runfalk / synology-wireguard

WireGuard support for some Synology NAS drives
MIT License
918 stars 131 forks source link

The package is not compatible with DSM 7.1 on armada38x #143

Closed fabiov64 closed 2 years ago

fabiov64 commented 2 years ago

Description After upgrading to DSM 7.1, running wg-quick causes a segmentation fault Steps to reproduce

$ ssh user@nas
$ sudo wg-quick up wg0

the result is: /usr/local/bin/wg-quick: line 30: 16471 Segmentation fault      "$@"

Then the system becomes unstable and it cannot be shut down properly. Interrupting the power supply is the only way to restart.

**Synology NAS model**


ListenPort = XXXXX
Address =
PrivateKey = 
PostUp =  iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
PreDown = iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

PublicKey = 
AllowedIPs =
mandre00 commented 2 years ago

There is no toolkit for DSM 7.1 available yet.

fabiov64 commented 2 years ago

Yes, I know. But I wanted to warn people not to update DMS if they need wireguard.

regunakyle commented 2 years ago

I think Synology explicitly mentioned that I cannot downgrade DSM 7.1 (maybe implying that downgrading has consequences). Am I stuck with OpenVPN for now?

fabiov64 commented 2 years ago

I think Synology explicitly mentioned that I cannot downgrade DSM 7.1 (maybe implying that downgrading has consequences). Am I stuck with OpenVPN for now?

Yes, you're. Until the toolkit will be released and the compilation of the package will be possible.

digitalface commented 2 years ago

Yes, I know. But I wanted to warn people not to update DMS if they need wireguard.

Thank you for the warning - I had downloaded the 7.1 update for my DS220+ and was about to apply it after checking here for any issues. I use WG daily so can't do without it. I'll stay on 7.0 for now.

allexoll commented 2 years ago

FIY the toolkit is now available for 7.1 (in dev version)

fabiov64 commented 2 years ago

Yes, but all the scripts refer to the version available on SourceForge. And there the 7.1 is not yet available

digitalface commented 2 years ago

you have to change version in a couple of places but most importantly to grab the 7.1 version of pkgscripts. I'm compiling a 7.1 version (hopefully) of Wireguard for DS220+ as we speak.

fabiov64 commented 2 years ago

you have to change version in a couple of places but most importantly to grab the 7.1 version of pkgscripts. I'm compiling a 7.1 version (hopefully) of Wireguard for DS220+ as we speak.

I tried, but probably I did not change the right files. May you share more details ?

digitalface commented 2 years ago

After cloning the .git to synology-wireguard, alter the line in under "Fetch Synology toolchain" to be clone_args="-b DSM7.1" . Under add "7.1" to the VERSIONS string. Then do "sudo docker build -t synobuild . " and follow instructions for your ARCH

My 7.1 spk has finished compiling, now I just have to upgrade my NAS to 7.1 and test.

fabiov64 commented 2 years ago

I already tried that, but the compilation cannot finish:

Cloning into 'pkgscripts-ng'... [2022-06-01 16:23:02,692] INFO: Download... [2022-06-01 16:23:18,686] INFO: Download... [2022-06-01 16:23:28,462] INFO: tar -xhf /toolkit_tarballs/base_env-7.1.txz -C /build_env/ds.armada38x-7.1 tar (child): xz: Cannot exec: No such file or directory tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now Traceback (most recent call last): File "//pkgscripts-ng/EnvDeploy", line 77, in main(sys.argv[1:]) File "//pkgscripts-ng/EnvDeploy", line 71, in main toolkit.deploy() File "/pkgscripts-ng/include/python/", line 201, in deploy self.deploy_base_env(platform) File "/pkgscripts-ng/include/python/", line 242, in deploy_base_env self.extract( File "/pkgscripts-ng/include/python/", line 239, in extract subprocess.check_call(cmd) File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 369, in check_call raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['tar', '-xhf', '/toolkit_tarballs/base_env-7.1.txz', '-C', '/build_env/ds.armada38x-7.1']' returned non-zero exit status 2.

digitalface commented 2 years ago

I've managed to successfully build and install Wireguard for DSM 7.1 on my DS220+ now and also was able to build an apollolake package for my friends DS218+

Incidentally I tried building your armada38x arch and it failed with an error, not the same error as yours but it didn't complete.

fabiov64 commented 2 years ago

BTW: I'm non more able to compile neither the 7.0 version. I always get the same error as above. I tried on both a MacOs and Ubuntu x64 machines. Probably something changed in the EnvDeploy script or in the docker defaults and the tarballs files cannot be accessed

mandre00 commented 2 years ago

The same problem occurs with v1000, the toolkit tarballs are pre-downloaded in toolkit_tarballs

synology-wireguard# ll $(pwd)/../toolkit_tarballs |grep 7.1
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1280514456 Jun  2 15:40 base_env-7.1.txz*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  512820572 Jun  2 15:40*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  494598460 Jun  2 15:36 ds.v1000-7.1.env.txz*

docker run -it --rm --privileged --env PACKAGE_ARCH=v1000 --env DSM_VER=7.1 -v $(pwd)/artifacts:/result_spk -v $(pwd)/../toolkit_tarballs:/toolkit_tarballs synobuild
WireGuard version:        1.0.20211208
WireGuard tools version:  1.0.20210914
libmnl version:           1.0.5

Cloning into 'pkgscripts-ng'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 405, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (82/82), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (72/72), done.
remote: Total 405 (delta 58), reused 27 (delta 10), pack-reused 323
Receiving objects: 100% (405/405), 180.42 KiB | 6.68 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (261/261), done.
[2022-06-02 14:15:27,750] ERROR: PlatformNotAvailableError
[2022-06-02 14:15:27,750] ERROR: [v1000] is not available platform.
[2022-06-02 14:15:27,750] ERROR: pkgscripts-ng/EnvDeploy -p v1000 -v 7.1 -t /toolkit_tarballs failed!

Compiling 7.0 for v1000 still works.

synology-wireguard# ll $(pwd)/../toolkit_tarballs |grep 7.0
total 4087720
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1100497292 Jul  6  2021 base_env-7.0.txz*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  357438164 Apr  8 19:22*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  439941476 Apr  8 19:25 ds.v1000-7.0.env.txz*

docker run --rm --privileged --env PACKAGE_ARCH=v1000 --env DSM_VER=7.0 -v $(pwd)/artifacts:/result_spk -v $(pwd)/../toolkit_tarballs:/toolkit_tarballs synobuild

----------------- Time cost statistics -----------------
Time cost: 00:00:17 [Build-->WireGuard]

1 projects, 0 failed, 0 blocked.
Install log
[INFO] projectList=WireGuard
[INFO] Start to install WireGuard.
[ENV] Using 64bit environment.
[INFO] Execute install script: //source/WireGuard/SynoBuildConf/install
tar -xf wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914.tar.xz
tar -xf wireguard-linux-compat-1.0.20211208.tar.xz
patch wireguard-linux-compat-1.0.20211208/src/netlink.c /source/WireGuard/patch/netlink.patch
patching file wireguard-linux-compat-1.0.20211208/src/netlink.c
patch wireguard-linux-compat-1.0.20211208/src/peerlookup.c /source/WireGuard/patch/peerlookup.patch
patching file wireguard-linux-compat-1.0.20211208/src/peerlookup.c
mkdir -p /tmp/_package_tgz/wireguard/
install wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914/src/wg /tmp/_package_tgz/wireguard/
install wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914/wg-quick /tmp/_package_tgz/wireguard/
install wireguard-linux-compat-1.0.20211208/src/wireguard.ko /tmp/_package_tgz/wireguard/
install /source/WireGuard/wireguard/wg-autostart /tmp/_package_tgz/wireguard/
ls /tmp/_package_tgz | tar cJf /tmp/_test_spk/package.tgz -C /tmp/_package_tgz -T /dev/stdin
'scripts/start' -> '/tmp/_test_spk/scripts/start'
'scripts/start-stop-status' -> '/tmp/_test_spk/scripts/start-stop-status'
'conf/privilege' -> '/tmp/_test_spk/conf/privilege'
'conf/resource' -> '/tmp/_test_spk/conf/resource'
'conf/systemd' -> '/tmp/_test_spk/conf/systemd'
'conf/systemd/pkg-wg-quick@.service' -> '/tmp/_test_spk/conf/systemd/pkg-wg-quick@.service'
'PACKAGE_ICON_256.PNG' -> '/tmp/_test_spk/PACKAGE_ICON_256.PNG'
creating package: WireGuard-v1000-1.0.20211208.spk
source:           /tmp/_test_spk
destination:      /image/packages/WireGuard-v1000-1.0.20211208.spk
[WARNING] /tmp/_install is empty!
[INFO] Install WireGuard finished!
1 projects, 0 failed, 0 blocked.

[INFO] Finished SynoInstall script.
mandre00 commented 2 years ago

Ok I found the problem too, maybe I should have read the other posts first too... It's the wrong pkgscripts-ng version.

To Fix this do the following in

diff --git a/ b/
index 4a1afc0..57a2d32 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ if [[ ! -d /pkgscripts-ng ]] || [ -z "$(ls -A /pkgscripts-ng)" ]; then
     # If the DSM version is 7.0, use the DSM7.0 branch of pkgscripts-ng
     if [[ "$DSM_VER" =~ ^7\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then
-        clone_args="-b DSM7.0"
+        clone_args="-b DSM$DSM_VER"
         export PRODUCT="DSM"
     git clone ${clone_args}

after that rebuild the image

docker build -t synobuild .

Now you should be able to build the module with version 7.1

I didn't test the module yet because my DS1821+ is still running with DSM7.0 but I'll test it in the next months.

fabiov64 commented 2 years ago

I solved the issue of above. The docker image created following the instructions does not contain the xz executable and then the tar command fails. In oder to fix, I modified the Dockerfile, adding the xz-utils to the list of packages to be installed. I'm compiling on Mac OS or on Windows. After doing that, I was able to compile the 7.0 on armada38x. In the past it worked without any modification. I suspect something changed in the ubuntu image used as base for arm and x64 architectures. Also the compilation of 7.1 on armada38x is successful. Now I'll test on the NAS

fabiov64 commented 2 years ago

… and it seems working !

Jerdle commented 2 years ago

@digitalface could you link your DS220+ 7.1 build? I made the same changes you suggested but keep getting this error even running as root:

/pkgscripts-ng/include/check: line 93: /dev/null: Permission denied ERROR: This script must be run as root

Just bought my NAS so no choice on DSM version :(

digitalface commented 2 years ago

@digitalface could you link your DS220+ 7.1 build? I made the same changes you suggested but keep getting this error even running as root:

/pkgscripts-ng/include/check: line 93: /dev/null: Permission denied ERROR: This script must be run as root

Just bought my NAS so no choice on DSM version :(

Sure, I'll do it tomorrow when I'm back at my computer.

digitalface commented 2 years ago

@digitalface could you link your DS220+ 7.1 build? I made the same changes you suggested but keep getting this error even running as root:

/pkgscripts-ng/include/check: line 93: /dev/null: Permission denied ERROR: This script must be run as root

Just bought my NAS so no choice on DSM version :(

@jerdle do you still need this?

Jerdle commented 2 years ago

@digitalface no finally got it to build on MacOS.. thanks though

james2406 commented 2 years ago

after that rebuild the image

@mandre00 Completely forgot to do that, so thanks for adding that.

jollyjester commented 2 years ago

Just to add if you are building on the synology then this solved it for me

kingname commented 1 year ago

bro, Please tell me how to install wireguard on DS220+ with DSM 7.1

fabiov64 commented 1 year ago

You need to compile it, after modifying the as described here above. After the compilation, you can manually install it using the Package Manager of DSM. For the compilation, please follow the official instructions. You can compile on whatever platform you have (Windows, Linux, MacOs) after installing Docker.

haldi4803 commented 1 year ago

no preBuild packages around somewhere?

Edit: Here