Closed ppcololo closed 1 year ago
Yea, that is supported. See:
You can specify timeout value at the task level and a as default value at the job level.
What are the possible values? timeout: 10s|10m|10h|10d?
Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h", "d", "w", "y".
Thanks a lot!
From time to time some workers hang due to execution script.
Example: we have python scripts + playwright Firefox browser. Sometimes this Firefox hangs and task stops. In this state it could be long time before we identify that this is fail of script (and another worker already finish this task due to Queue timeout).
So we know average time of task execution and is it possible to add some value during Job creation that if task executing longer than X we can restart it?