ruixiang440 / Dual_Iterative_Refinement_Method

This is the code for A Dual Iterative Refinement Method for Non-rigid Shape Matching,
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How to implement the algorithm with shuffling first #1

Open BarakeelFanseu opened 3 years ago

BarakeelFanseu commented 3 years ago

Hello dear Rui Xiang,

I am so grateful for your papers (1) DIR and (2) Efficient and Robust Shape Correspondence via Sparsity-Enforced Quadratic Assignment. They are indeed very insightful, especially the notion of the local mapping distortion.

I was recently trying to reimplement it to work when the TRIV (trg) and VERT (pts) are shuffled first. I first shuffled these two before compting the LBO or geodesic distances and left the DIR algorithm unchanged. However, it seems this implementation does not work (i.e., incorrect?). So was wondering if you could please give me some headsup?

BarakeelFanseu commented 3 years ago

%% clc; close all; clear; addpath(genpath('.')); % files = [1,4,13,16]; files = [71]; spec_dim = 1000; % max spectrum dimension spec_dim_cut = 960; % max spectrum dimension of landmarks low = 0.1; % local distortion lower bound gap = 5; % local distortion gaps iter_number = 10; % total iteration number th = 0.5-(0.5-low)/gap:-(0.5-low)/gap:low; % local distortion % e.g here, there will be totally 10 iterations with local distortion at % each iteration equals to [0.42, 0.34, 0.26, 0.18, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1] option1.nb_iter_max = 30; % iteration number needed for fast marching option2.nb_iter_max = 120; %%

%% res = zeros(length(files),1000); ctime = zeros(length(files),1); tic; [,surf2.trg] = ReadOFF(''); %% me corr_true = randperm(length('; % shuffle points. Point i in shape 2 corrsponds to point corr_true(i) in shape 1. corr_true_reverse(corr_true,1) = 1:length(; % Point i in shape 1 corrsponds to point corr_true_reverse(i) in shape 2. =, :); surf2.trg = corr_true_reverse(surf2.trg); %% S2 = MESH.MESH_IO.read_shape(''); %% me S2.surface.TRIV = corr_true_reverse(S2.surface.TRIV); S2.surface.X = S2.surface.X(corr_true); S2.surface.Y = S2.surface.Y(corr_true); S2.surface.Z = S2.surface.Z(corr_true); %% surf2.Phi = MESH.compute_LaplacianBasis(S2, spec_dim); surf2.n = length(; num2 = surf2.n; opts.shot_num_bins = 10; % number of bins for shot opts.shot_radius = 5; % percentage of the diameter used for shot Xdesc = calc_shot(', surf2.trg', 1:num2, opts.shot_num_bins, opts.shot_radius*surf2.Phi.sqrt_area/100, 3)'; vertex2 ='; faces2 = surf2.trg'; pre_time = toc; s = randsample(num2,1000); option3.nb_iter_max = inf; D3 = perform_fast_marching_mesh(vertex2, faces2, s, option3);

for iter = 1:length(files) tic if files(iter)<10 [,surf1.trg] = ReadOFF(['mesh00' num2str(files(iter)) '.off']); S1 = MESH.MESH_IO.read_shape(['mesh00' num2str(files(iter)) '.off']); else [,surf1.trg] = ReadOFF(['mesh0' num2str(files(iter)) '.off']); S1 = MESH.MESH_IO.read_shape(['mesh0' num2str(files(iter)) '.off']); end surf1.Phi = MESH.compute_LaplacianBasis(S1, spec_dim); %% true_P = 1:num2; %% me true_P = corr_true; %% num = length(; surf1.n = num; MA = full(diag(surf1.Phi.A)); xdesc = calc_shot(', surf1.trg', 1:num, opts.shot_num_bins, opts.shot_radiussurf1.Phi.sqrt_area/100, 3)'; pertF = knnsearch(Xdesc, xdesc,'NSMethod','kdtree'); ini = pertF; vertex1 ='; faces1 = surf1.trg'; cnt = 0; e = zeros(num,1); D1 = perform_fast_marching_mesh(vertex1, faces1, 1:num, option1); D2 = perform_fast_marching_mesh(vertex2, faces2, 1:num, option2); R_max = max(max(D2)); landmarks = []; for kk = 1:iter_number DD1 = cell(num,1); DD2 = cell(num,1); idx = cell(num,1); idx2 = cell(num,1); idx1 = cell(num,1); ee = 0; good = 1:num; D1T = D1(:,good); D2T = D2(:,pertF(good)); for i = 1:length(good) idx{i} = find(D1T(:,i) ~= 0); DD1{i} = D1T(idx{i},i); DD2{i} = D2T(idx{i},i); DD2{i}(DD2{i}==0) = R_max; r = max(DD1{i}); ee(i) = sum(((abs(DD1{i}-DD2{i}))/r).MA(idx{i}))/sum(MA(idx{i})); end e(good)=ee; if kk<=length(th) landmarks = find(e<th(kk)); else landmarks = find(e<th(end)); end sub_landmarks = landmarks; %%me disp(size(landmarks)) %% good = setdiff(1:num,sub_landmarks); goodF = setdiff(1:num,pertF(sub_landmarks)); H = surf1.Phi.evecs(sub_landmarks,:)'surf2.Phi.evecs(pertF(sub_landmarks),:); [U,D,V] = svd(H); dim = findK(diag(D)); if dim>spec_dim_cut cnt = cnt + 1; end if cnt>3 break; end specB = surf2.Phi.evecs(:,1:dim); specA = surf1.Phi.evecs(:,1:dim); H = specA(sub_landmarks,:)'specB(pertF(sub_landmarks),:); [U,D,V] = svd(H); C = UV'; specBB = specB(goodF,:); specAA = specA(good,:); p = knnsearch(specBBC',specAA,'NSMethod','kdtree'); pertF(good) = goodF(p); end ctime(iter) = toc + pre_time; D3T = D3(pertF,:); geoerror = zeros(1000,1); for i=1:length(s) a=true_P(s(i)); dis1 = D3T(a,i); geoerror(i)=dis1/surf1.Phi.sqrt_area; end hold on res(iter,:)=full(geoerror); disp(['mesh00' num2str(files(iter)) '.off mapping' ' is finished,' 'time is ' num2str(ctime(iter)) 'seconds.']) cdfplot(geoerror) title('Geo error') ylabel('%Correspondence') xlim([0,0.25]) end

BarakeelFanseu commented 3 years ago

Dear Rui Xiang, above is a copy of my modification, where the sections commented as "%% me " are the sections of code I added. Will be looking forward to hearing from you then by God's grace.