runfalk / synology-wireguard

WireGuard support for some Synology NAS drives
MIT License
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Install failed on DSM7.0.1 (and a fix) #149

Open spcqike opened 2 years ago

spcqike commented 2 years ago

This post is not really a bug, but rather an info for others out there

I compiled WireGuard for my DS116 with its armada38x (I manually applied Fix 130 )

Manual update via package manager failed because the file has a wrong format or something like this.

I tried to install the spk via ssh (synopkg install ), but still no luck.

Than I read that one must delete the old WireGuard installation beforehand.

So what worked for me: Ssh into machine Sudo su - to get root Synopkg list - to show all installed packages Synopkg stop WireGuard-1.0815 (don’t know the real version number, but I had to name WireGuard as it’s listed by synopkg List command) Synopkg uninstall WireGuard-1.0815 Synopkg install /var/packages/WireGuard/scripts/start (as mentioned in how-to)

It took me a while to get behind “stop and delete manually” so maybe this is helpful for some people :)
