ruimarinho / bitcoin-core

A modern Bitcoin Core REST and RPC client.
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Fallbackfee is disabled #122

Open sahityakumarsuman opened 3 years ago

sahityakumarsuman commented 3 years ago

When i try to send btc at this address with this method it provides me following error.

await wallet2.sendToAddress(
        'sendtoaddress example',
    'Nemo From'

RpcError: Fee estimation failed. Fallbackfee is disabled. Wait for a few blocks or enable -fallbackfee.

I am tired of new method updates in bitcoin-core neither there is proper documentation about it . Please help me in this.

previously wallet2.getBalance() method use to provide the default wallet balance of rpc client now when generateToAddress method is introduced in it we have to provide separate address for reward btc but how do I get to know about the balance of that address there is no method in it. Help me in this updated method had screwed my many of logics in production.

sahityakumarsuman commented 3 years ago

my transaciton fees is coming -1 as shown in below

{ address: 'msnNujREhDarHHxJc84daPEPiyJkQDPxft',
  confirmations: 4194,
  amount: 0.00305175,
  height: 2169,
  outIndex: 0,
  from_address: '',
  fees: -1 }

how I can set this fees correct, please help me get this right.

grunklejp commented 3 years ago

I'm not 100% sure what your problem is but its important to remember that these methods are just wrappers bitcoind's RPC methods which you can find documentation for here.

The easiest way to fix this problem is to just manually set your fall back fee in your bitcoin.conf file like so: fallbackfee=<your fallback fee>