run-llama / llama_index

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[Bug]: FunctionCallingProgram ignores tool_choice parameter #14415

Open jordan-BAIC opened 6 days ago

jordan-BAIC commented 6 days ago

Bug Description

The FunctionCallingProgram class takes in a tool_choice parameter but does not use it.

The use varies slightly for OpenAI and Anthropic models:



Steps to Reproduce

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from llama_index.core.program import FunctionCallingProgram
from llama_index.llms.anthropic import Anthropic
from pydantic import BaseModel

model = Anthropic("claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620")

class TestResponse(BaseModel):
    message: str = Field(description="The response message")

prompt = "Generate a song about {topic}. DO NOT USE ANY TOOLS"
program = FunctionCallingProgram.from_defaults(
    tool_choice={"type": "any"}
output = program(topic="dogs")

### Relevant Logs/Tracbacks

File ~/qqqqq/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/llama_index/llms/anthropic/, in Anthropic.get_tool_calls_from_response(self, response, error_on_no_tool_call, **kwargs)
    409 if len(tool_calls) < 1:
    410     if error_on_no_tool_call:
--> 411         raise ValueError(
    412             f"Expected at least one tool call, but got {len(tool_calls)} tool calls."
    413         )
    414     else:
    415         return []

ValueError: Expected at least one tool call, but got 0 tool calls.
dosubot[bot] commented 6 days ago

Hey @jordan-BAIC! I'm here to help you with any bugs, questions, or contributions you have for the repository. Let's tackle this together!

To resolve the issue where the tool_choice parameter is ignored in the FunctionCallingProgram class, leading to a ValueError when no tool calls are made, you should ensure that the tool_choice parameter is properly processed using the resolve_tool_choice function. This function checks if the tool name exists in the provided tools and validates the tool_choice.

Here is the relevant code snippet for the resolve_tool_choice function:

from typing import Union, List, Optional

def resolve_tool_choice(
    tools: Optional[List[dict]] = None, tool_choice: str = "none"
) -> Union[str, dict]:
    """Resolve tool choice.

    Check if tool_name exists in tools.
    Note that unlike in OpenAI specification, 'auto' will ALWAYS choose the tool for you.
    Set to 'none' explicitly if do not wish to use tool.
    valid_tool_choices = ["none", "auto"] + [t["function"]["name"] for t in tools or []]

    if tool_choice not in valid_tool_choices:
        raise ValueError(
            f"{tool_choice} is not a valid tool_choice. Must be one of {valid_tool_choices}"

    return tool_choice

Make sure that the FunctionCallingProgram class uses this function to handle the tool_choice parameter correctly. For example:

class FunctionCallingProgram:
    def __init__(self, tools: Optional[List[dict]] = None, tool_choice: str = "none"):
        self.tool_choice = resolve_tool_choice(tools, tool_choice)
        # other initialization code

    def execute(self):
        if self.tool_choice == "none":
            raise ValueError("No tool calls made.")
        # other execution code

Additionally, ensure that the FunctionCallingProgram class properly integrates with the call_function and acall_function methods to handle tool calls. Here is an example of how these methods can be used:

from import BaseTool, ToolOutput
from llama_index.legacy.llms.openai_utils import OpenAIToolCall
from llama_index.legacy.core.llms.types import ChatMessage, MessageRole

def call_function(
    tools: List[BaseTool],
    tool_call: OpenAIToolCall,
    verbose: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[ChatMessage, ToolOutput]:
    """Call a function and return the output as a string."""
    # validations to get passed mypy
    assert is not None
    assert tool_call.function is not None
    assert is not None
    assert tool_call.function.arguments is not None

    id_ =
    function_call = tool_call.function
    name =
    arguments_str = tool_call.function.arguments
    if verbose:
        print("=== Calling Function ===")
        print(f"Calling function: {name} with args: {arguments_str}")
    tool = get_function_by_name(tools, name)
    argument_dict = json.loads(arguments_str)

    # Call tool
    # Use default error message
    output = call_tool_with_error_handling(tool, argument_dict, error_message=None)
    if verbose:
        print(f"Got output: {output!s}")
    return (
                "name": name,
                "tool_call_id": id_,

For asynchronous calls, you can use the acall_function method:

async def acall_function(
    tools: List[BaseTool], tool_call: OpenAIToolCall, verbose: bool = False
) -> Tuple[ChatMessage, ToolOutput]:
    """Call a function and return the output as a string."""
    # validations to get passed mypy
    assert is not None
    assert tool_call.function is not None
    assert is not None
    assert tool_call.function.arguments is not None

    id_ =
    function_call = tool_call.function
    name =
    arguments_str = tool_call.function.arguments
    if verbose:
        print("=== Calling Function ===")
        print(f"Calling function: {name} with args: {arguments_str}")
    tool = get_function_by_name(tools, name)
    async_tool = adapt_to_async_tool(tool)
    argument_dict = json.loads(arguments_str)
    output = await async_tool.acall(**argument_dict)
    if verbose:
        print(f"Got output: {output!s}")
    return (
                "name": name,
                "tool_call_id": id_,

By using the resolve_tool_choice function and ensuring proper integration with the call_function and acall_function methods, you can ensure that the tool_choice parameter is properly interpreted, which should prevent the ValueError when no tool calls are made [1][2][3][4].

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.

sabir012 commented 6 days ago

Hi, I also tackled with this issue. Getting "at least one tool call, but got 0 tool calls." while using FunctionCallingProgram for parsing response to pydantic object