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Errors running theme-bootstrap-2 #288

Open TeAmigo opened 10 years ago

TeAmigo commented 10 years ago

I'm working through the material on Have created the config.yml, cloned the theme-bootstap-2, but when I run $ bundle exec ruhoh server 9292 I get this error msg.: /home/rickcharon/.rvm/gems/ruby-head/gems/ruhoh-2.6/lib/ruhoh/parse.rb:28:in `rescue in page_file': Error trying to read meta-data from /share/ruhoh-site/theme-bootstrap-2/media/glyphicons-halflings.png. Check your folder configuration. Error details: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (RuntimeError) the png file seems to be ok, opens in Gimp, etc. Could someone tell me what's going on? Thanks for any help

baboocon commented 10 years ago

I encountered the same issues, too...

ameuret commented 10 years ago

Since you have created the config.yml file the first thing to check is if you specify that the theme-bootstrap-2 directory must be used as a theme, using:

  use: "theme"

However if this is already the case you are likely running into the same issue as I did (#293) which is fixed by 1c7df99. A simple workaround is to rename the file to and launch the preview server with:

bundle exec rackup -p 9292
purefan commented 9 years ago

@ameuret After renaming the config file I was able to move past that issue, but now I get this instead

syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting '}' (SyntaxError)

I have tried a lot of combinations for the file and none have worked, any clue what might be the problem?