rumned / homepage

My first personal website. Basically it is just a résumé.
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link

Create additional info blocks #7

Closed rumned closed 3 months ago

rumned commented 3 months ago

You can make your resume less official by adding more entertaining info, like your hobbies and interest, or what do you like, some interactive content or joke, easter egg, etc.

rumned commented 3 months ago



October 2023 ~ Present
Core Programme

42 Kuala Lumpur

March 2023 ~ August 2023
DevOps Foundations Nanodegree

Udacity (SWIFT Scholarship)

  • Completed a course on DevOps Foundations
  • Learned how to make a static website, some Python and Kubernetes
  • Also available in my GitHub
April 2014 ~ March 2019
B.Eng Chemical Engineering

Tohoku University

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