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"Note" heading turns into h5 if it's underneath an existing h4 #146

Closed shiffman closed 11 years ago

shiffman commented 11 years ago
=== 1.3 Vector Addition

some text

==== Vector subtraction

some text

.Basic Number Properties with Vectors
heading above is wrong

The above yields the wrong style b/c "Basic Number Properties with Vectors" ends up as an h5 instead of h4. Should we fix with CSS or is this a bug and we need to enforce h4 for NOTE headings?

Manindra29 commented 11 years ago

I made the following change. It restores correct Note heading (h4) in the Vector chapter. Please review.

--- a/raw/noc_pdf/stylesheets/print.css +++ b/raw/noc_pdf/stylesheets/print.css

@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ ____

    .note h2, .tip, .example h2,
    .note h3, .tip h3, .example h3,
--- .note h4, .tip h4, .example h4 {
+++ .note h4, .tip h4, .example h4, .note h5 {
    font-size: 12pt;
shiffman commented 11 years ago

Closing, see NOC issue: