rumdood / Moneo

Telegram Bot for Managing Scheduled Tasks and Reminders
MIT License
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Add natural langage support for scheduling #13

Open rumdood opened 7 months ago

rumdood commented 7 months ago

Currently the bot requires dates and times to be given in specific formats so that it can correctly parse them (e.g. "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss[am/pm]"

This should be improved so that the user can specify a date/time like "tomorrow at noon" or "Friday afternoons at 3" and the bot can then deduce the correct date or CRON statement.


"Tomorrow at noon" - Calculate the date for tomorrow and set the time to 12:00:00pm "Friday afternoons at 3" - CRON statement of 0 0 15 * * 5 "Next Tuesday at 10am" - Calculate the date for the upcoming Tuesday and set the time to 10:00:00am