runemadsen / Magic-Book-Project

DEPRECATED: We are reviving the Magic Book project as a node package:
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//[offset-down] (or up) problem? #144

Open shiffman opened 11 years ago

shiffman commented 11 years ago

offset for code comments is causing some problems, i.e.:

int total = 10;

//[offset-down] Have you ever seen this syntax before? This is a new feature in Java 1.6 that Processing now supports. It allows us to specify in advance what type of object we intend to put in the ArrayList.
ArrayList<Particle> plist = new ArrayList<Particle>();
void setup() {
  for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
    // An object is added to an ArrayList with add().
    plist.add(new Particle());

renders to:


Also, offset sometimes adds a lot of space where unnecessary, i.e.


stevenklise commented 11 years ago

TODO: Go through the book and mark which offset-up aren't flush and adjust alignment.

stevenklise commented 11 years ago

TODO: Convert html javascript code to jQuery and test on all browsers