runceel / plantumlpreview

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Shapes arent shown in Preview. #20

Closed thisisole closed 7 years ago

thisisole commented 7 years ago

installed a new code-version... cant currently see the yellow shapes in the preview... only text and arrows are shown.

runceel commented 7 years ago

I think that this issue is VSCode's issue. This plugin export svg then preview. Exported svg can preview Edge and Chrome, VSCode previewer can't preview svg(can't see the yellow shapes).

You can see yellow shape. follow:

skinparam style strictuml

write your code!!

Relative issue is #19.

qjebbs commented 7 years ago

SVG does not support all diagrams, and got issue above, so my suggestion is to switch to PNG, just like I did in

key code here:

let task = this.exporter.exportToBuffer(diagram, "png");
    result => {
        let b64 = result.toString('base64');
        this.image = `data:image/png;base64,${b64}`
runceel commented 7 years ago

@qjebbs Thank you!!

I released new version. This version show correctry diagram.

l4ces commented 7 years ago

I have the latest version and preview only displays a white empty page with a tiny white square box at the upper left corner of the PlantUML Preview window.

VSCode version 1.9.1 Java paths and graphviz paths are set up correctly :-)

runceel commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your feedback.

This case is when export a unsaved document. Please export after save document.

I released v0.2.1. Please try again.(Added error message when export unsaved document.)