runfalk / synology-wireguard

WireGuard support for some Synology NAS drives
MIT License
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Works but high CPU usage and slow speed #191

Open Chapp3rz opened 1 month ago

Chapp3rz commented 1 month ago

I've followed the steps to the letter on both downloading the already created SPK and tried creating my own (seemingly successfully). Previously had this working 100% on another build.

Im going to get my M and Bs wrong here but 20mb instead of 100 (1 gig connection) and CPU goes through the roof.

DS918+ version 7.2.1 update 5 - I installed the 7.2 version.

iptables-restore v1.8.10 (legacy): iptables-restore: unable to initilize table 'raw' - happen on the service is use to connect but I swear this happened on the previous build and it worked fine (low CPU full speed), so may be a red herring.

Can anyone offer any guidance?