rukai / rukaidata

Uses brawllib_rs to display frame data of characters
MIT License
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Throw data #11

Open rukai opened 5 years ago

rukai commented 5 years ago
Shockbound commented 5 years ago

Data from the throw collision event would be great to have in a table, since users would reference it in a similar way that they use the current table data for normal hitboxes. The throw collision data should have something to indicate that it is what actually determines the launch power applied to the victim, so that it isn't easily confused with any other hitboxes that may be applied to the throw (such as the repeating hits of Kirby D-Throw). Maybe the data for the throw collision could be bolded?

Speaking of Kirby's D-Throw, the throw collision has a unique flag that causes its victim to always be put into tumble, regardless of how much knockback they actually take. This is determined by the first scalar in the parameters being set to 1 as opposed to 0 (directly after the parameter that determines the throw collision's element).