ruimarinho / docker-bitcoin-core

A bitcoin-core docker image
MIT License
367 stars 213 forks source link

ruimarinho/bitcoin-core:0.18-alpine non working at all #100

Closed yshurik closed 4 years ago

yshurik commented 4 years ago

latest update of image ruimarinho/bitcoin-core:0.18-alpine and:

Error relocating /opt/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin/bitcoind: event_base_once: symbol not found

Error relocating /opt/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin/bitcoind: bufferevent_get_output: symbol not found

Error relocating /opt/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin/bitcoind: evhttp_request_get_command: symbol not found

Error relocating /opt/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin/bitcoind: bufferevent_disable: symbol not found

Error relocating /opt/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin/bitcoind: _ZN5boost10filesystem6detail18create_directoriesERKNS0_4pathEPNS_6system10error_codeE: symbol not found

Error relocating /opt/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin/bitcoind: evhttp_send_error: symbol not found

Error relocating /opt/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin/bitcoind: evhttp_request_get_output_buffer: symbol not found

Error relocating /opt/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin/bitcoind: _ZN5boost10filesystem6detail10equivalentERKNS0_4pathES4_PNS_6system10error_codeE: symbol not found

Error relocating /opt/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin/bitcoind: _ZN5boost6chrono12system_clock3nowEv: symbol not found

Error relocating /opt/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin/bitcoind: _ZN5boost6system16generic_categoryEv: symbol not found

Error relocating /opt/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin/bitcoind: _ZTIN5boost6detail16thread_data_baseE: symbol not found

Error relocating /opt/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin/bitcoind: _ZTIN5boost6detail16thread_data_baseE: symbol not found

Error relocating /opt/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin/bitcoind: _ZTIN5boost6detail16thread_data_baseE: symbol not found

Error relocating /opt/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin/bitcoind: _ZTVN5boost6detail16thread_data_baseE: symbol not found

Why not test before push image to hub?

ruimarinho commented 4 years ago

Indeed, there was an issue with runtime libraries. When porting over the travis build scripts, the runtime time test went missing.

Fixed on

yshurik commented 4 years ago

If you add just RUN bitcoind --help to the dockerfile so it is always an indication that it is at least runnable

ruimarinho commented 4 years ago

Yep. I'm doing something similar with, but the RUN command might be better.