ruimarinho / gsts

Obtain and store AWS STS credentials to interact with Amazon services by authenticating via G Suite SAML.
MIT License
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Autopopulating email causes conflicts #17

Closed lizthegrey closed 4 years ago

lizthegrey commented 4 years ago

ruimarinho commented 4 years ago

Hi @lizthegrey,

Thanks for the bug report. I have also experienced this issue but I can't really attribute to anything in specific.. seems random to me. As it appears I am using the officially recommended puppeteer API for this, I would have to dig a lot deeper to understand what might be the root cause.

For now, I have switched to a workaround which seems to work according to some GitHub issues I've seen on their repo. Mostly related to missing text, but I suspect the underlying cause is related to the timing of the detection of the DOM element.

Please let me know if it improves or completely eliminates the issue, otherwise I might as well remove this feature if it doesn't offer a consistently good UX.

Released on v2.3.0-beta.3. As usual, install with yarn global add gsts@2.3.0-beta.3.