runehaubo / ordinal

R package ordinal: Regression Models for Ordinal Data
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Trying to use more than 1 random effects (nested) variables as well as predict function later #20

Open erdelab-vikasm opened 5 years ago

erdelab-vikasm commented 5 years ago

Hello Rune,

I am using the clmm function which allows for more than one random effects (nested) variables to be included. However, then I also want to use the predict function to predict probabilities - is this functionality not available with clmm? Is there a way around?


bryorsnef commented 5 years ago

I'll second this, a predict function for clmm models would be very useful.

HannahD412 commented 4 years ago

Bumping this thread - predict() and predict.clm() do not work when using clmm and this has not been addressed.

runehaubo commented 4 years ago

Noted. A predict method for clmm object is on the to-do list but it has been there for quite some years and I still haven't found the time to implement...

filthysocks commented 3 years ago

well the last response is a year old but are there any plans to add it?

MichaelSchatz commented 3 years ago

+1 for this

mattansb commented 9 months ago

Came here looking for answers on this. I've since implemented my own (probably wrong?) predict.clmm() that seems to work (at least for my needs). Feel free to use at your own risk.

For re.form = NA, results have been confirmed against {emmeans}.

predict.clmm <- function(object, newdata, re.form = NULL, type = c("lin", "prob")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)

  Terms <- delete.response(terms(object))
  m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, xlev = object$xlevels)
  X <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts.arg = object$contrasts)

  n <- nrow(X)

  b <- c("(Intercept)" = 0, coef(object))
  fixed_names <- intersect(names(b), colnames(X))
  brep <- matrix(rep(b[fixed_names], times = n), nrow = n, byrow = TRUE, 
                 dimnames = list(rownames(X), fixed_names))

  if (is.null(re.form)) {
    rgv <- insight::find_random(object, flatten = TRUE)

    u <- ranef(object)
    for (v in rgv) {
      rg_u <- u[[v]][as.character(newdata[,v,drop = TRUE]),]
      r_slopes <- intersect(colnames(rg_u), colnames(brep))
      for (i in r_slopes) {
        brep[,i] <- brep[,i] + rg_u[,i]  

  lin_pred <- rowSums(brep * X)

  if (type == "lin") {

  thres <- setdiff(names(b), colnames(X))
  preds <- outer(b[thres], lin_pred, FUN = "-")

  fm1 <- insight::link_inverse(object)
  cumprobs <- rbind(0, fm1(preds), 1)
  probs <- t(apply(cumprobs, 2, diff))
  colnames(probs) <- levels(insight::get_response(object))
