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Care Team Orga #13

Closed sr189 closed 6 years ago

sr189 commented 6 years ago

Care Team Setup with @filtercake.

The Care Team will be responsible for enforcing the CoC, will be around to be directly contacted, will monitor the talks and things like twitter.

halfbyte commented 6 years ago

Had a productive call with @filtercake today. Here's what I've written down, feel free to add stuff I missed, Fabian

afknapping commented 6 years ago

Hi all 👋

This the text we read at the intro at jeffconf...


(Brief intro of team and contact info)

The point is not to keep you from saying or thinking specific things

The point is to keep it from happening here, and the after-party, today

this event is supposed to be a safe space for everyone who is here, and we need your help for thay

This is a “community event”

What does community mean?

it means that it’s not about you

It means always behaving in good intent and having the well-being of all others community members as highest priority

You cannot know what makes another person feel bad. That’s why we explicitly listed topics and behaviours to avoid. This is meant as as help to you, to not accidentally hurt someone

[...] gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices.

Ok. But what if it happens. What if you accidentally hurt someone? There are usually two types of behaviours after such a mistake

A) You get it, welcome the feedback, aapologise and accept the consequences if there are any

B) You get defensive and emotional, insisting that you didn’t mean it and that in turn you shouldn’t have to bear any consequences. Or worse: that you are right and should be allowed to continue

Why you defend your right to make another person feel shitty?


Take care of the people around you!

Speak up if you hear someone making sexist, racist, or otherwise inapprioate remarks!

Not for you. For those around you.

if you cannot or don’t want to do that or especially if you feel hurt, talk to us. That’s what we’re here for.

We want to avoid incidents!

A lot of incidents at conferences could have been avoided if people had gotten feedback earlier

We want to avoid incidents, and early feedback is the best way to do that

anything you share with us is treated confidentially

Our goal is to make this a great day for everyone who is here — and we hope that this your goal too :)

And now, let’s watch some great talks!

halfbyte commented 6 years ago

@filtercake Nina @sssggr (we've talked about me asking her) agreed to help. She told me she doesn't like the name "Care Team", but I'll let her argue for herself. Adding her in here so that she can join the discussion.

sssggr commented 6 years ago

Hi @halfbyte and @filtercake, happy to join you! I wouldn't say that I don't like the name, but I haven't heard it before and would like to understand it better. If one of you could provide me some background info that would be amazing.

Do you have another call scheduled? Which communication channel(s) do you use?

afknapping commented 6 years ago

hey @sssggr 👋

"care team" was the name at RuhrJS. I really liked it because it puts the team into a more positive/constructive/pro-active point of view – away from "reactiing to CoC violations" into "we care about community and everyone in it".

sssggr commented 6 years ago

@filtercake: okay, thanks for the background info!

afknapping commented 6 years ago

Fabian will ask Susanne who was part of the Jeffconf care team

can finally move that to "done", update incoming...

halfbyte commented 6 years ago

@filtercake We're very curious :)

halfbyte commented 6 years ago

@filtercake In all seriousness, I'd love to know:

afknapping commented 6 years ago

ah, apologies.

can finally move that to "done", update incoming...

yes, @susannekaiser answered she can help out with the coc team that weekend (thx susanne!)

and i'll make it yes :)

call seems like a good idea, i made a doodle:

sssggr commented 6 years ago

Hi @susannekaiser! +1 for the call and thanks for setting up the doodle. It says 07:30 am but I assume you don't want to meet that early and we are talking about 07:30 pm @filtercake?

afknapping commented 6 years ago

It says 07:30 am but I assume you don't want to meet that early and we are talking about 07:30 pm @filtercake?

yes, fixed :)

susannekaiser commented 6 years ago

Hi all, sorry for my late response. My notifications of this thread went to /dev/null ... kind of. I finally filled out the doodle, too.

afknapping commented 6 years ago

@susannekaiser no problem, thx for helping out here!

i chose sunday april 29 19:30 for the call. @susannekaiser that's one the days you're not available – we'll post a log here :)

proposed agenda for the call:


Before the conference, the whole core team + helpers should be briefed by the care team.

That could mean:

we can also collect those things here in the open until the call of course...

afknapping commented 6 years ago

Let’s meet in at 19:30. See you then :)

halfbyte commented 6 years ago

@susannekaiser I've tried to update the Todo list above - It should roughly cover everything we've talked about.

halfbyte commented 6 years ago

@susannekaiser @filtercake @sssggr Could y'all send me an email to with the email address you want me to use for the Email forward?

halfbyte commented 6 years ago

I've added the full contact info to the website and extracted it to a separate page (for easier linking from a QR code and a poster) and also added anonymous form submits (using formspree, these will end up in our email inbox as well). Any objections?

halfbyte commented 6 years ago

All, here's a first shot at a possible poster design. Please let me know what you think:

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to do that in a google doc, so it is a Pages document :(

afknapping commented 6 years ago

All, here's a first shot at a possible poster design. Please let me know what you think:

<3 👍

afknapping commented 6 years ago

here's a first draft for the team briefing. I'm not exactly in a relaxed mood tonight, so feel free to edit away... all feedback welcome...

Dear Volunteers and core team members.

This a quick briefing from the Care Team on how to handle Code of Conduct related things. We will try to catch all of you shortly on Saturday morning to adress any questions – also feel free to mail back or call us of course :)

What should I do when an attendee approaches me and wants to report something?

This might sound a bit alarming and overboard to some of you. The tl;dr is that you might deal with a person who has just been triggered into a severe past trauma. While that is rare in absolute numbers, it has happened at other confs and it's best to assume worst case at first to avoid adding insult to injury. Staying calm and assuring, and keeping the person safe is the best and most important you can do at first.

Worry not – we're here for you too! You are welcome and encouraged to address all questions on this to us via call, mail or in person on Saturday.

Thanks for your help! Let’s have an incident-free event where every single person has a good time :)

Best, The Care Team: Nina, Susanne, Jan and Fabian

afknapping commented 6 years ago

the panels we used at for monitoring at jeffconf:


serch term was jeffconfhamburg OR jeffconf OR @jeffconf

I also had a panel with DMs open, since we had that as a channel too.

here is an example exchange I had on twitter:


afknapping commented 6 years ago

public url of intro text google doc is