runhey / OnmyojiAutoScript

Onmyoji Auto Script | 阴阳师脚本
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.21k stars 137 forks source link

双开刷御魂时两个号都在反复点击打开御魂加成的那个图标,导致触发GameTooManyClickError异常 #164

Closed BigQdd closed 3 days ago

BigQdd commented 6 months ago





  1. 前往 '...'
  2. 点击 '....'
  3. 滑动到 '....'
  4. 出现



相关 Logs

──────────────────────────────────── OROCHI ────────────────────────────────────
2024-01-08 00:35:12.190 |     INFO | [u2.Device]                                
2024-01-08 00:35:12.908 |     INFO | [Screen_size] 1280x720                     
2024-01-08 00:35:12.911 |     INFO | module_path:                               
module_name: script_task                                                        
2024-01-08 00:35:13.771 |     INFO | UI get current page                        
2024-01-08 00:35:13.776 |     INFO | [UI] page_main                             
2024-01-08 00:35:13.778 |     INFO | <<< UI GOTO PAGE_MAIN >>>                  
2024-01-08 00:35:13.784 |     INFO | Page arrive: page_main                     
2024-01-08 00:35:13.786 |     INFO | Open buff                                  
2024-01-08 00:35:14.505 |     INFO | Click ( 368,   71) @ GB_BUFF_1             
2024-01-08 00:35:14.507 |     INFO | <<< MINITOUCH INIT >>>                     
2024-01-08 00:35:14.523 |     INFO | [Device Orientation] 1 (HOME key on the    
2024-01-08 00:35:14.526 |     INFO | Reuse forward:                             
ForwardItem(serial='', local='tcp:20709',                        
2024-01-08 00:35:14.531 |     INFO | v 1                                        
2024-01-08 00:35:14.533 |     INFO | ^ 10 720 1280 0                            
2024-01-08 00:35:14.536 |     INFO | $ 3280                                     
2024-01-08 00:35:14.538 |     INFO | minitouch running on port: 20709, pid: 3280
2024-01-08 00:35:14.540 |     INFO | max_contact: 10; max_x: 720; max_y: 1280;  
max_pressure: 0                                                                 
2024-01-08 00:35:16.728 |     INFO | Click ( 381,   63) @ GB_BUFF_1             
2024-01-08 00:35:19.047 |     INFO | Click ( 385,   70) @ GB_BUFF_1             
2024-01-08 00:35:21.066 |     INFO | Click ( 385,   42) @ GB_BUFF_1             
2024-01-08 00:35:23.155 |     INFO | Click ( 375,   55) @ GB_BUFF_1             
2024-01-08 00:35:25.301 |     INFO | Click ( 381,   69) @ GB_BUFF_1             
2024-01-08 00:35:27.438 |     INFO | Click ( 372,   39) @ GB_BUFF_1             
2024-01-08 00:35:29.524 |     INFO | Click ( 379,   45) @ GB_BUFF_1             
2024-01-08 00:35:31.956 |     INFO | Click ( 372,   59) @ GB_BUFF_1             
2024-01-08 00:35:34.585 |     INFO | Click ( 391,   38) @ GB_BUFF_1             
2024-01-08 00:35:36.730 |     INFO | Click ( 370,   35) @ GB_BUFF_1             
2024-01-08 00:35:38.746 |  WARNING | Too many click for a button: GB_BUFF_1     
2024-01-08 00:35:38.749 |  WARNING | History click: ['GB_BUFF_1', 'GB_BUFF_1',  
'GB_BUFF_1', 'GB_BUFF_1', 'GB_BUFF_1', 'GB_BUFF_1', 'GB_BUFF_1', 'GB_BUFF_1',   
'GB_BUFF_1', 'GB_BUFF_1', 'GB_BUFF_1', 'GB_BUFF_1']                             
2024-01-08 00:35:38.753 |    ERROR | GameTooManyClickError: Too many click for a
button: GB_BUFF_1                                                               
2024-01-08 00:35:38.757 |  WARNING | Saving error: ./log/error/1704645338757




无标题 Deploy: Git:

URL of AzurLaneAutoScript repository

# [CN user] Use '' for faster and more stable download
# [Other] Use ''
# Branch of Alas
# [Developer] Use 'dev', 'app', etc, to try new features
# [Other] Use 'master', the stable branch
Branch: master
# Filepath of git executable `git.exe`
# [Easy installer] Use './toolkit/Git/mingw64/bin/git.exe'
# [Other] Use you own git
GitExecutable: ./toolkit/Git/mingw64/bin/git.exe
# Set git proxy
# [CN user] Use your local http proxy ({port}) or socks5 proxy (socks5://{port})
# [Other] Use null
GitProxy: null
# Update Alas at startup
# [In most cases] Use true
AutoUpdate: true
# Whether to keep local changes during update
# User settings, logs and screenshots will be kept, no mather this is true or false
# [Developer] Use true, if you modified the code
# [Other] Use false
KeepLocalChanges: false


Filepath of python executable python.exe

# [Easy installer] Use './toolkit/python.exe'
# [Other] Use you own python, and its version should be 3.7.6 64bit
PythonExecutable: ./toolkit/python.exe
# URL of pypi mirror
# [CN user] Use '' for faster and more stable download
# [Other] Use null
# Install dependencies at startup
# [In most cases] Use true
InstallDependencies: true
# Path to requirements.txt
# [In most cases] Use 'requirements.txt'
# [In AidLux] Use './deploy/AidLux/{version}/requirements.txt', version is default to 0.92
RequirementsFile: requirements.txt


Filepath of ADB executable adb.exe

# [Easy installer] Use './toolkit/Lib/site-packages/adbutils/binaries/adb.exe'
# [Other] Use you own latest ADB, but not the ADB in your emulator
AdbExecutable: ./toolkit/Lib/site-packages/adbutils/binaries/adb.exe
# Whether to replace ADB
# Chinese emulators (NoxPlayer, LDPlayer, MemuPlayer, MuMuPlayer) use their own ADB, instead of the latest.
# Different ADB servers will terminate each other at startup, resulting in disconnection.
# For compatibility, we have to replace them all.
# This will do:
#   1. Terminate current ADB server
#   2. Rename ADB from all emulators to *.bak and replace them by the AdbExecutable set above
#   3. Brute-force connect to all available emulator instances
# [In most cases] Use true
# [In few cases] Use false, if you have other programs using ADB.
ReplaceAdb: true
# Brute-force connect to all available emulator instances
# [In most cases] Use true
AutoConnect: true
# Re-install uiautomator2
# [In most cases] Use true
InstallUiautomator2: true


Run Ocr as a service, can reduce memory usage by not import mxnet everytime you start an alas instance

# Whether to use ocr server
# [Default] false
UseOcrServer: false
# Whether to start ocr server when start GUI
# [Default] false
StartOcrServer: false
# Port of ocr server runs by GUI
# [Default] 22268
OcrServerPort: 22268
# Address of ocr server for alas instance to connect
# [Default]


Use auto update and builtin updater feature

# This may cause problem
EnableReload: true
# Check update every X minute
# [Disable] 0
# [Default] 5
CheckUpdateInterval: 5
# Scheduled restart time
# If there are updates, Alas will automatically restart and update at this time every day
# and run all alas instances that running before restarted
# [Disable] null
# [Default] 03:50
AutoRestartTime: 03:50


Enable discord rich presence

DiscordRichPresence: false


Enable remote access (using ssh reverse tunnel serve by

# ! You need to set Password below to enable remote access since everyone can access to your alas if they have your url.
# See here ( for more infomation.
EnableRemoteAccess: false
# Username when login into ssh server
# [Default] null (will generate a random one when startup)
SSHUser: null
# Server to connect
# [Default] null
# [Format] host:port
SSHServer: null
# Filepath of SSH executable `ssh.exe`
# [Default] ssh (find ssh in system PATH)
# If you don't have one, install OpenSSH or download it here (
SSHExecutable: ssh


--host. Host to listen

# [Use IPv6] '::'
# [In most cases] Default to ''
# --port. Port to listen
# You will be able to access webui via `http://{host}:{port}`
# [In most cases] Default to 22267
WebuiPort: 22288
# Language to use on web ui
# 'zh-CN' for Chinese simplified
# 'en-US' for English
# 'ja-JP' for Japanese
# 'zh-TW' for Chinese traditional
Language: zh-CN
# Theme of web ui
# 'default' for light theme
# 'dark' for dark theme
Theme: default
# Follow system DPI scaling
# [In most cases] true
# [In few cases] false to make Alas smaller, if you have a low resolution but high DPI scaling.
DpiScaling: true
# --key. Password of web ui
# Useful when expose Alas to the public network
Password: null
# --cdn. Use jsdelivr cdn for pywebio static files (css, js).
# 'true' for jsdelivr cdn
# 'false' for self host cdn (automatically)
# '' to use custom cdn
CDN: false
# --run. Auto-run specified config when startup
# 'null' default no specified config
# '["alas"]' specified "alas" config
# '["alas","alas2"]' specified "alas" "alas2" configs
Run: null
runhey commented 6 months ago

你,加入了开发群,成为了一名开发者。 至少具备基本的素养是,找到对应的任务,然后debug。 这很显然是图片的识别不到,那大家都能跑通,那你应该考虑自己的电脑问题。 比如说,AMD的显卡锐化,什么什么的渲染的图片,或者你改了模拟器的什么操作,或者你游戏改了什么渲染。

BigQdd commented 6 months ago


liumc625 commented 3 weeks ago
