ruhoh / ruhoh.rb
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Does this install on any distro other than Debian/Ubuntu? #302

Open putztzu opened 9 years ago

putztzu commented 9 years ago

So far am unable to install on any RPM distros (Fedora, openSUSE) due to a variety of errors (permissions, missing dependencies, etc). Seems to require more than what is in the general Ruby gem repo and likely has fixed paths intead of variable paths.

If anyone has successfully installed on an RPM based distro, would like to know which one you used.

celadevra commented 9 years ago

Whatever distro you use, the best way to install Ruby and Gems may be rbenv (with ruby-build plugin) and bundler. You will need to have development tools such as automake, make, and a C compiler available, which are usually provided by your distro as packages.