rugk / awesome-emoji-picker

Add-on/WebExtension that provides a modern emoji picker that you can use to find and copy/insert emoji into the active web page.
102 stars 10 forks source link

Updated translations for 'hu': Hungarian (magyar) #98

Closed meskobalazs closed 4 years ago

meskobalazs commented 4 years ago

Your translation have been copied to your clipboard. Paste it here:

Updated translations for 'hu': Hungarian (magyar):

  // manifest.json
  "extensionName": {
    "message": "Awesome Emoji Picker",
    "description": "Name of the extension. I suggest not to translate it.",
    "hash": "c5f266279feb065e53e69a1fddfff0f2"
  "extensionNameShort": {
    "message": "Awesome Emoji",
    "description": "Short name of the extension. I suggest not to translate it.",
    "hash": "0862f0659c82660cb8a73d5cff518976"
  "extensionDescription": {
    "message": "Ez a kiegészítő egy modern emodzsiválasztót biztosít, amellyel emodzsikat kereshet. Ezután a vágólapra másolhatja őket, vagy beillesztheti az emodzsit az aktív weblapra.",
    "description": "Description of the extension.",
    "hash": "8053d30320c4c825f593e96c54f8c36d"
  "browserActionButtonTitle": {
    "message": "Awesome Emoji Picker",
    "description": "The title for the button, which opens the popup. I suggest not to translate it.",
    "hash": "c5f266279feb065e53e69a1fddfff0f2"
  "commandOpenPopup": {
    "message": "Emodzsiválasztó megnyitása",
    "description": "Description of the hot key command to open the emoji popup (by default with Ctrl+Shift+Period).",
    "hash": "4aeed4cf10e929762d43ba14d42fef6b"

  // errors or other messages (mostly for settings)
  "errorShowingMessage": {
    "message": "Az üzenet nem jeleníthető meg.",
    "description": "When there is an error when showing the error/info/….",
    "hash": "a9440e4f824a372841d4de2b7e2643ee"
  "couldNotLoadOptions": {
    "message": "A beállítások nem tölthetők be.",
    "description": "When one or all settings could not be loaded.",
    "hash": "9497a5d2c9473aeb2ed9601f46c456be"
  "couldNotSaveOption": {
    "message": "A beállítás nem menthető.",
    "description": "When a setting could not be saved.",
    "hash": "6bcb9e36d2c33172b948515a9c50aa8e"
  "messageUndoButton": {
    "message": "Visszavonás",
    "description": "The text of a button that undoes the last action.",
    "hash": "a85e775d7404b86c8060a20efd31241c"
  "couldNotUndoAction": {
    "message": "A művelet nem vonható vissza.",
    "description": "Shown when an action cannot be undone.",
    "hash": "d2883c6ca0164afc4f360f3e02e3166a"
  "resettingOptionsWorked": {
    "message": "A beállítások most már újra az alapértelmezettek.",
    "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings were reset.",
    "hash": "257b99ed2a074fccbfc658d770b50107"
  "resettingOptionsFailed": {
    "message": "A beállítások nem állíthatók helyre.",
    "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings could not have been reset.",
    "hash": "76e950d2db72a824482411ca6564fb1f"
  "errorPermissionMissing": {
    "message": "A művelethez hiányzik egy engedély.",
    "description": "The message shown, when a required permission is missing. (If) It is not important to mention, which one is missing.",
    "hash": "4fd643fe1cc78041711623903d3437a1"
  "messageOpenOptionsButton": {
    "message": "Beállítások megnyitása",
    "description": "The text of a button that opens the options page.",
    "hash": "b9cfa2cbfe4d77715a12f0ca99c53963"
  "couldNotDoAction": {
    "message": "Az elvégzendő művelet sikertelen.",
    "description": "A generic error message shown, if nothing else/more specific can be shown.",
    "hash": "6edea27add637cb37d254080c4a6cfb5"
  "permissionRequiredClipboardWrite": {
    "message": "A funkció használatához szükséges az adatok vágólapra másolásának engedélye.",
    "description": "The message shown, when the emojiCopyOnlyFallback option in the settings needs to request permissions to work.",
    "hash": "1a9cb2af1d8cc2d42365821676b66acd"
  "buttonRequestPermission": {
    "message": "Engedély megadása",
    "description": "The button label, used for requesting a permission that is missing.",
    "hash": "4689dc838288903e92432d87c1b8fea2"
  "couldNotRequestPermission": {
    "message": "Engedélykérés sikertelen.",
    "description": "When the permission request fails.",
    "hash": "53e3617a82c33e20fb22eed64dced8de"

  // confirmation hints
  "confirmationHintEmojiCopied": {
    "message": "Emodzsi másolva",
    "description": "The confirmation shown, if an emoji has been copied to clipboard. Try to keep it short, as it is a big message.",
    "hash": "ad28e8c01480141e7500921f3b140db3"
  "confirmationHintEmojiInserted": {
    "message": "Emodzsi beszúrva",
    "description": "The confirmation shown, if an emoji has been inserted into the active web page. Try to keep it short, as it is a big message.",
    "hash": "b8cb77259ecb40aeaf09a58937369648"
  "confirmationHintEmojiCopiedAndInserted": {
    "message": "Emodzsi másolvas és beszúrva",
    "description": "The confirmation shown, if an emoji has been copied to the clipboard *and* has been inserted into the active web page. Try to keep it short, as it is a big message.",
    "hash": "925b14d15d6bb013a09973f2913fac35"

  // tips
  "tipYouLikeAddon": {
    "message": "Kedveli ezt a kiegészítőt?",
    "description": "A tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon.",
    "hash": "0f5680a5a42bcebf793a44b9dfcf79a1"
  "tipYouLikeAddonButton": {
    "message": "Értékelje",
    "description": "Button for the tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon.",
    "hash": "821d7f942b02e2b56cd0424d3ab65de8"
  "tipPopupCodeHotkey": {
    "message": "A kiegészítő gyorsbillentyűje: Ctrl+Shift+Pont.",
    "description": "A tip shown to get the user to notice that there is a hot key.",
    "hash": "d214cd7e3ea8612b0b83ce308687aed4"
  "tipTranslateAddon": {
    "message": "Ha más nyelven is beszél, akkor segíthet a kiegészítők lefordításában.",
    "description": "A tip shown to users that potentially speak another language to translate this add-on.",
    "hash": "f22661cb0e9cdc8144d0c3cf59f854e3"
  "tipTranslateAddonLink": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "The link to a description of the translation service/way you can use.",
    "hash": "c6c442079d7cbebd14843df77883648c"
  "tipDonate": {
    "message": "Élvezi a kiegészítő ingyenes használatát?",
    "description": "A tip shown to get the remind them of a donation.",
    "hash": "1ca77d6621635ae0bec563e15fbc3791"
  "tipDonateButton": {
    "message": "Adományozzon a fejlesztéshez",
    "description": "The button of the donation tip taking the user to the donation site.",
    "hash": "8ec498495b752c6d9358208a5564d42c"
  "tipLearnMore": {
    "message": "További tudnivalók",
    "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information on click.",
    "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31"

  // options
  "someSettingsAreManaged": {
    "message": "Egyes beállításokat rendszergazda kezel, és nem lehet azokat megváltoztatni.",
    "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators.",
    "hash": "148604ebbeb7df28974d8233f1418d1f"
  "optionIsDisabledBecauseManaged": {
    "message": "A beállítás tiltott, mert a rendszergazda állította be azokat.",
    "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option.",
    "hash": "50fb70682c64e1a1fb4d8884b33cca64"
  "optionLearnMore": {
    "message": "További tudnivalók",
    "description": "When a link to an explainer needs to be added, this is the link text.",
    "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31"
  "optionsResetButton": {
    "message": "Az összes beállítás alapértelmezettre állítása",
    "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "4bb60c6c7e7b9e2ff987c244e76ee044"
  "titleAppearance": {
    "message": "Megjelenés",
    "description": "The title for a settings group.",
    "hash": "4e916e83dfa642d4d35d88b3910ef1ab"
  "titleBehaviour": {
    "message": "Viselkedés",
    "description": "The title for a settings group.",
    "hash": "0c8a5f028c6c5785feafccd39f1239f3"
  "optionPopupIconColored": {
    "message": "Színes ikon",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "d1a73cea0718b619bd2adcfe97bd66a8"
  "optionPopupIconColoredDescr": {
    "message": "Fekete-fehér helyett színes ikont jelenít meg az eszköztáron.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionPopupIconColored setting in more details.",
    "hash": "5d8459d16f7e1ed774fc85f40ce8963e"
  "optionEmojiPickerSet": {
    "message": "Emodzsik stílusa:",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "d4bf1667bdacd694bb73d30901243735"
  "optionEmojiSetNative": {
    "message": "Az operációs rendszer alapértelmezése",
    "description": "Option of the emoji set. It uses the native emojis of the platform (OS/browser) of the add-on.",
    "hash": "8870cf3ed2dd2a119fee2d43be9a1e62"
  "optionEmojiSetApple": {
    "message": "Apple",
    "description": "Option of the emoji set. This is a company name and should thus, usually, not translated. Only translate if it's the official company translation.",
    "hash": "4d0a37fd8f053c6ca8654de2db3a1254"
  "optionEmojiSetGoogle": {
    "message": "Google",
    "description": "Option of the emoji set. This is a company name and should thus, usually, not translated. Only translate if it's the official company translation.",
    "hash": "db426fbce7c158af2dcbcd6fcb305137"
  "optionEmojiSetTwitter": {
    "message": "Twitter",
    "description": "Option of the emoji set. This is a company name and should thus, usually, not translated. Only translate if it's the official company translation.",
    "hash": "3bae8ce17ed128fd3ccc45099b57e13c"
  "optionEmojiSetFacebook": {
    "message": "Facebook",
    "description": "Option of the emoji set. This is a company name and should thus, usually, not translated. Only translate if it's the official company translation.",
    "hash": "ebe9928c05d67c31313efa37fbda9c94"
  "optionEmojiPickerSetDescr": {
    "message": "Milyen stílusúak legyenek az emodzsik",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionEmojiPickerSet setting.",
    "hash": "8ab696ff2c252f4a51bc77af8f6f6776"
  "optionEmojiPickerEmojiSize": {
    "message": "Emodzsi mérete:",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "73f1c488865c17ab2ecbbeac865f85b2"
  "optionEmojiSize16px": {
    "message": "Kicsi (16px)",
    "description": "Option of the emoji size. Do mention a 'human-readbable' description first, followed by the technical pixel size.",
    "hash": "1a0e72fdec9138f9adaf01d1123adff8"
  "optionEmojiSize24px": {
    "message": "Közepes (24px)",
    "description": "Option of the emoji size. Do mention a 'human-readbable' description first, followed by the technical pixel size.",
    "hash": "6ddc2c24416122b6eb5a1dabed4c400b"
  "optionEmojiSize32px": {
    "message": "Nagy (32px)",
    "description": "Option of the emoji size. Do mention a 'human-readbable' description first, followed by the technical pixel size.",
    "hash": "60226233320471d72f35dbcbe065721a"
  "optionEmojiSize40px": {
    "message": "Nagyon nagy (40px)",
    "description": "Option of the emoji size. Do mention a 'human-readbable' description first, followed by the technical pixel size.",
    "hash": "a300dae53a5d6003b04fb85fc62e43ef"
  "optionEmojiSize48px": {
    "message": "Hatalmas (48px)",
    "description": "Option of the emoji size. Do mention a 'human-readbable' description first, followed by the technical pixel size.",
    "hash": "2f5902c374a502230d47347cb9e8ba39"
  "optionEmojiPickerPerLine": {
    "message": "Választó szélessége:",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "40cf9fd1296c35150e262679e7c64a1d"
  "optionEmojisPerLineStatusSingular": {
    "message": "(soronként $INTEGER$ emodzsi)",
    "description": "This is the number of emojis per line in its singular form.",
    "placeholders": {
      "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" }
    "hash": "fd52c00faf4f1b2c4433cfb3fcdc4809"
  "optionEmojisPerLineStatusPlural": {
    "message": "(soronként $INTEGER$ emodzsi)",
    "description": "This is the number of emojis per line in its plural form.",
    "placeholders": {
      "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" }
    "hash": "3b51648488d77c9042e9d484ca2c1d2e"
  "optionEmojiPickerPerLineDescr": {
    "message": "Hány emodzsi jelenjen meg soronként. Ez befolyásolja a felugró ablak szélességét.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionEmojiPickerPerLine setting.",
    "hash": "8ac00cf34b9d5e20ebfcc309df3291ae"
  "optionEmojiPickerShowTooltip": {
    "message": "Eszköztárak megjelenítése",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "46833952a772ff61c2f4424a8e352967"
  "optionEmojiPickerShowTooltipDescr": {
    "message": "Buboréksúgót jelenít meg az emodzsi nevével, ha ráviszi az egeret.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionEmojiPickerShowTooltip setting.",
    "hash": "a72f049744032789d76be901612b0191"
  "optionAutomaticInsert": {
    "message": "Emodzsi automatikus beszúrása a weboldalra.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "c798d0ce95af6f30ab30f8228f330b6e"
  "optionCopyClipboard": {
    "message": "Emodzsi vágólapra másolása.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "2d1fe2b04a246a6d6bc98dec0cef4dde"
  "optionCopyClipboardFallback": {
    "message": "Csak akkor használjon tartalékot, ha a közvetlen emodzsibeszúrás sikertelen.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "e8353da70f0d16d742c92fac598b5d01"
  "optionCopyEmojiColons": {
    "message": "A „$COLON$” kód használata a Unicode emodzsi karakter helyett.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. You can also translate 'code' with 'syntax'.",
    "placeholders": {
      "colon": { "content": "$1", "example": "<code>:colon:</code>" }
    "hash": "75fda1d2fada35015662728f74ca6da1"
  "optionCopyEmojiColonsCode": {
    "message": ":kettőspont:",
    "description": "This is included in code-style in optionCopyEmojiColons.",
    "hash": "819569cbed023888af57dd20c147264e"
  "optionCopyEmojiColonsDescr": {
    "message": "Csak akkor hasznos, ha egy adott oldal támogatja az ilyen szöveget.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionCopyEmojiColons setting.",
    "hash": "aa8a0f91cf79aafac95b4b6dc8c41db3"
  "optionShowConfirmationMessage": {
    "message": "Megerősítő üzenet megjelenítése, ha a művelet sikeres volt.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "4d19a37aacc63e964efd4e26659b1f4c"
  "optionClosePopup": {
    "message": "A felugró ablak bezárása, ha egy emodzsi kiválasztásra/beszúrásra került.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "6d8f1d538887bacd84a7934959364fa8"
  "titleSearchBar": {
    "message": "Keresősáv",
    "description": "The title for a settings group.",
    "hash": "9f674b27c3d5b79c4229c718f54af938"
  "optionSearchBoxIntegration": {
    "message": "Beépülés a címsávba.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "dc7b4f89870082035cb68f323a31f29d"
  "optionSearchBoxIntegrationDescr": {
    "message": "Lehetővé teszi, hogy emodzsikat keressen a címsávban, úgy hogy „emoji” szöveggel és egy utána ütött szóközzel kezd el keresni.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "7c572ec9de6937cf1c57d9c8d71384d8"
  "optionSearchCopyAction": {
    "message": "Vágólapra másolás",
    "description": "This is an radio option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "17b6a865f4e197dcff670c9ac12517a1"
  "optionEmojipediaAction": {
    "message": "Keresés az Emojipedián",
    "description": "This is an radio option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "29ee502aa06150b1345b1a80bbcd0df2"
  "optionImageAltTextSearchBarDemo": {
    "message": "Például keressen a címsávban a „kutya” emodzsi kifejezéssel, ehhez számos emodzsijavaslatot fog kapni.",
    "description": "This is the alt description for an image shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "4cb29d49481d62a696ee8698d490ec58"
  "optionsLicenseDisclaimer": {
    "message": "Minden emodzsiképre más licenc vonatkozhat. További információkért lásd $LINKS$.",
    "description": "This is a text shown in the add-on settings explaining the license terms.",
    "placeholders": {
      "link": { "content": "$1", "example": "<a href=\"\">the whole license file</a>" }
    "hash": "18dfd0f38e1d38504273202e88121e67"
  "optionsLicenseDisclaimerLink": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "This is the link to the LICENSE file of this add-on. Used in the license disclaimer, see optionsLicenseDisclaimer. Usually, you do not need to translate this as we have only an English version.",
    "hash": "a941d363fa723fc089f7d9600e292c1f"
  "optionsLicenseDisclaimerLinkText": {
    "message": "a teljes licencfájlt",
    "description": "This is text of the link to the LICENSE file of this add-on. Used in the license disclaimer, see optionsLicenseDisclaimer.",
    "hash": "3471458865aafdd0f3335877239d5d91"
  "translatorCredit": {
    "message": "A kiegészítőt $TRANSLATORS$ fordította magyarra.",
    "description": "The credit text for the translator. See for how to translate this.",
    "placeholders": {
      "translators": { "content": "$1", "example": "<a href=\"\">@rugk</a>" }
    "hash": "a6f5deecd624d5f8cd58350c72dd8fdf"
  "translatorLink": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile.",
    "hash": "4775fb2f88fd33d02b871e5021dec3e9"
  "translatorUsername": {
    "message": "meskobalazs",
    "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to.",
    "hash": "ce96c18a8a1b4b528b294e981ee4d651"
  "contributorsThanks": {
    "message": "Köszönjük az $CONTRIBUTORS$ is.",
    "description": "Text thanking all contributors and linking to the contributors file.",
    "placeholders": {
      "contributors": { "content": "$1", "example": "<a href=\"…/\">all other contributors</a>" }
    "hash": "b1434b8b42b1707f37d0531a8efdc7f8"
  "contributorsThanksLink": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file.",
    "hash": "30b2457355af889c726c252b04f561b2"
  "contributorsThanksLinkText": {
    "message": "összes többi közreműködőnek",
    "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks.",
    "hash": "ce03e1f3b15df3bba66048b30c4f8de4"

  // emoji-search
  "searchTipDescription": {
    "message": "Emodzsik keresése az $ADDON$ segítségével…",
    "description": "This is the text that is shown when searching for an emoji. It shows a tip to remind the user how to search for an emoji.",
    "placeholders": {
      "addon": { "content": "$1", "example": "The name of the extension. See extensionName." }
    "hash": "74d702e55f493421c7f5dd5f81690cfc"
  "searchTipDescriptionDisabled": {
    "message": "Az $ADDON$ segítségével történő keresés ki van kapcsolva… Engedélyezheti a beállításokban.",
    "description": "This is the text that is shown when searching for an emoji, but if the address bar integration is disabled.",
    "placeholders": {
      "addon": { "content": "$1", "example": "The name of the extension. See extensionName." }
    "hash": "e5546eb630b2b0ac5526949d5d6f753d"
  "searchResultDescription": {
    "message": "$NATIVE$ – $NAME$ ($COLON_SYNTAX$)",
    "description": "The description for emoji search result.",
    "placeholders": {
      "native": { "content": "$1", "example": "🐵 (The Unicode symbol for the Emoji)" },
      "name": { "content": "$2", "example": "Monkey Face (The name of the Emoji)" },
      "colon_syntax": { "content": "$3", "example": ":monkey_face: (The :colon: syntax of the selected Emoji)" }
    "hash": "68288958e5a357fe68946c058b03c621"

  // emoji-mart

  // see

  // please DO READ this section for translating the emoji-specific terms:
  "emojiMartSearch": {
    "message": "Keresés",
    "description": "Localisation of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See:",
    "hash": "e73d3e35cb33b8227b0888b3b416e33a"
  "emojiMartClear": {
    "message": "Törlés",
    "description": "Localisation of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. Accessible label on \"clear\" button. See:",
    "hash": "bcf7e7587a412ea36d869d51026dfd6d"
  "emojiMartNoEmojiFound": {
    "message": "Nem található emodzsi",
    "description": "Localisation of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See:",
    "hash": "913bff5520a21c320969e89aaed9e3fc"
  "emojiMartSkinText": {
    "message": "Válassza ki az alapértmezett bőrtónust",
    "description": "Localisation of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See:",
    "hash": "5e1054a2b203fd79de190616b706706b"
  "emojiMartCategorySearch": {
    "message": "Találatok",
    "description": "Localisation of an emoji category option of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See:",
    "hash": "344ff1ba9b578a6b7cc08756266ebec5"
  "emojiMartCategoryRecent": {
    "message": "Gyakran használt",
    "description": "Localisation of an emoji category option of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See:",
    "hash": "7870efae2654c0c26d1a5d67d2b555bf"
  "emojiMartCategoryPeople": {
    "message": "Hangulatjelek és emberek",
    "description": "Localisation of an emoji category option of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See: and",
    "hash": "8619678ea5acf19b5b5d8534d1a3ca37"
  "emojiMartCategoryNature": {
    "message": "Állatok és természet",
    "description": "Localisation of an emoji category option of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See: and",
    "hash": "768e2edb2aabe23a1743d7a1ad0c84f0"
  "emojiMartCategoryFoods": {
    "message": "Étel és ital",
    "description": "Localisation of an emoji category option of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See: and",
    "hash": "ee96ea07804521621b7e319e3a430b28"
  "emojiMartCategoryActivity": {
    "message": "Tevékenységek",
    "description": "Localisation of an emoji category option of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See: and",
    "hash": "8e2c99c85d8a35826ac629bd3805f0c6"
  "emojiMartCategoryPlaces": {
    "message": "Utazás és helyek",
    "description": "Localisation of an emoji category option of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See: and",
    "hash": "f9faa7133b4157529e438458e8d084dd"
  "emojiMartCategoryObjects": {
    "message": "Tárgyak",
    "description": "Localisation of an emoji category option of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See: and",
    "hash": "9967e4738968c728f28db4f6bd8238f4"
  "emojiMartCategorySymbols": {
    "message": "Szimbólumok",
    "description": "Localisation of an emoji category option of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See: and",
    "hash": "a9ad94e3700cbfb8972bd68e28c68fe2"
  "emojiMartCategoryFlags": {
    "message": "Zászlók",
    "description": "Localisation of an emoji category option of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See: and",
    "hash": "31a86798742bc224e67e9ebaebdd648f"
  "emojiMartCategoryCustom": {
    "message": "Egyéni",
    "description": "Localisation of an emoji category option of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See:",
    "hash": "1685452bc68395b620b0ce1fb9b76da5"
  "emojiMartCategoriesLabel": {
    "message": "Emodzsi kategóriák",
    "description": "Localisation of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. Accessible title for the list of categories. See:",
    "hash": "571d7c9b1ad1355dee621abd3ceb1642"
  "emojiMartSkintone1": {
    "message": "Alapértelmezett bőrtónus",
    "description": "Localisation of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See: and",
    "hash": "facd192c7c7e7f85beb6c53c7936a2f4"
  "emojiMartSkintone2": {
    "message": "Világos bőrtónus",
    "description": "Localisation of the skin tone of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See: and",
    "hash": "22f4ccc8fc3915555cfb800a5e07aa99"
  "emojiMartSkintone3": {
    "message": "Közepesen világos bőrtónus",
    "description": "Localisation of the skin tone of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See: and",
    "hash": "cae479e6b0b94c3ce477b61304fdf41b"
  "emojiMartSkintone4": {
    "message": "Közepes bőrtónus",
    "description": "Localisation of the skin tone of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See: and",
    "hash": "94ef1f400240418ba61280573fd00aa4"
  "emojiMartSkintone5": {
    "message": "Közepesen sötét bőrtónus",
    "description": "Localisation of the skin tone of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See: and",
    "hash": "08a71e5cdc6fd226ac18bb9db553e1ed"
  "emojiMartSkintone6": {
    "message": "Sötét bőrtónus",
    "description": "Localisation of the skin tone of emoji-mart, the emoji-picker. See: and",
    "hash": "32d4661a5870de1c571a3987578f68ee"

  // ARIA labels/descriptions
  "dismissIconDescription": {
    "message": "Üzenet bezárása",
    "description": "the aria label for the close button of the message box",
    "hash": "632720ab193dcacba4286cb364124856"
  "ariaMessageLoading": {
    "message": "üzenet betöltése",
    "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box",
    "hash": "570016a957498a1fa1b3e818eb282adb"
  "ariaMessageInfo": {
    "message": "információs üzenet",
    "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box",
    "hash": "5f54e42067e19895a2641b17a5233418"
  "ariaMessageSuccess": {
    "message": "sikerességi üzenet",
    "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an success message box",
    "hash": "334387b4ae53483d17f11519a70dd3af"
  "ariaMessageError": {
    "message": "hibaüzenet",
    "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an error message box",
    "hash": "fcda6eedc61727fe8aae7392a0a541a5"
  "ariaMessageWarning": {
    "message": "figyelmeztető üzenet",
    "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an warning message box",
    "hash": "8a5dd7528bead1ccd27cb7430d797bd2"

  "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "hu" }
rugk commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your translation. Feel free to create the same translation as a pull request (so you will be properly credited in the commit history), if you want. Otherwise I'll soon do the PR by myself to get it merged.

Also notice there are more things to translate like the add-on listings on AMO ( etc. See the contributing guide for more information.

meskobalazs commented 4 years ago

Okay, I will add it as a proper PR tomorrow.