runem / web-component-analyzer

CLI that analyzes web components and emits documentation
MIT License
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If no `@element foo-bar` is present, json schema is incomplete #187

Open thepassle opened 3 years ago

thepassle commented 3 years ago

Given the following component:

component ```js import { KEYCODES } from '../utils/keycodes.js'; const template = document.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = `
`; let __count = 0; /** * @element generic-switch * * @cssprop --generic-switch-focus - Customizes the focus styles of the thumb * * @csspart label * @csspart thumb * @csspart track * @csspart button */ export class GenericSwitch extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); this.shadowRoot.appendChild(template.content.cloneNode(true)); this.__onClick = this.__onClick.bind(this); this.__onKeyDown = this.__onKeyDown.bind(this); } static get observedAttributes() { return ['disabled', 'checked', 'label']; } connectedCallback() { this.__label = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part="label"]'); this.__button = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part="button"]'); this.__track = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part="track"]'); this.__thumb = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part="thumb"]'); = `label-${__count}`; = `button-${__count}`; = `track-${__count}`; = `thumb-${__count}`; this.addEventListener('click', this.__onClick); this.addEventListener('keydown', this.__onKeyDown); this.__button.setAttribute('role', 'switch'); if (!this.hasAttribute('label')) { this.__button.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', `label-${__count}`); this.__button.setAttribute('aria-describedby', `label-${__count}`); = '10px'; } else { this.__button.setAttribute('aria-label', this.getAttribute('label')); } this.__checked = this.hasAttribute('checked') || false; this.__update(false); this.__handleDisabled(); __count++; // eslint-disable-line } disconnectedCallback() { this.__button.removeEventListener('click', this.__onClick); this.__button.removeEventListener('keydown', this.__onKeyDown); } __handleDisabled() { if (this.hasAttribute('disabled')) { this.setAttribute('disabled', ''); this.__button.setAttribute('aria-disabled', 'true'); this.__button.removeAttribute('tabindex'); } else { this.removeAttribute('disabled'); this.__button.removeAttribute('aria-disabled'); this.__button.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); } } __onClick() { if (!this.hasAttribute('disabled')) { if (this.hasAttribute('checked')) { this.removeAttribute('checked'); } else { this.setAttribute('checked', ''); } } } __onKeyDown(event) { switch (event.keyCode) { case KEYCODES.SPACE: case KEYCODES.ENTER: event.preventDefault(); if (this.hasAttribute('checked')) { this.removeAttribute('checked'); } else { this.setAttribute('checked', ''); } break; default: break; } } __update(dispatch) { if (this.__checked && !this.hasAttribute('disabled')) { this.__button.setAttribute('aria-checked', 'true'); this.__button.setAttribute('checked', ''); } else { this.__button.setAttribute('aria-checked', 'false'); this.__button.removeAttribute('checked'); } if (dispatch) { const { __checked } = this; this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('checked-changed', { detail: __checked })); } } set checked(val) { if (val) { this.setAttribute('checked', ''); } else { this.removeAttribute('checked'); } } get checked() { return this.__checked; } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal) { if (!this.__button) return; if (newVal !== oldVal) { switch (name) { case 'disabled': this.__disabled = !this.__disabled; this.__handleDisabled(); break; case 'checked': this.__checked = !this.__checked; this.__update(true); break; case 'label': this.__button.setAttribute('aria-label', newVal); break; default: break; } } } } ```

I get the following schema:

schema ```json { "version": "experimental", "modules": [ { "path": "web-component-analyzer.ts", "exports": [ { "kind": "class", "superclass": { "name": "HTMLElement" }, "name": "GenericSwitch", "members": [ { "kind": "field", "name": "checked", "privacy": "public" } ], "tagName": "generic-switch", "events": [ { "name": "checked-changed", "type": "Event" } ], "attributes": [ { "name": "checked", "fieldName": "checked" }, { "name": "disabled" }, { "name": "label" } ], "cssProperties": [ { "name": "--generic-switch-focus", "description": "Customizes the focus styles of the thumb" } ], "cssParts": [ { "name": "label" }, { "name": "thumb" }, { "name": "track" }, { "name": "button" } ] } ] } ] } ```

if I remove the * @element generic-switch, I only get a very small subset of the expected schema above:

schema ```json { "version": "experimental", "modules": [ { "path": "web-component-analyzer.ts", "exports": [ { "kind": "class", "superclass": { "name": "HTMLElement" }, "name": "GenericSwitch", "members": [ { "kind": "field", "name": "checked", "privacy": "public" } ] } ] } ] } ```