rundeck / terraform-provider-rundeck

Terraform Rundeck provider
Mozilla Public License 2.0
50 stars 58 forks source link

invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference #112

Open DragosV29 opened 11 months ago

DragosV29 commented 11 months ago


I have the following issue when running from terraform. The issue happens if you update some resources like keys or project through GUI after creating them in terraform. Once you do that the below error will occur. Expected behaviour would be to state that there have been changes or that the resource no longer exists and needs to be recreated

│ Error: Plugin did not respond │ │ with module.rundeck_lab["testing"].rundeck_project.lab[0], │ on ../../modules/rundeck_lab/ line 1, in resource "rundeck_project" "lab": │ 1: resource "rundeck_project" "lab" { │ │ The plugin encountered an error, and failed to respond to the plugin.(GRPCProvider).UpgradeResourceState call. The plugin logs may contain more details. ╵ ╷ │ Error: Plugin did not respond │ │ with module.rundeck_lab["testing"].rundeck_public_key.lab_unix[0], │ on ../../modules/rundeck_lab/ line 266, in resource "rundeck_public_key" "lab_unix": │ 266: resource "rundeck_public_key" "lab_unix" { │ │ The plugin encountered an error, and failed to respond to the plugin.(GRPCProvider).ReadResource call. The plugin logs may contain more details. ╵ ╷ │ Error: Plugin did not respond │ │ with module.rundeck_lab["testing"].rundeck_acl_policy.lab[0], │ on ../../modules/rundeck_lab/ line 278, in resource "rundeck_acl_policy" "lab": │ 278: resource "rundeck_acl_policy" "lab" { │ │ The plugin encountered an error, and failed to respond to the plugin.(GRPCProvider).ReadResource call. The plugin logs may contain more details. ╵ ╷ │ Error: Plugin did not respond │ │ with module.rundeck_lab["testing"].rundeck_private_key.windows_lab[0], │ on ../../modules/rundeck_lab/ line 127, in resource "rundeck_private_key" "windows_lab": │ 127: resource "rundeck_private_key" "windows_lab" { │ │ The plugin encountered an error, and failed to respond to the plugin.(GRPCProvider).ReadResource call. The plugin logs may contain more details. ╵ ╷ │ Error: Plugin did not respond │ │ with module.rundeck_lab["testing"].rundeck_acl_policy.windows_lab[0], │ on ../../modules/rundeck_lab/ line 133, in resource "rundeck_acl_policy" "windows_lab": │ 133: resource "rundeck_acl_policy" "windows_lab" { │ │ The plugin encountered an error, and failed to respond to the plugin.(*GRPCProvider).ReadResource call. The plugin logs may contain more details. ╵

Stack trace from the terraform-provider-rundeck_v0.4.6 plugin:

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0xc257f2]

goroutine 73 [running]:, {0xde1280?, 0xc000435440}) +0x1f2, 0xc00021c190, {0xde1280, 0xc000435440}) +0x131, {0xc00021c0a0?, 0x4b9f06?}, 0xc00021c0a0) +0x365{0xdb8480?, 0xc000012a98}, {0xf73790, 0xc000270180}, 0xc0005ae600, 0x0) +0x170, {0xf77880, 0xc000172000}, 0xc00001e000, 0xc000203650, 0x14c1e90, 0x0) +0xe1e, {0xf77880, 0xc000172000}, 0xc00001e000, 0x0) +0xa16 +0x98 created by +0xea

Error: The terraform-provider-rundeck_v0.4.6 plugin crashed!

This is always indicative of a bug within the plugin. It would be immensely helpful if you could report the crash with the plugin's maintainers so that it can be fixed. The output above should help diagnose the issue.

fdevans commented 11 months ago

Hi @DragosV29 can you please provide more detailed steps to reproduce this?

DragosV29 commented 10 months ago


Create a rundeck project through terraform code

resource "rundeck_project" "lab" { count = var.disable_deletion == 1 ? 1 : 0 default_node_executor_plugin = "sshj-ssh"
default_node_file_copier_plugin = "sshj-scp" description = "Lab environment for ${var.subproject} unix" extra_config = {

"project.label" = local.rundeck_project_name

  "project/label"                                       = local.rundeck_unix_project_name
  "project/ansible-generate-inventory"                  = "true" 
  #"project/ansible-ssh-passphrase-option"               = "option.password" 
  "project/disable/executions"                          = "false"
  "project/disable/schedule"                            = "false" 
  "project/execution/history/cleanup/batch"             = "500" 
  "project/execution/history/cleanup/enabled"           = "false" 
  "project/execution/history/cleanup/retention/days"    = "60" 
  "project/execution/history/cleanup/retention/minimum" = "50" 
  "project/execution/history/cleanup/schedule"          = "0 0 0 1/1 * ? *"
  "project/file-copy-destination-dir"                   = "/home/ec2-user" 

  "project/healthcheck/cache/refresh"                   = "true" 
  "project/healthcheck/enabled"                         = "true" 
  "project/healthcheck/onstartup"                       = "true" 
  "project/jobs/gui/groupExpandLevel"                   = "1" 
  "project/label"                                       = "" 
  "project/later/executions/disable"                    = "false" 
  "project/later/executions/enable"                     = "false" 
  "project/later/schedule/disable"                      = "false" 
  "project/later/schedule/enable"                       = "false" 
  #"project/nodeCache/delay"                             = "" 
  "project/nodeCache/enabled"                           = "true"  
  "project/nodeCache/firstLoadSynch"                    = "true"  
  "project/output/allowUnsanitized"                     = "false" 
  "project/retry-counter"                               = "3" 
  "project/ssh-command-timeout"                         = "0"
  "project/ssh-connect-timeout"                         = "0"
  "provisioningDetails"                                 = "Provisioned through Terraform rundeck-${var.env} project"

name                              = local.rundeck_unix_project_name
ssh_key_storage_path              = var.no_of_unix_instances != 0 ? "keys/${rundeck_private_key.lab_unix[0].path}" : null

resource_model_source {
  config = {
    "endpoint"          = "https://${data.aws_region.current[count.index].endpoint}" 
    "filter"            = join(";", [for k,v in local.lab_unix_tags: "tag:${k}=${v}"])
    "httpProxyPort"     = "80"
    "pageResults"       = "100"
    "refreshInterval"   = "30"
    "region"            = data.aws_region.current[count.index].name
    "runningOnly"       = "true"
    "synchronousLoad"   = "true"
    "useDefaultMapping" = "true"
  type   = "aws-ec2"


I've also created the machine as part of it but that is not important.

Create the rundeck keys through terraform:

resource "rundeck_public_key" "lab_unix" { count = var.no_of_unix_instances != 0 && var.disable_deletion == 1 ? 1 : 0 path = "project/${local.rundeck_unix_project_name}/${var.subproject}" key_material = tls_private_key.lab_key[count.index].public_key_openssh }

resource "rundeck_private_key" "lab_unix" { count = var.no_of_unix_instances != 0 && var.disable_deletion == 1 ? 1 : 0 path = "project/${local.rundeck_unix_project_name}/${var.subproject}_key" key_material = tls_private_key.lab_key[count.index].private_key_openssh }

the key takes as refference a tls_private_key resource

resource "tls_private_key" "lab_key" { count = var.no_of_unix_instances != 0 && var.disable_deletion == 1 ? 1 : 0 algorithm = "RSA" rsa_bits = 4096 }

Additionaly you can have a basic job but I do not think that would make any difference

resource "rundeck_job" "basic_lab" { count = var.no_of_unix_instances != 0 && var.disable_deletion == 1 ? 1 : 0 name = "Run basic command on server(s)" project_name = rundeck_project.lab[count.index].name node_filter_query = "tags:running" description = "Unix AdHoc Commands Job"

schedule = "0 00 10 ? 1-5 " time_zone = "Europe/Bucharest"

command { description = "Execute AdHoc Commands" shell_command = "echo \"Hello from Rundeck!\"; whoami;echo \"You are connected to:\"; hostname" }


Once all these have been provisioned go to rundeck gui and remove the key manually then run another plan/apply

Let me know if you are able to reproduce the issue or if any additional code is needed.

fdevans commented 1 day ago

I think the expectation is that changes aren't made outside of Terraform. Deleting the key manually creates a situation where the Terraform State is different from the actual state. I'll defer to more experienced Terraform users if that's normal or not, but I do get an error in that scenario.