory.Common.ModLoader.TryRunModPhase(Mod mod, ModSystem system, ICoreAPI api, ModRunPhase phase) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ModLoader.cs:line 651
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Error] Failed to start system GuiExtensions.SystemGuiCompositeSettingsEx
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock in tradehandbookinfo Agriculture trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soyblock in tradehandbookinfo Agriculture trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock in tradehandbookinfo Artisan trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soyblock in tradehandbookinfo Artisan trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxblock in tradehandbookinfo Commodities trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soyblock in tradehandbookinfo Commodities trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:waxcandle in tradehandbookinfo Treasure hunter trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code morecandles:soycandle in tradehandbookinfo Treasure hunter trader
12.11.2023 14:14:07 [Warning] ===============================================================
12.11.2023 14:14:10 [Notification] Finished fully loading sounds (async)
12.11.2023 14:14:18 [Notification] Client pause state is now on
12.11.2023 14:14:19 [Notification] Destroying game session, waiting up to 200ms for client threads to exit
12.11.2023 14:14:19 [Notification] Stopping single player server
12.11.2023 14:14:23 [Notification] Exiting current game to main menu, reason: leave world button pressed
ruggbean commented 9 months ago
  1. Added -plain to all four assets in all of the trader files image_2023-11-12_143225402
ruggbean commented 9 months ago
  1. Added -plain to all four assets in all of the trader files image_2023-11-12_143225402

Checked the client main log; all errors resolved. Checked the server main log; no errors flagged. Issue resolved.

12.11.2023 14:27:49 [Notification] Game Version: v1.18.15 (Stable)
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] OpenAL Initialized. Available Mono/Stereo Sources: 255/1
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Process path: C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Vintagestory.exe
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Operating System: Windows 10.0.19045.0
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] CPU Cores: 8
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Available RAM: 8123 MB
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Graphics Card Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 536.23
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Graphics Card Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Graphics Card ShadingLanguageVersion: 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] GL.MaxVertexUniformComponents: 4096
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] GL.MaxUniformBlockSize: 65536
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Cairo Graphics Version: 1.17.3
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] OpenAL Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.23.0
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] C# Framework: .net 7.0.10
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] OpenTK Version: 3.3.2 (A set of fast, low-level C# bindings for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and OpenAL.)
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Zstd Version: 1.5.5
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Start discovering assets
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Found 23 base assets in category lang
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category patches
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Found 22 base assets in category config
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldproperties
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Found 46 base assets in category sounds
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Found 97 base assets in category shapes
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Found 72 base assets in category shaders
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Found 16 base assets in category shaderincludes
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Found 131 base assets in category textures
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Found 4 base assets in category music
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category dialog
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Found 411 base assets in total
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Loading sounds
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] Sounds loaded
12.11.2023 14:27:50 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass .
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Begin loading shaders
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Load shaders now
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loading shaders...
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass standard.
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlescube.
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad.
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sky.
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass nightsky.
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass woittest.
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass transparentcompose.
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass debugdepthbuffer.
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass helditem.
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkopaque.
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkliquid.
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass decals.
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass final.
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass gui.
12.11.2023 14:27:51 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blur.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktransparent.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass findbright.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktopsoil.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass godrays.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass autocamera.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blockhighlights.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass wireframe.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass luma.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blit.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad2d.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapentityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapgeneric.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass texture2texture.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass celestialobject.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guitopsoil.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass colorgrade.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guigear.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass ssao.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass bilateralblur.
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Cached session key is valid, validating with server
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Server validation response: Good
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
12.11.2023 14:27:52 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
12.11.2023 14:27:54 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
12.11.2023 14:27:56 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
12.11.2023 14:27:56 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
12.11.2023 14:27:56 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
12.11.2023 14:27:56 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
12.11.2023 14:27:57 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
12.11.2023 14:27:57 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
12.11.2023 14:27:57 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
12.11.2023 14:27:57 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
12.11.2023 14:27:57 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
12.11.2023 14:27:57 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
12.11.2023 14:27:57 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
12.11.2023 14:27:58 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
12.11.2023 14:27:58 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
12.11.2023 14:27:58 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
12.11.2023 14:27:58 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
12.11.2023 14:27:58 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
12.11.2023 14:27:59 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
12.11.2023 14:27:59 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
12.11.2023 14:27:59 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
12.11.2023 14:27:59 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
12.11.2023 14:28:03 [Notification] Initialized GUI Manager
12.11.2023 14:28:03 [Notification] Initialized Server Connection
12.11.2023 14:28:03 [Notification] Server args parsed
12.11.2023 14:28:03 [Notification] Server main instantiated
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] Processed server identification
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] Map initialized
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] Received server assets
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] Loading and pre-starting client side mods...
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification]     C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] [StepUp-v1.2.0.cs] Successfully compiled 1 source files
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] Found 21 mods (0 disabled)
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: aculinaryartillery, craftables, moremolds, primitivesurvival, stackables, game, wildcrafttrees, zoombuttonreborn, carryon, commonlib, expandedfoods, guicompositesettingsex, hudclock, moredoor, stepup, vanillacratecompatibility, creative, survival, workbenchexpansion, morecandles, stonequarry
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] [morecandles] Successfully compiled 2 source files
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] Instantiated 123 mod systems from 21 enabled mods
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] [commonlib] Config StoneQuarry.Config, StoneQuarry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null loaded successfully
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Event] started 'CarryOn' mod
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] Done loading and pre-starting client side mods.
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] Mod Config successfully loaded.
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Event] started 'Vanilla Crate Compatibility' mod
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Event] Workbench Expansion Mod v1.6.0 loading
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] Start called, registering tree class
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] External Origins in load order: modorigin@C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\creative\, modorigin@C:\Users\ruggb\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\survival\, mod@ACulinaryArtillery,,,,,,, mod@ExpandedFoods,,,,,, mod@MCTest
12.11.2023 14:28:52 [Notification] Found 46 external assets in category lang
12.11.2023 14:28:53 [Notification] Found 574 external assets in category patches
12.11.2023 14:28:53 [Notification] Found 70 external assets in category config
12.11.2023 14:28:53 [Notification] Found 26 external assets in category worldproperties
12.11.2023 14:28:53 [Notification] Found 366 external assets in category sounds
12.11.2023 14:28:53 [Notification] Found 4688 external assets in category shapes
12.11.2023 14:28:53 [Notification] Found 19 external assets in category shaders
12.11.2023 14:28:53 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category shaderincludes
12.11.2023 14:28:53 [Notification] Found 7316 external assets in category textures
12.11.2023 14:28:53 [Notification] Found 66 external assets in category music
12.11.2023 14:28:53 [Notification] Found 18 external assets in category dialog
12.11.2023 14:28:53 [Notification] Found 7 external assets in category compatibility
12.11.2023 14:28:53 [Notification] Reloaded lang file now with mod assets
12.11.2023 14:28:53 [Notification] Compatibility lib: 4 assets added, 0 assets replaced.
12.11.2023 14:28:56 [Notification] Server launched
12.11.2023 14:28:57 [Notification] JsonPatch Loader: 2114 patches total, successfully applied 109 patches, missing files on 409 patches, unmet conditions on 1634 patches, no issues
12.11.2023 14:28:57 [Notification] 
12.11.2023 14:28:57 [Notification] Received 6585 item types from server
12.11.2023 14:28:57 [Notification] Loaded 100366 block types from server
12.11.2023 14:28:58 [Notification] Reloaded sounds, now with mod assets
12.11.2023 14:28:58 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 entities texture atlases from 440 textures
12.11.2023 14:28:59 [Warning] Failed parsing shape model wildcrafttrees:shapes/block/wattle/snow-empty.json
After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'textures.willow2', line 13, position 2.
12.11.2023 14:28:59 [Warning] Did not find required shape game:shapes/block/wood/door/plank/inventory.json anywhere. (defined in Inventory shape for block bunnydoor:bunnydoor-birch-north-down-closed-left)
12.11.2023 14:28:59 [Warning] Did not find required shape bunnydoorfull:shapes/fullscreen/down_closed_right.json anywhere. (defined in Shape for block bunnydoor:fullscreendoor-birch-west-down-closed-right)
12.11.2023 14:28:59 [Notification] Collected 2611 shapes to tesselate.
12.11.2023 14:29:00 [Warning] Texture asset 'exper:textures/item/wand.png' not found (defined in Item exper:wand).
12.11.2023 14:29:00 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/iron.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:29:00 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/wood.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:29:00 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/block/metal/ingot/blackbronze.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/puck).
12.11.2023 14:29:00 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 items texture atlases from 2649 textures
12.11.2023 14:29:01 [Warning] Texture asset 'exper:textures/item/wand.png' not found (defined in Item code exper:wand).
12.11.2023 14:29:02 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/iron.png' not found (defined in Shape code moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:29:02 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/wood.png' not found (defined in Shape code moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
                                                                                                                                                             12.11.2023 14:29:02 [Warning] Texture asset 'game:textures/block/plant/palm/greenbanana.png' not found (defined in Baked variant of block game:coconuttree-banana-trunktopflowers).
12.11.2023 14:29:02 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 blocks texture atlases from 5124 textures
12.11.2023 14:29:03 [Notification] Server assets loaded
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Error] [guicompositesettingsex] An exception was thrown when trying to start the mod:
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Vintagestory.API.Common.Action' from assembly 'VintagestoryAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
   at GuiExtensions.SystemGuiCompositeSettingsEx.StartClientSide(ICoreClientAPI api)
   at Vintagestory.Common.ModLoader.TryRunModPhase(Mod mod, ModSystem system, ICoreAPI api, ModRunPhase phase) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ModLoader.cs:line 651
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Error] Failed to start system GuiExtensions.SystemGuiCompositeSettingsEx
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass anvilworkitem.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass lines.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass aurora.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Event] Hello from ZoomButton!
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass squintoverlay.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] HUD Clock Mod v3.2.1 loading
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass rift.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sleepoverlay.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass machinegear.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Started 83 systems on Client:
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod 'VSEssentials.dll' (game):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityPartitioning
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ErrorReporter
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModCompatiblityUtil
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemDormancyStateChecker
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemItemRendererOptimizer
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.FallingBlockParticlesModSystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterExtraDialogs
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityNameTagRendererRegistry
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RoomRegistry
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemCommands
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemClient
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WorldMapManager
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.LoadColorMaps
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ClothManager
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod 'VSSurvivalMod.dll' (survival):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemControlPoints
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SurvivalCoreSystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ModSystemBossHealthBars
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.DebugSystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.UpgradeTasks
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemDetailModeSync
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemTiledDungeonGenerator
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenFromHeightmap
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenMaps
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MyceliumSystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSupportBeamPlacer
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCatchCreature
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemGliding
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemMeasuringRope
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ScreenshakeToClientModSystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ResoArchivesSpawnConditions
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemAuction
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBlockReinforcement
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Core
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBoatingSound
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterSystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MealMeshCache
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.DialogueSystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.FruitingSystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemHandbook
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemTutorial
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemNightVision
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModJournal
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.LiquidItemStackRenderer
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemStructureLocator
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModLootRandomizer
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MicroBlockModelCache
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRifts
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRiftWeather
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSleeping
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TeleporterManager
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModTemperature
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SystemTemporalStability
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TemporalStabilityEffects
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemWearableStats
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEditableBook
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Mechanics.MechanicalPowerMod
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TradeHandbookInfo
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RecipeRegistrySystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TraderOutfits
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod '' (commonlib):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         CommonLib.Config.ConfigManager
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         CommonLib.Core
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod 'VSCreativeMod.dll' (creative):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.WorldEdit.WorldEdit
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod '' (vanillacratecompatibility):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.JsonPatches
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.AdvancedPatches
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         VanillaCrateCompatibility.Core
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod 'ACulinaryArtillery' (aculinaryartillery):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         ACulinaryArtillery.ACulinaryArtillery
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         ACulinaryArtillery.RecipeUploadSystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod '' (primitivesurvival):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         PrimitiveSurvival.ModSystem.PrimitiveSurvivalSystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod '' (zoombuttonreborn):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         ZoomButton.ZoomButton
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod '' (carryon):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         CarryOn.CarrySystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod 'ExpandedFoods' (expandedfoods):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         EFRecipes.EFRecipes
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod '' (hudclock):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         hudlock.src.HUDClockMod
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod '' (workbenchexpansion):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         workbenchexpansion.src.WorkbenchExpansionMod
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod '' (stonequarry):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         StoneQuarry.Core
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         StoneQuarry.StoneSlabMeshCache
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         StoneQuarry.RockManager
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod 'StepUp-v1.2.0.cs' (stepup):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         StepUp.StepUpSystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod 'MCTest' (morecandles):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         MoreCandles.MoreCandlesSystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]     Mod '' (wildcrafttrees):
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification]         WildcraftFruitTrees.WildcraftFruitTreeSystem
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loading shaders...
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass standard.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlescube.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sky.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass nightsky.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass woittest.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass transparentcompose.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass debugdepthbuffer.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass helditem.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkopaque.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkliquid.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass decals.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass final.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass gui.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blur.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktransparent.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass findbright.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktopsoil.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass godrays.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass autocamera.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blockhighlights.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass wireframe.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass luma.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blit.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad2d.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapentityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapgeneric.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass texture2texture.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass celestialobject.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guitopsoil.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass colorgrade.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guigear.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass ssao.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass bilateralblur.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass anvilworkitem.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass poison.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass lines.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass aurora.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass squintoverlay.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass rift.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sleepoverlay.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass machinegear.
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Reloaded shaders now with mod assets
12.11.2023 14:29:04 [Notification] Received level init
12.11.2023 14:29:05 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass instanced.
12.11.2023 14:29:05 [Notification] Loading world map cache db...
12.11.2023 14:29:05 [Notification] Initialized Music Engine
12.11.2023 14:29:05 [Notification] Texture size is 32 so decal atlas size of 128x128 should suffice
12.11.2023 14:29:13 [Notification] Blocks tesselated
12.11.2023 14:29:15 [Notification] [commonlib] Received config StoneQuarry.Config, StoneQuarry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null from server
12.11.2023 14:29:15 [Notification] Rift weather not available
12.11.2023 14:29:15 [Notification] Received level finalize
12.11.2023 14:29:15 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass clouds.
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Warning] ===============================================================
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Warning] (x_x) Captured 23 issues during startup:
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Warning] Failed parsing shape model wildcrafttrees:shapes/block/wattle/snow-empty.json
After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'textures.willow2', line 13, position 2.
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Warning] Did not find required shape game:shapes/block/wood/door/plank/inventory.json anywhere. (defined in Inventory shape for block bunnydoor:bunnydoor-birch-north-down-closed-left)
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Warning] Did not find required shape bunnydoorfull:shapes/fullscreen/down_closed_right.json anywhere. (defined in Shape for block bunnydoor:fullscreendoor-birch-west-down-closed-right)
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Warning] Texture asset 'exper:textures/item/wand.png' not found (defined in Item exper:wand).
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/iron.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/wood.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/block/metal/ingot/blackbronze.png' not found (defined in Shape file moremolds:item/puck).
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Warning] Texture asset 'exper:textures/item/wand.png' not found (defined in Item code exper:wand).
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/iron.png' not found (defined in Shape code moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Warning] Texture asset 'moremolds:textures/item/tool/material/wood.png' not found (defined in Shape code moremolds:item/tool/handsaw).
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Warning] Texture asset 'game:textures/block/plant/palm/greenbanana.png' not found (defined in Baked variant of block game:coconuttree-banana-trunktopflowers).
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Error] [guicompositesettingsex] An exception was thrown when trying to start the mod:
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Vintagestory.API.Common.Action' from assembly 'VintagestoryAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
   at GuiExtensions.SystemGuiCompositeSettingsEx.StartClientSide(ICoreClientAPI api)
   at Vintagestory.Common.ModLoader.TryRunModPhase(Mod mod, ModSystem system, ICoreAPI api, ModRunPhase phase) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ModLoader.cs:line 651
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Error] Failed to start system GuiExtensions.SystemGuiCompositeSettingsEx
12.11.2023 14:29:16 [Warning] ===============================================================
12.11.2023 14:29:25 [Notification] Finished fully loading sounds (async)
12.11.2023 14:29:28 [Notification] Track music/groove.ogg now started
12.11.2023 14:29:31 [Notification] Client pause state is now on
12.11.2023 14:30:06 [Notification] Client pause state is now off
12.11.2023 14:30:08 [Notification] Client pause state is now on
12.11.2023 14:30:09 [Notification] Destroying game session, waiting up to 200ms for client threads to exit
12.11.2023 14:30:10 [Notification] Stopping single player server
12.11.2023 14:30:14 [Notification] Exiting current game to main menu, reason: leave world button pressed