ruhoh / theme-bootstrap-2

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problem with glyphicons-halflings-white.png? #1

Closed waynedpj closed 10 years ago

waynedpj commented 10 years ago


trying out ruhoh for the first time (i was looking for something exactly like this mustache-based, so thanks .. but i am a Ruby Nuby so excuse any "duh?" moments) and i am getting the following error when trying to load up the theme-bootstrap-2 theme:

/home/user/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/gems/ruhoh-2.5/lib/ruhoh/parse.rb:29:in `rescue in page_file': Error trying to read meta-data from /home/user/progetti/ Check your folder configuration.  Error details: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (RuntimeError)

i am not sure if the file is corrupt (i tried cloning multiple times) or something with my setup is screwy.

i would be happy to provide any more details and would appreciate any pointers/help.

peace, w

Stebalien commented 10 years ago

Post your config.yml

plusjade commented 10 years ago

Ruhoh is trying to process your theme folder as a "pages" collection by default. This is a known problem and admittedly very annoying. I need to change the documentation and make things more automatically discoverable (in progress but haven't updates the ruhoh version).

config.yml should look like this:

  "use" : "theme"

# note if you have an old theme in the same directory you need to "ignore" it.

  "use" : "ignore"

restart the server for changes to take affect:

bundle exec ruhoh s

waynedpj commented 10 years ago

it is just copied/pasted from Getting Started

"theme-bootstrap-2" :
    "use" : "theme"


Stebalien commented 10 years ago

Can you post your entire (top level) directory listing and your entire config.yml?

waynedpj commented 10 years ago

sure. tree listing is:

├── config.yml
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── _root
│   └──
└── theme-bootstrap-2
    ├── data.yml
    ├── layouts
    │   ├── default.html
    │   ├── paginator.html
    │   ├── posts.html
    │   └── _root.html
    ├── manifest.json
    ├── media
    │   ├── glyphicons-halflings.png
    │   └── glyphicons-halflings-white.png
    ├── _root
    │   ├── archive.html
    │   ├── categories.html
    │   ├── index.html
    │   ├── pages.html
    │   └── tags.html
    └── stylesheets
        ├── bootstrap.min.css
        ├── google_prettify
        │   ├── default.css
        │   ├── desert.css
        │   ├── sons-of-obsidian.css
        │   ├── sunburst.css
        │   └── twitter-bootstrap.css
        └── style.css

7 directories, 24 files

and config.yml is

$ more config.yml 
"theme-bootstrap-2" :
    "use" : "theme"

thanks again

waynedpj commented 10 years ago

actually, after cleaning up white space in config.yml (though same content as above) i am now getting the following error:

$ bundle exec ruhoh server 9292
WARNING: Nokogiri was built against LibXML version 2.8.0, but has dynamically loaded 2.9.1
/home/waynedpj/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/gems/ruhoh-2.5/lib/ruhoh/parse.rb:61:in `rescue in yaml': undefined local variable or method `filepath' for Ruhoh::Parse:Module (NameError)


plusjade commented 10 years ago

Well that's stupid of me. I mistyped a variable that tells you where the YAML error is.

Basically, you have invalid YAML somewhere in your files. Can you run your config.yml, data.yml and any other files ending in .yml through This will ensure your yaml is correct. If those are correct then you need to do that for any pages which have the "YAML metadata" in them. The error is supposed to tell you which file to look in but the variable name is wrong so its breaking right now =/.

waynedpj commented 10 years ago

thanks again. the only YAML file i have is config.yml which is 2 lines. did not like the whitespace before "use", which i changed to 2 spaces, and removed the quotes so that i ended up with

  use: theme

being valid. fortunately running the server worked this time. thanks again for the help. peace, w