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Transient errors during parallel plan from `.terraform.lock`: `plugins are not consistent` #2412

Open wyardley opened 2 years ago

wyardley commented 2 years ago

Community Note

Overview of the Issue

I'm occasionally getting some transient errors when running atlantis plan; currently, I have ATLANTIS_PARALLEL_POOL_SIZE set to 3. It's most typically on states that have a lot of providers, giving me two possible theories:

I'm not able to reproduce it right at the moment, and don't have the exact error handy, so I'll update here next time the issue comes up

Reproduction Steps

atlantis plan

Note: this is not consistently reproducible



Environment details

Atlantis server-side config file: All config is from env vars / flags (with some kube secret references / other irrelevant stuff omitted)

            - name: ATLANTIS_ATLANTIS_URL
              value: https://xxx/
              value: "1.2.5"
              value: "true"
              value: "3"
            - name: ATLANTIS_PORT
              value: "4141"
            - name: ATLANTIS_REPO_ALLOWLIST
            - name: TF_CLI_ARGS_apply
              value: "-compact-warnings"
            - name: TF_CLI_ARGS_init
              value: "-compact-warnings"
            - name: TF_CLI_ARGS_plan
              value: "-compact-warnings"

Repo atlantis.yaml file:

version: 3
parallel_plan: true

# [...]

Any other information you can provide about the environment/deployment. --->

Additional Context

wyardley commented 2 years ago

Here's an example one.



- Incomplete lock file information for providers

To see the full warning notes, run Terraform without -compact-warnings.

Terraform has been successfully initialized!
│ Error: Required plugins are not installed
│ The installed provider plugins are not consistent with the packages
│ selected in the dependency lock file:
│   - the cached package for 2.12.1 (in .terraform/providers) does not match any of the checksums recorded in the dependency lock file
│ Terraform uses external plugins to integrate with a variety of different
│ infrastructure services. You must install the required plugins before
│ running Terraform operations.
jamengual commented 2 years ago

is this still happening with v0.19.8?

wyardley commented 2 years ago

Hard to know since it's transient, but I would assume so. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced it's due to the plugin cache thing and the init happening in parallel.

I can think of some possible fixes, but they're beyond what I can implement. High level, though

wyardley commented 2 years ago

Got this again just now:

Initializing the backend...

Successfully configured the backend "gcs"! Terraform will automatically
use this backend unless the backend configuration changes.

Initializing provider plugins...
- Finding gavinbunney/kubectl versions matching "1.14.0"...
- Finding integrations/github versions matching "4.29.0"...
- Finding hashicorp/google versions matching ">= 4.18.0, 4.33.0"...
- Finding hashicorp/kubernetes versions matching "~> 2.10, 2.13.0"...
- Finding fluxcd/flux versions matching "0.16.0"...
- Finding hashicorp/google-beta versions matching ">= 4.29.0, < 5.0.0"...
- Finding latest version of hashicorp/random...
- Using hashicorp/google-beta v4.33.0 from the shared cache directory
- Using hashicorp/random v3.3.2 from the shared cache directory
- Using gavinbunney/kubectl v1.14.0 from the shared cache directory
- Using integrations/github v4.29.0 from the shared cache directory
- Using hashicorp/google v4.33.0 from the shared cache directory
- Installing hashicorp/kubernetes v2.13.0...
- Installed hashicorp/kubernetes v2.13.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
- Using fluxcd/flux v0.16.0 from the shared cache directory

Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider
selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository
so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when
you run "terraform init" in the future.


- Incomplete lock file information for providers

To see the full warning notes, run Terraform without -compact-warnings.

Terraform has been successfully initialized!
│ Error: Required plugins are not installed
│ The installed provider plugins are not consistent with the packages
│ selected in the dependency lock file:
│   - the cached package for 2.13.0 (in .terraform/providers) does not match any of the checksums recorded in the dependency lock file
│ Terraform uses external plugins to integrate with a variety of different
│ infrastructure services. You must install the required plugins before
│ running Terraform operations.
nokernel commented 1 year ago


is this still happening with v0.19.8?

I just got it with v0.19.8 and terraform 1.2.9.

What I saw in Atlantis terraform output is it did not fetch all the providers.

vmdude commented 1 year ago

We also have these Error: Required plugins are not installed issues, and it still happening in v0.22.2.

Is there a way to un-close this issue ?

nitrocode commented 1 year ago

The error shown by @wyardley

│ Error: Required plugins are not installed │ │ The installed provider plugins are not consistent with the packages │ selected in the dependency lock file: │ - the cached package for 2.13.0 (in .terraform/providers) does not match any of the checksums recorded in the dependency lock file

Seems like that could be resolved by stomping over the .terraform.lock file prior to terraform init or doing terraform init -upgrade.

Is that the same issue you're hitting @vmdude ?

vmdude commented 1 year ago

.lock files are not versioned (through git I mean) on our side, and we're using the same cache dir for all parallel plans (same as issue creator). Removing .lock file in the pre_workflow_hooks could not cause another race condition where we removing a lock file used by another parallel plan ?

nitrocode commented 1 year ago

I'm curious if you get the error if you run terraform init with the extra args -upgrade to stomp over the lock files on every run

vmdude commented 1 year ago

Let me check and try (all parallel plan run in a few hours) and I'll get back to you with the output.

wyardley commented 1 year ago

We get it during first plan after version updates, and will go away on second plan. So pretty confident this is because of terraform’s known issues with init with shared cache not being parallel safe.

Having a small amount of splay would be one fix that would probably help, though not sure if someone would be willing to implement that.

btw, we don’t use a checked in lockfile, and do have -upgrade in the init args

nitrocode commented 1 year ago

@wyardley have you tried removing the .terraform.lock.hcl file and running a terraform init -upgrade ?

Do you folks get stack traces in your logs?

wyardley commented 1 year ago

@nitrocode we don’t use or check in the lockfile. But see linked issue - I believe this has everything to do with tf not working well with parallel init. Once the new version is in the provider cache, the failure will not happen.

vmdude commented 1 year ago

@nitrocode We have not yet be able to reproduce these errors (and get stack information) as they don't appear every time. We'll keep you posted when they do

wyardley commented 1 year ago

Should be reproducible if you clear the plugin cache or update a version of a provider that exists in multiple states that are being planned in parallel.

Once the provider cache is populated, the issue should not come up.

There are some changes coming in 1.4 that might make this worse in the case that the lockfile is not checked in.

nitrocode commented 1 year ago

It seems that parallel planning/applying is enabled, each of their terraform inits impact each other.

Some options for contributors

  1. Stagger the parallel runs so they do not conflict with each other
    • seems easy to implement by adding an arbitrary wait
  2. separate the runner from the server and allow the runner its own isolating
    • arguably the correct way to resolve this
    • would have additional benefits
    • large change which would require a lot of work

Please let me know if i missed any options. As always, we welcome prs

nitrocode commented 1 year ago

For (1)

Here is the current code

Here is a possible change


+       time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

        go execute()

That should at least start each job with a second in between.

Or perhaps the first job can start then pause for a couple seconds to ensure the init stage has passed and then the subsequent jobs can start all at once?

wyardley commented 1 year ago

@nitrocode yeah, agree. some kind of configurable (e.g., ATLANTIS_PARALLEL_PLAN_SPLAY or ATLANTIS_PARALLEL_PLAN_SLEEP / non-configurable (or even random) sleep could help a lot. Similarly, with parallel planning some big states, we sometimes see the pod Atlantis is running on crash from resource exhaustion.

nitrocode commented 1 year ago

Couple issues with option 2 (staggering the runs) is that

option 3 - init retry script

It might be something we could solve in the init step. Below is untested code.

        - run: /usr/local/bin/terraform_init_retry


#!/usr/bin/env sh

declare -i attempt=0

# until this works
until terraform$ATLANTIS_TERRAFORM_VERSION init -no-color; do
    # check error code
    if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
        if [ $attempt -le $max_attempts ]; then
            echo "$attempt / $max_attempts: Error thrown. Rerunning init"
            echo "$attempt / $max_attempts: giving up"
            exit $?
        # zero error code break. May not be required

option 4 - set a unique provider cache

This can be set to be inside the working directory unique to the workspace. This would ensure that the provider cache would be isolated per run.

        - env:
            name: TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR
            command: 'echo "$(pwd)/.terraform-cache-$WORKSPACE" '
        - env:
            name: TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR
            command: 'echo "$(pwd)/.terraform-cache-$WORKSPACE" '
        - env:
            name: TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR
            command: 'echo "$(pwd)/.terraform-cache-$WORKSPACE" '

What's odd about option 4 is that it's the default behavior to cache the providers in the .terraform directory already if a TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR is unset.

nitrocode commented 1 year ago

Regarding terraform 1.4 and the new kocking behavior, it seems that hashicorp has added a new flag that needs to be set to retain 1.3.x and below behavior in 1.4.x+.

wyardley commented 1 year ago

If it were a cache per state, you wouldn’t need the new flag - it just helps avoid redownloading when there’s no lockfile and the cache is already populated.

I would guess users that both don’t check in a lockfile and set TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR would want to set that flag once upgrading to 1.4.x

I agree with you that it’s odd that this issue comes up at all, if Atlantis doesn’t already do something to encourage terraform to share a cache directory, and especially since I think the .terraform directory would also be new / unique per PR, per state.

wyardley commented 1 year ago

82 - looks like Atlantis may set it

c-ameron commented 6 months ago

for those who are still having this issue. There is now a setting that disables the plugin cache (thanks to #3720 !), so option 4 in is not needed anymore (but thank you for the solution!)