API java: rundeck-api-java-client12.0
We create a RundeckClient with version 12 then execute a job.
When we use the method getExecutionState we have a NullPointerException when the rundeck-api-java-client parses the Xml response which contents at the top level a "result" element
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.rundeck.api.parser.ExecutionStateParser.parseXmlNode(ExecutionStateParser.java:33)
at org.rundeck.api.parser.ExecutionStateParser.parseXmlNode(ExecutionStateParser.java:14)
When we explore the error, it seems that the rundeck-api-java-client uses a rootelement "" (rootXpath() returns "") and so the parsed node is null, then NullPointeException
When we create a RundeckClient with version 10 (rootXpath() returns "result"), all is OK, no Exception.
Hi We use
When we use the method getExecutionState we have a NullPointerException when the rundeck-api-java-client parses the Xml response which contents at the top level a "result" element
The StrackTrace:
When we explore the error, it seems that the rundeck-api-java-client uses a rootelement "" (rootXpath() returns "") and so the parsed node is null, then NullPointeException
When we create a RundeckClient with version 10 (rootXpath() returns "result"), all is OK, no Exception.
A bug in rundeck-api-java-client ?
Thanks !