runoshun / tscompletejob

Vim plugin for typescript code complete
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ignore non-local files #8

Closed prabirshrestha closed 7 years ago

prabirshrestha commented 7 years ago

fixes and Currently gina break when opening a buffer with filetype typescript and tscompletejob enabled.

@lambdalisue suggested that it is a bug in this plugin and not gina so added a simple fix to ignore if the file is not a local file.

lambdalisue commented 7 years ago

Note: To support plugins which does not use a protocol feature (like a plugin which open foo:bar or whatever. e.g. Shougo/vimfiler), filereadable('{bufname}') should be used instead if the plugin can ignore the overhead of calling a function and checking the IO. If author care the overhead, your implementation would be the best while plugins which open a pseudo buffer should use non file protocol on them buffer names.

prabirshrestha commented 7 years ago

@runoshun any updates on this?

prabirshrestha commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the fix. Closing this.