rundeck / docker-zoo

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where is Dockerfile of rundeck #11

Closed changsijay closed 4 years ago

changsijay commented 4 years ago

maybe can release the Dockerfile for people to change and build it manually? (if there is no people taking care issues in this repo.)

ltamaster commented 4 years ago

Hi @changsijay Have you checked this?


changsijay commented 4 years ago

@ltamaster this is not Dockerfile of rundeck image. It is an example how to use rundeck image.

changsijay commented 4 years ago

For example, the latest rundeck image is rundeck:3.1.2 But there is no Dockerfile of this image.

Take postgres for example:

Every release tag is a hyper link to its Dockerfile. Which makes people easy to customize it.

ProTip commented 4 years ago

Hi @changsijay

The Docker build is located here: