runem / web-component-analyzer

CLI that analyzes web components and emits documentation
MIT License
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@customElement / @element quirks in JSDocBlock #128

Closed btopro closed 4 years ago

btopro commented 4 years ago

The analyzer currently seems to be looking for the static tag name as supplied in the customElements.define("what-ever", WhatEver);

If this is generated off the class itself or defined elsewhere this can cause issues causing an empty output for the tag name. Possible solutions:

Referencing a commit on this to see what generated blank though I'm sure almost all our elements will since we use this convention.

runem commented 4 years ago

Adding @element my-element to the jsdoc of the class declaration is currently support. Does that work in your case? :-)

btopro commented 4 years ago

silly me. thanks for pointing int he right direction. apparently @customElement was being picked up and that set it to nothing since I didn't have it defined anywhere :p fixing tooling now. thank you

btopro commented 4 years ago

last thing. is it an issue if @element is defined at the top of the JSdocblock? I'm noticing that if its not at the very bottom of the docblock that it doesn't document it correctly. Example:

leads to this:

runem commented 4 years ago

It seems like the @customElement jsdoc tag is parsed as name including the next line, even though the next line should be the description related to the jsdoc tag.

 * @customElement video-player
 * `A simple responsive video player with ridiculously powerful backing`
 * ...
class VideoPlayer ...

I'm currently working on finishing up version 1.0.0, and this version includes much better jsdoc support. I tested it on video-player.js and it seems to work fine. Below I added what v1.0.0 of the analyzer outputs using markdown output format :-)

In addition, you don't have to add @customElement video-player when using the v1.0.0, because the analyzer is now able to resolve the value of simple expressions like VideoPlayer.tag.

I expect the major version to land soon, and you can test the beta version like this:

npx web-component-analyzer@1.0.0-next.3 analyze video-player.js

I tried cloning elmsln/lrnwebcomponents and installing 1.0.0-next.3. It seemed like it successfully found the correct name of all elements. However, I saw that there were multiple elements with the same name in many custom-elements.json this is because the analyzer finds the same element in multiple files (eg. from .es6 and .umd). Therefore I suggest you to change the glob from this && wca analyze \"**/*.js\" --outFile custom-elements.json to something this && wca analyze \"!(*.umd|*.story|gulpfile|rollup.config|*.es6).js\" --outFile custom-elements.json :-)

If you like, you can also run the command with this glob from the root of the mono-repo in order to generate markdown documentation for all files at the same time:

npx web-component-analyzer@1.0.0-next.3 analyze "./elements/**/!(*.umd|*.story|gulpfile|rollup.config|*.es6).js"


Mixins: MediaBehaviorsVideo, A11yBehaviors, SchemaBehaviors


Property Attribute Type Default Description
accentColor accent-color string null Optional accent color for controls,
using the following materialize "colors":
red, pink, purple, deep-purple, indigo, blue,
light blue, cyan, teal, green, light green, lime,
yellow, amber, orange, deep-orange, and brown.
Default is null.
audioOnly audio-only boolean false Is the media an audio file only?
crossorigin crossorigin string null Cross origin flag for transcripts to load
dark dark boolean false Enables darker player.
darkTranscript dark-transcript boolean false Use dark theme on transcript? Default is false, even when player is dark.
disableInteractive disable-interactive boolean false disable interactive mode that makes the transcript clickable
height height string null The height of the media player for non-a11y-media.
hideTimestamps hide-timestamps boolean false show cue's start and end time
hideTranscript hide-transcript boolean false hide the transcript by default
iframed iframed boolean Computed if this should be in an iframe or not.
isA11yMedia is-a11y-media boolean Computed if this should be in a11y-media-player.
isYoutube is-youtube boolean The type of source, i.e. "local", "vimeo", "youtube", etc.
lang lang string "en" The language of the media
linkable linkable boolean false Include a share link?
mediaTitle media-title string Simple caption for the video
playerId player-id string null ID for a11y-media-player.
If none specified it will be modified from schema-resource-id.
preload preload string "metadata" What to preload for a11y-media-player: auto, metadata (default), or none.
sandboxed sandboxed boolean Compute if this is a sandboxed system or not
source source string null Source of the video
sourceData source-data array List of source objects
sourceType source-type string The type of source, i.e. "local", "vimeo", "youtube", etc.
sources sources array Source of the video
stickyCorner sticky-corner string "top-right" When playing but scrolled off screen, to which corner does it "stick":
top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, or none?
Default is "top-right". "None" disables stickiness.
thumbnailSrc thumbnail-src string null Source of optional thumbnail image
track track string null The url for a single subtitle track
trackData track-data array Cleaned array of text tracks
"src": "path/to/track.vtt",
"label": "English",
"srclang": "en",
"kind": "subtitles",
tracks tracks array Array of text tracks
"src": "path/to/track.vtt",
"label": "English",
"srclang": "en",
"kind": "subtitles",
width width string null The width of the media player for non-a11y-media.
youtubeId youtube-id string The type of source, i.e. "local", "vimeo", "youtube", etc.


Method Description
postProcesshaxNodeToContent postProcesshaxNodeToContent - clean up so we don't have empty array data
btopro commented 4 years ago

excellent to hear! thank you @runem for following up