runemadsen / Magic-Book-Project

DEPRECATED: We are reviving the Magic Book project as a node package:
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remove noc specific code #161

Open ofZach opened 11 years ago

ofZach commented 11 years ago

I'm not sure if I understand how this is setup, but it seems like there's a fair amount of NOC specific code in this, ie:

output_folder = File.join(File.dirname(asciidoc_file), "noc_html")

I just tried to a load a sample asc doc, and I see specific stuff like:

asciidoc: WARNING: test.asc: line 3200: include file not found: /Users/zachlieberman/Documents/book/customers.csv

I will setup the nature of code book to learn how this works, but it might be helpful to abstract out anything that's noc specific and also maybe include a small getting started guide (or example to test the system with).

runemadsen commented 11 years ago

Thanks Zach. Yes, this is definitely needs some more work. However, this repo is mainly an example repo for showing how we render @shiffman's book. The main system is in the asciidoc gem, which is here:

So if you clone down this repo, you should be able to tweak the folder names and template to fit your purposes. But you're so right that we need a ton of documentation, and a better separation of modules.

ofZach commented 11 years ago

that's what i figured -- and I'll use the book to help me understand how this works... It might be helpful to add a few sentences in the description pointing to the book repo and explaining how to test this once you install it.

thanks much!

shiffman commented 11 years ago

Hi Zach!

Yes, it's really been our intention to turn this into a user-friendly gem and/or web app with documentation for a general use. The project is lingering a bit now as everyone is super busy and it probably needs a champion to keep pushing it forward. I hope to return to it more later this spring. One thing that is missing that I'm trying to sort out now is output to Kindle/ePub.

Are you thinking of using it for something? If you find yourself at ITP sometime I'd be happy to walk you through how the pieces work.