Closed peteraba closed 5 years ago
@rundis ?
@peteraba Sorry for the slow response, but I've been totally swamped with work.
See this for first stab attempt from my side:
|'ve tried to balance flexibility vs easy of use vs typical use cases (inspired by your gist and original post above). I did leave some stuff out:
?import Bootstrap.Pagination as Pagination
import Bootstrap.HAlign as HAlign
simplePaginationList: Model -> Html Msg
simplePaginationList model =
|> Pagination.ariaLabel "Pagination"
|> Pagination HAlign.centerXs
|> Pagination.large
|> Pagination.itemsList
{ prevItem = Just <| Pagination.ListItem [] [ text "Previous" ]
, nextItem = Just <| Pagination.ListItem [] [ text "Next" ]
, activeIdx = model.activePageIdx
, data = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] -- You'd typically generate this from your model somehow !
, itemFn = \idx _ -> Pagination.ListItem [] [ text <| toString (idx + 1) ]
, urlFn = \idx _ -> "#/pages/" ++ toString (idx + 1)
|> Pagination.view
import Bootstrap.Pagination as Pagination
import Bootstrap.Pagination as Item
import Bootstrap.HAlign as HAlign
customPagination : Model -> Html Msg
customPagination model =
myData =
[ { icon = "car", name = "Car" }
, { icon = "bus", name = "Bus" }
, { icon = "train", name = "Train" }
div []
[ h1 [] [ text "Pagination" ]
, Pagination.defaultConfig
|> Pagination.ariaLabel "Pagination"
|> Pagination.align HAlign.centerXs
|> Pagination.large
|> Pagination.items
([ Item.item
|> Item.span [ class "custom-page-item" ]
[ span
[ class "fa fa-fast-backward"
, attribute "aria-hidden" "true" ]
, span [ class "sr-only" ]
[ text "First page" ]
, Item.item
|> Item.span [ class "custom-page-item" ]
[ span
[ class "fa fa-arrow-left"
, attribute "aria-hidden" "true"
, span [ class "sr-only" ] [ text "Previous" ]
++ (List.indexedMap
(\idx item ->
|> ( idx == model.activePageIdx )
|> Item.span [ class "custom-page-item" ]
[ span
[ class <| "fa fa-" ++ item.icon
, attribute "aria-hidden" "true"
, span [ class "sr-only" ] [ text ]
++ [ Item.item
|> Item.span [ class "custom-page-item" ]
[ span
[ class "fa fa-arrow-right"
, attribute "aria-hidden" "true"
, span [ class "sr-only" ] [ text "Next" ]
, Item.item
|> Item.span [ class "custom-page-item" ]
[ span
[ class "fa fa-fast-forward"
, attribute "aria-hidden" "true" ]
, span [ class "sr-only" ] [ text "Last page" ]
|> Pagination.view
Hi @rundis , I have to admit I kind of moved on this problem in the meanwhile, but would still be interested in contributing.
The proposed usage examples generally look good except that your proposal is a bit thiner, leaving the user more work to figure out some details. It's completely legit and arguable better, I went for a bit "smarter" version where the numeric items can be built automatically. I would still create another layer which is able to calculate "data" but your is nice for it's flexibility.
When it comes to your questions: both "max pages" and "max number of links per side" were only needed so that "data" could be calculated. As said, that calculation could happen outside the bootstrap library of course.
A module for this now exists. Missing docs on the docs site still though.
I'm missing the Pagination package and have created the code to fulfill it, but to honor @rundis, I decided to create an issue instead of a PR. Here's my proposed API: