runceel / plantumlpreview

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support user setting for PlantUML style to use #25

Open MinnieTheMoocher opened 7 years ago

MinnieTheMoocher commented 7 years ago

when invoking the plantuml.jar, it understands the option -config myfile.txt , where "myfile.txt" is a simple text file inside which you can specify your desired default style to be used.

For example, this would be a valid input:

skinparam BackgroundColor    transparent

skinparam DefaultFontSize    11
skinparam DefaultFontName    Arial

skinparam class {
   ArrowColor                #00509B
   BorderColor               #00509B

I would like to request that I can configure the path to such a file in the VSCode user settings, for example like this:

"": "C:\\some\\folder\\somefile.txt"