rukykf / btcpay

CiviCRM extension for collecting cryptocurrency payments by integrating with a self-hosted BTCPay server
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2 stars 3 forks source link

Feature request: Enable (fake?) recurring contributions #5

Open rt4mn opened 3 years ago

rt4mn commented 3 years ago

Frustratingly, If one of the enabled processors does not support recurring contributions the option will not be available on the entire contribution page. Which sucks, because it means that I have to setup two contribution pages, which will reduce engagement if someone goes to one and then has to go to the other, and it also means that I will have to manually update the progress bar widget every time someone makes a recurring contribution.

Is there a way to lie to civicrm that this plugin accepts recurring contributions?

rukykf commented 3 years ago

Hey, I'm sorry I took so long to get back to you. I think changing the is_recur settings of this file to 1 should do the trick: I'll dig around to see if there are any more settings you can tinker with on your installation.

That said, I'm not sure if this is a feature I'd want to implement on the main release for this extension though since... the extension and Btcpay generally do not support recurring contributions.

rukykf commented 3 years ago

Also, just in case this doesn't work and you end up needing to use 2 contribution pages, you might consider having a custom wordpress page with links to both contribution pages. Something like: 1 button saying To become a member, click here and another button saying To make a one time payment, click here

rt4mn commented 2 years ago

Hey, I'm sorry I took so long to get back to you. I think changing the is_recur settings of this file to 1 should do the trick: I'll dig around to see if there are any more settings you can tinker with on your installation.

This does not seem to work. or at least, simply changing that setting from a 0 to a 1 in the config file did not work.

I've tinkered with creating two contribution pages, but the end result is a big dropoff in engagement, the more times you make people click the less likely they are to bother, which means I am going to have to relegate btcpay to second citizen status in order to priorities recurring donations (the lifeblood of a nonprofit), which is really frustrating because I want to encourage crypto payments, but cant because, again, need recurring donations. plus having two contributions pages at the same time means now I have to manually update the main campaign bar tracker widget thing every time somone donates with crypto.

rukykf commented 4 months ago

Please ignore the now deleted post - it's a spam bot linking to a fake Microsoft Careers page.