rundeck-plugins / ansible-plugin

Ansible Integration for Rundeck
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Ansible Resource Model Source - Vault Pass Storage Path ignored ? #365

Open olwins opened 3 months ago

olwins commented 3 months ago


In the' Ansible Resource Model Source' configuration, setting the "Vault Pass Storage Path" field is ignored

If you save the config, you will see the following in the service log when it try to build the rundeck inventory :

PLAY [all] *********************************************************************
ERROR! Attempting to decrypt but no vault secrets found

Setting the "Vault Password" field fix the issue.

Vault Password:•••••••••••• Vault Pass Storage Path:keys/project/TEST/vault

Is that normal ? shouldn't the "Vault Pass Storage Path" field be used if specified to retrieve the vault password ?

N.B : in the playbook, the Vault Pass Storage Path is correctly used. Only the ressouce model seems to ignore it.

Release: Rundeck 5.2.0

To reproduce the issue :

Create a project with 2 file under group_vars/all/ var.yml ansible_become_pass: "{{ vault_ansible_become_pass }}"

vault.yml ansible_become_pass: XXXX (encrypted)

Test playbook :

- name: test
  hosts: all
  become: yes
  gather_facts: true

  - name: Display id
      cmd: id
    register: id

  - name: debug
      var: id