rumart / grafana-dashboards

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Innacurate Values #4

Open Dreded opened 4 years ago

Dreded commented 4 years ago

Good day appreciate the effort on the dashboard.. I don't know if I am using it wrong or it no longer works with Newer versions of freenas im on FreeNAS-11.3-U2.1 but some of the values I am getting are grossly innacurate

For example my Used Space shows as 49.38GB where freenas says it is 5.1TiB and my Free Space shows as 2.35Tb where freenas says it is 3.19TiB

Net Transmit seems out of wack to although thats harder to pinpoint values for.

rumart commented 4 years ago

Hi Thanks for reaching out. I haven't used this dashboard for a while so I haven't noticed it myself.

I see the same as you in my environment if I don't choose a value in the _dfresource variable. If I set this variable to one of the available options the values seems to be accurate so I suspect there are some grouping that has to be done/changed in the panels.

I have planned for a refresh of this dashboard for a while, guess it's time for that now.

Dreded commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the response, made an attempt to do as you said and selected one source from the df_resource variable this resulted in accurate info but only on a per item basis(properly converts the freenas GiB to GB).. if I select all 72 items that belong to the same Pool its not accurate.

it shows free space accurately but not used space

shows used space as 75GB instead of ~ 5TB

if I select Pool/DataSet/Backup/User1 -- 93.91GiB(100.84GB) AND Pool/DataSet/Backup/User2 -- 200.1GiB(214.86GB) it shows used space as 157.84GB

always showing the correct Free Space no matter the selection(I have no quotas set so not sure if that would work)

Edit: added a source with quota and the free space does respect it as I can see the Graph drop drastically but the reported number seems to gradually fall towards the dropped size(so with each update is counting down from the overall reported 3.5TB)