rugk / offline-qr-code

📱 Browser add-on allowing you to quickly generate a QR code offline with the URL of the open tab or other text!
425 stars 129 forks source link

Updated translations for 'uk': Ukrainian (Українська) #307

Closed dar321 closed 2 months ago

dar321 commented 1 year ago

Updated translations for 'uk': Ukrainian (Українська):

  // manifest.json
  "extensionName": {
    "message": "Offline QR Code Generator",
    "description": "Name of the extension.",
    "hash": "8f698856e9a0ac32513f12b1955fa3c1"
  "extensionNameShort": {
    "message": "Offline QR-Code",
    "description": "Name of the extension.",
    "hash": "a38edae757cf4b1c8a57c0de97ae7400"
  "extensionDescription": {
    "message": "Дозволяє створити QR-код для будь-якого відкритого вами сайту або вкладки.",
    "description": "Description of the extension.",
    "hash": "824ef7416ba4361e3621df1fe8048c3b"
  "browserActionButtonTitle": {
    "message": "Offline QR code",
    "description": "The title for the button, which opens the popup.",
    "hash": "dc0228c66afb28e701184df952b0df18"
  "commandOpenQrPopup": {
    "message": "Відкрити спливаюче вікно з QR-кодом",
    "description": "Description of the hot key command to open the QR Code popup (by default with Ctrl+Shift+F10).",
    "hash": "98e90b2532a0097cd43081b4e1610519"

  // errors or other messages (mostly for settings)
  "errorShowingMessage": {
    "message": "Не вдалося показати це повідомлення.",
    "description": "When there is an error when showing the error/info/….",
    "hash": "a9440e4f824a372841d4de2b7e2643ee"
  "couldNotLoadOptions": {
    "message": "Не вдалося завантажити налаштування.",
    "description": "When one or all settings could not be loaded.",
    "hash": "9497a5d2c9473aeb2ed9601f46c456be"
  "couldNotSaveOption": {
    "message": "Не вдалося зберегти цей параметр.",
    "description": "When a setting could not be saved.",
    "hash": "6bcb9e36d2c33172b948515a9c50aa8e"
  "messageUndoButton": {
    "message": "Скасувати",
    "description": "The text of a button that undoes the last action.",
    "hash": "a85e775d7404b86c8060a20efd31241c"
  "couldNotUndoAction": {
    "message": "Не вдалося скасувати дію.",
    "description": "Shown when an action cannot be undone.",
    "hash": "d2883c6ca0164afc4f360f3e02e3166a"
  "resettingOptionsWorked": {
    "message": "Усі налаштування скинуто до значень за замовчуванням!",
    "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings were reset.",
    "hash": "257b99ed2a074fccbfc658d770b50107"
  "resettingOptionsFailed": {
    "message": "Не вдалося скинути налаштування!",
    "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings could not have been reset.",
    "hash": "76e950d2db72a824482411ca6564fb1f"

  // errors or other messages
  "unknownError": {
    "message": "невідома помилка",
    "hash": "879b63f6ebf03308a9f4b8a4406663f3"
  "loading": {
    "message": "Завантаження...",
    "description": "A general loading message.",
    "hash": "e2a5d4627618472a68f4cb8895e93f30"
  "couldNotGenerateQrCode": {
    "message": "Не вдалося згенерувати QR-код.",
    "hash": "87e71800b895b0e9695da467734df0e5"
  "couldNotReceiveActiveTab": {
    "message": "Не вдалося отримати активну вкладку.",
    "hash": "2b4c5f788e39f7ae35dcca2f96e1e5d4"
  "errorDownloadingFile": {
    "message": "Не вдалося завантажити файл.",
    "description": "Error shown when a file could not be downloaded. Do not mention a file type or name, but just keep it general.",
    "hash": "8f5756df0d5dd4d25f01ca4b4ff0ec44"
  "errorPermissionRequired": {
    "message": "Неможливо продовжити без дозволу.",
    "description": "Error shown when a permission is declined and the thing the user triggered cannot be executed.",
    "hash": "9742f751499f8c2acf32d83df83c36b9"
  "errorPermissionRequestFailed": {
    "message": "Запит на дозвіл не виконано.",
    "description": "Error shown when a permission request failed. This indicates a technical error and does NOT mean the user declined the permission.",
    "hash": "54aaf50f8bdf6154677a4ff7fd384310"
  "errorQrCodeOverflow": {
    "message": "Неможливо згенерувати QR-код, вказаний текст надто довгий.",
    "description": "Error shown when QR code cannot be generated due to overflow in input size.",
    "hash": "36c48d76203a1f1362b32abf72af5d8b"
  "requestDownloadPermissionForQr": {
    "message": "Щоб зберегти QR-код, потрібний дозвіл на завантаження.",
    "description": "Shown, when the user is asked to allow the download permission to save the QR code.",
    "hash": "6e5a5fe9a077400ba6e4dc66a6dfd44a"
  "lowContrastRatioInfo": {
    "message": "Ваш QR-код може не розпізнаватись деякими сканерами QR-коду через низьку контрастність.",
    "hash": "90432f33baa13153accd007ae2e23e99"
  "lowContrastRatioWarning": {
    "message": "Коефіцієнт контрастності QR-коду може бути дуже низьким для правильного розпізнавання всіма зчитувачами QR-коду.",
    "hash": "f4264a9b8b24922e4dff589f611b5e2f"
  "lowContrastRatioError": {
    "message": "Колір QR-коду та колір фону надто схожі.",
    "description": "The message shown when the color for the QR code and the background are equal",
    "hash": "a2d1d2fdc32ecb73ffdf0ab537e46f32"
  "messageAutoSelectColorButton": {
    "message": "Використовуйте контрастний колір.",
    "description": "The text of a button that sets a new color with a sufficient contrast.",
    "hash": "9d422df9f61f2b45e272ae3451ca3ded"

  // tips
  "tipYouLikeAddon": {
    "message": "Вам подобається цей додаток?",
    "description": "A tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon.",
    "hash": "0f5680a5a42bcebf793a44b9dfcf79a1"
  "tipYouLikeAddonButton": {
    "message": "Оцініть його",
    "description": "Button for the tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon.",
    "hash": "821d7f942b02e2b56cd0424d3ab65de8"
  "tipSaveQrCode": {
    "message": "Чи знаєте ви, що ви можете зберігати QR-коди?",
    "description": "A tip shown to get the user to find the save option.",
    "hash": "84f0a0027a58c98d9158ab9894fe8427"
  "tipSaveQrCodeLink": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "The link for more information for the tip on how to save the QR code image. This should go to the FAQ.",
    "hash": "c453089f62132ffa4151c4487209de69"
  "tipQrCodeHotkey": {
    "message": "Пам’ятайте, що гаряча клавіша для цього додатку Ctrl+Shift+F10.",
    "description": "A tip shown to get the user to notice that there is a hot key.",
    "hash": "a372dc813085fe800ecb594e33b6c81c"
  "tipAndroidQrReader": {
    "message": "Firefox має вбудований сканер QR-коду.",
    "description": "A tip shown to get the Android users to make them aware that Firefox already has an integrated QR Code Reader/Scanner. See",
    "hash": "dfa24b6c3e5815e07df938f51fa45065"
  "tipAndroidQrReaderLink": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "The link for more information for the tip about the integrated Android QR Code scanner. The current link should automatically redirect the user to their locale translation of the support article, so it should *NOT* need to be changed.",
    "hash": "094c1bbce6c3a7bcb09f36b7bc970dd0"
  "tipTranslateAddon": {
    "message": "Якщо ви говорите іншою мовою, ви можете допомогти перекласти цей додаток.",
    "description": "A tip shown to users that potentially speak another language to translate this add-on.",
    "hash": "f22661cb0e9cdc8144d0c3cf59f854e3"
  "tipTranslateAddonLink": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "The link to a description of the translation service/way you can use.",
    "hash": "b0421380ecfc4481fd5ee9da72c61516"
  "tipDonate": {
    "message": "Подобається використовувати цей додаток безкоштовно?",
    "description": "A tip shown to get the remind them of a donation.",
    "hash": "1ca77d6621635ae0bec563e15fbc3791"
  "tipDonateButton": {
    "message": "Підтримайте розвиток пожертвуванням",
    "description": "The button of the donation tip taking the user to the donation site.",
    "hash": "8ec498495b752c6d9358208a5564d42c"
  "tipLearnMore": {
    "message": "Дізнатися більше",
    "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information on click.",
    "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31"
  "tipHowToUse": {
    "message": "Як користуватися?",
    "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information about how to use a feature just presented.",
    "hash": "b48eefa95832b3c6df287ff077b4e28a"

  // placeholder
  "qrCodePlaceholder": {
    "message": "Зображення-заповнювач QR-коду",
    "description": "Alt text of placeholder image.",
    "hash": "2aad56747125ef1f986b5d952ba68a83"
  "textareaPlaceholder": {
    "message": "Введіть текст QR-коду для його створення.",
    "description": "Placeholder for the textarea, when it is empty.",
    "hash": "0d0f6b3baffcdbf22a78418b3460d1ad"

  // context menu
  "contextMenuItemConvertSelection": {
    "message": "QR-код для виділення",
    "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection.",
    "hash": "e8c3fbbac6f04370f00af836aa65b49d"
  "contextMenuItemConvertSelectionAccessKey": {
    "message": "&QR-код для виділення",
    "description": "the context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection with an access key.",
    "hash": "95228af6c838cb7040b6e2441d8d516b"
  "contextMenuItemConvertLinkSelection": {
    "message": "QR-код для посилання",
    "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link.",
    "hash": "bc4971948a5e6f453046467bfbf6dbc0"
  "contextMenuItemConvertLinkSelectionAccessKey": {
    "message": "&QR-код для посилання",
    "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link with an access key.",
    "hash": "312595c39b5cbc8edf0baab8c16875af"

  // options
  "someSettingsAreManaged": {
    "message": "Деякі налаштування встановлені системним адміністратором і не можуть бути змінені.",
    "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators.",
    "hash": "148604ebbeb7df28974d8233f1418d1f"
  "optionIsDisabledBecauseManaged": {
    "message": "Ця опція вимкнена, оскільки вона була встановлена вашим системним адміністратором.",
    "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option.",
    "hash": "50fb70682c64e1a1fb4d8884b33cca64"
  "optionLearnMore": {
    "message": "Дізнатися більше",
    "description": "When a link to an explainer needs to be added, this is the link text.",
    "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31"
  "optionsResetButton": {
    "message": "Скинути всі параметри за замовчуванням",
    "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "4bb60c6c7e7b9e2ff987c244e76ee044"
  "titleGeneral": {
    "message": "Доповнення",
    "description": "The title for the general settings group.",
    "hash": "3cb58113bf50253738aef3a6d97964b8"
  "titleQrCodeSetting": {
    "message": "QR-код",
    "description": "The title for the qr code settings group.",
    "hash": "70fe1f61bc42ca4b582a22ba9c00e22f"
  "titleAddonBehavior": {
    "message": "Поведінка доповнення",
    "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group.",
    "hash": "fbad6be4d92eb060918e27bc7c8b070b"
  "optionPopupIconColored": {
    "message": "Кольорова іконка",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "d1a73cea0718b619bd2adcfe97bd66a8"
  "optionPopupIconColoredDescr": {
    "message": "Показує кольоровий значок замість чорно-білого на панелі інструментів.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionPopupIconColored setting in more details.",
    "hash": "5d8459d16f7e1ed774fc85f40ce8963e"
  "subtitleQrCodeSize": {
    "message": "Розмір QR-коду",
    "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the radio buttons for the size setting of the QR code.",
    "hash": "c74c1fd09a791c747fab18a81c3e2a5a"
  "optionQrCodeSizeFixed": {
    "message": "Фіксований розмір:",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.",
    "hash": "c68e3c4b50dd64aebeb558b3c600e18f"
  "optionPixelAbbreviation": {
    "message": "px",
    "description": "The abbreviation of the term 'pixels'. In most cases, it may stay as it is in English.",
    "hash": "7b0c117512f22afe7fef1bcda3e474e1"
  "optionQrCodeSizeAuto": {
    "message": "Автоматично підганяти розмір",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.",
    "hash": "127515053bfb818e4268a74a81133b71"
  "optionQrCodeSizeAutoHelper": {
    "message": "Особливо корисно на мобільних пристроях, де QR-код відкривається у новій вкладці.",
    "description": "Helper text for the optionQrCodeSizeAuto making the user aware that this setting will likely have no or little effect on desktop devices.",
    "hash": "8fc122b9bf15ab197091d768fd2f7dff"
  "optionQrCodeSizeRemember": {
    "message": "Запам’ятати останній розмір",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.",
    "hash": "280612358cfcc5357399f75b697a07bb"
  "subtitleMisc": {
    "message": "Інші налаштування",
    "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the miscellaneous setting of the QR code.",
    "hash": "6394c364dd4afc224c653644259bc4ea"
  "optionQrQuietZone": {
    "message": "Поля QR-коду",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It's about the area around the QR code.",
    "hash": "a11f6e534cf14d30bccdb359489862b9"
  "optionQrQuietZoneStatusSingular": {
    "message": "($INTEGER$ клітинка)",
    "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its singular form.",
    "placeholders": {
      "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" }
    "hash": "dfb928dac26b3da38c89476f22610303"
  "optionQrQuietZoneStatusPlural": {
    "message": "($INTEGER$ клітинки)",
    "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its plural form.",
    "placeholders": {
      "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" }
    "hash": "717944c73c8d92595af6c07bb960b52d"
  "optionQrQuietZoneDescr": {
    "message": "Кількість прикордонних модулів навколо QR-коду, пофарбованих у фоновий колір.",
    "description": "The description of the quiet zone option.",
    "hash": "94a93f5a15d9303e8003eae8c0b94ed1"
  "optionQrQuietZoneDescrLink": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the quiet zone option.",
    "hash": "c1647a59859dec44f48888e26ca70661"
  "optionQrCodeColor": {
    "message": "Колір QR-коду:",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "d9f06d0c24e89fbc94c03561a7e09fa9"
  "optionQrCodeBackgroundColor": {
    "message": "Колір фону/тла QR-коду:",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "7fefdae7b929d22545bf61bc1c26abe3"
  "optionErrorCorrection": {
    "message": "Рівень корекції помилок:",
    "description": "Error correction setting for QR code. See",
    "hash": "112ebf137091b98b587615b7cd3f9e7c"
  "optionEcLow": {
    "message": "Низький (7%)",
    "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See",
    "hash": "6e3061544eb22cab11cd1222788610bd"
  "optionEcMedium": {
    "message": "Середній (15%)",
    "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See",
    "hash": "0ea96235848be6f66788cad72bc0ea02"
  "optionEcQuartile": {
    "message": "Квартиль (25%)",
    "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See",
    "hash": "344e853acdaef0ac95e161cdbc201036"
  "optionEcHigh": {
    "message": "Високий (30%)",
    "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See",
    "hash": "30035374d52e135473d464fe1726ad8c"
  "optionErrorCorrectionDescr": {
    "message": "Це значення вказує, за відсутності якоїсь частини коду його можна буде відсканувати.",
    "description": "The description of the error correction option.",
    "hash": "2bbbd8aafc044a910d26cbf04e560766"
  "optionErrorCorrectionDescrLink": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the error correction option.",
    "hash": "530f6b1ee177dddd7d40571d98a64408"
  "optionAutoGetSelectedText": {
    "message": "Автоматично використовувати текст, виділений на сайті",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "21667c5a30f89561cea02351172b9c91"
  "optionUseMonospaceFont": {
    "message": "Використовувати моноширинний шрифт",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "69191273c436064be8c4f5d6a8f675f5"
  "optionDebugMode": {
    "message": "Увімкнути режим налагодження",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "de6506af4973e0980d64f242fba11a19"
  "optionDebugModeDescr": {
    "message": "Це потрібно лише для виведення в консолі докладнішого журналу помилок тощо.",
    "description": "The description shown for the debug mode (optionDebugMode).",
    "hash": "2aff10770796694827ec4253860e0771"
  "translatorCredit": {
    "message": "Це доповнення було перекладено українською мовою $TRANSLATORS$.",
    "description": "The credit text for the translator. See for how to translate this.",
    "placeholders": {
      "translators": { "content": "$1", "example": "<a href=\"\">@rugk</a>" }
    "hash": "a6f5deecd624d5f8cd58350c72dd8fdf"
  "translatorLink": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile.",
    "hash": "4775fb2f88fd33d02b871e5021dec3e9"
  "translatorUsername": {
    "message": "dar321",
    "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to.",
    "hash": "ce96c18a8a1b4b528b294e981ee4d651"
  "contributorsThanks": {
    "message": "Окрема подяка $CONTRIBUTORS$.",
    "description": "Text thanking all contributors and linking to the contributors file.",
    "placeholders": {
      "contributors": { "content": "$1", "example": "<a href=\"…/\">all other contributors</a>" }
    "hash": "b1434b8b42b1707f37d0531a8efdc7f8"
  "contributorsThanksLink": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file.",
    "hash": "808a4cfbf726b7e10fc79370638ee855"
  "contributorsThanksLinkText": {
    "message": "всій решті учасників",
    "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks.",
    "hash": "ce03e1f3b15df3bba66048b30c4f8de4"

  // ARIA labels/descriptions
  "dismissIconDescription": {
    "message": "Закрити це повідомлення",
    "description": "the aria label for the close button of the message box",
    "hash": "632720ab193dcacba4286cb364124856"
  "ariaMessageLoading": {
    "message": "завантаження повідомлення",
    "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box",
    "hash": "570016a957498a1fa1b3e818eb282adb"
  "ariaMessageInfo": {
    "message": "інформаційне повідомлення",
    "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box",
    "hash": "5f54e42067e19895a2641b17a5233418"
  "ariaMessageSuccess": {
    "message": "повідомлення про успіх",
    "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an success message box",
    "hash": "334387b4ae53483d17f11519a70dd3af"
  "ariaMessageError": {
    "message": "повідомлення про помилку",
    "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an error message box",
    "hash": "fcda6eedc61727fe8aae7392a0a541a5"
  "ariaMessageWarning": {
    "message": "попередження",
    "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an warning message box",
    "hash": "8a5dd7528bead1ccd27cb7430d797bd2"

  "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "uk" }
rugk commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your translation. Feel free to create the same translation as a pull request (so you will be properly credited in the commit history), if you want. Otherwise I'll soon do the PR by myself to get it merged.

Also notice there are more things to translate like the add-on listings on AMO ( etc. See the contributing guide for more information.