runatlantis / atlantis

Terraform Pull Request Automation
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Support gitflow #1199

Open adrianocanofre opened 4 years ago

adrianocanofre commented 4 years ago

I currently use a gitflow approach for my terraform repository. Is there any way to make these settings in atlantis.yaml.


- name: project
  workflow: develop
  workspace: develop
    when_modified: ["*.tf"]
    enabled: true
    branch: develop

If not, what better way to do this validation?

ghostsquad commented 4 years ago

what specifically is this asking for? You want different workflows/actions on a per branch basis?

jamesla commented 3 years ago

We are also looking for this.

Ideally a merge into develop would deploy to our dev environment and a merge into master would deploy to our production environment.

@adrianocanofre did you ever find a solution to this with atlantis?

ghostsquad commented 3 years ago

If you wanted, a custom workflow that checked the name of the merge to branch, as that is exposed via BASE_BRANCH_NAME environment variable. The command would either actually plan/apply or just skip with a useful message.