rundel / parsermd
76 stars 4 forks source link

Feature stable? #17

Closed coatless closed 3 years ago

coatless commented 3 years ago

This is a wonderful package for parsing RMarkdown/Markdown documents. Thanks for doing the heavy lifting with respect to developing a parser using Boost's Spirit X3 library.

Given it's recent listing on CRAN, would you say this package is feature-stable?

I'm interested in shifting {assignr} away from the rudimentary regex approach taken to removing chunk tags indicating if a portion of the document should be included in or outside of a student/solution/rubric document.

rundel commented 3 years ago

I think the core of the package is feature stable - I would like to continue to add higher level functionality (e.g. more rmd_select helpers) but I think the low level functionality and data structures should be quite stable at this point.

The only major open issue for me is how to support inline code chunks - they are a bit of a headache and I have some ideas but nothing I'm super happy with yet.

I would definitely be interested in any feedback you have working with the package, particularly any pain points or missing utility functions.

rundel commented 3 years ago

With the cran release I think that makes things officially stable - I plan to use the lifecycle package as the package evolves so anything that deprecated will hopefully do so gracefully.