I have the need when importing hosts from the ansible inventory file to also set custom ssh ports per host, since this feature was not available i made the following changes, my code is perhaps not the best, feel free to propose / change anything if needed.
Introduced changes:
When using ansible inventory files with different ssh ports per host defined within the ansible_port option the plugin was not importing that into rundeck, according to rundeck documentation it is expecting the following format:
The proposed change reads, if set, the ansible_port value from the inventory file and change the hostname to defined format, if not set defaults back to port 22.
Hi all,
I have the need when importing hosts from the ansible inventory file to also set custom ssh ports per host, since this feature was not available i made the following changes, my code is perhaps not the best, feel free to propose / change anything if needed.
Introduced changes: When using ansible inventory files with different ssh ports per host defined within the ansible_port option the plugin was not importing that into rundeck, according to rundeck documentation it is expecting the following format:
The proposed change reads, if set, the ansible_port value from the inventory file and change the hostname to defined format, if not set defaults back to port 22.