Running the example code provided in the documentation or notebooks using pedantic or json schema is giving the error: status_code: 500, correlation ID: *-***
Only the default schema created by the llama_extract is working.
For example this code isn't working
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
extractor = LlamaExtract()
class ResumeMetadata(BaseModel):
"""Resume metadata."""
years_of_experience: int
highest_degree: str
professional_summary: str
Running the example code provided in the documentation or notebooks using pedantic or json schema is giving the error: status_code: 500, correlation ID: *-***
Only the default schema created by the llama_extract is working.
For example this code isn't working
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
extractor = LlamaExtract()
class ResumeMetadata(BaseModel): """Resume metadata."""
extraction_schema = await extractor.acreate_schema("Test Schema", ResumeMetadata)